Chapter 436 436-Kingserp’s Adventurous Action


Chapter 436 Chapter436-Kingserp's Adventurous Action

In the elevator of the Great Library, John attempted casual conversation with an NPC next to him, hoping to glean more information.

However, the NPC seemed quite guarded.

"I don't know about the things you're asking. I only know that you saved Storm City from the Mystery Vanguard's attack, and that's why I am willing to help you," the NPC replied to John's inquiries. D

espite John's probing, the NPC skillfully deflected, offering no substantial information.

Frustrated but unable to confront the NPC directly, John remained cautious, unsure whether the NPC was a friend or foe.

The elevator stopped at the sixth floor.

As the Great Library NPC led John to the section storing books related to the Naga, he advised with a smile, "This is where all the books related to the Naga are kept. You can read these books carefully here. After you finish reading, please make sure to return the books to their original places."

Despite feeling a bit apprehensive, John proceeded into the bookshelf area.

However, the moment John stepped into the area, the NPC swiftly closed the elevator behind him.

The friendly demeanor of the NPC had vanished, replaced by a cold and hateful expression.

"Indeed, you are very powerful, but your guard seems a bit too low. Perhaps it's your confidence in yourself that makes you think you can handle any unexpected situation," the NPC said, his voice now filled with cold hostility. John wasn't taken aback by the NPC's actions, having anticipated something like this might happen. "Do you really think this plan of yours will succeed? Do you believe this library can trap me?" John responded calmly.

He had been prepared for such a scenario.

The moment the NPC closed the elevator, John had discreetly placed a substitution scroll inside it.

This scroll ensured that he could return to the elevator at any moment, a strategic move that highlighted John's foresight and adaptability in the face of potential threats.

The NPC in the Great Library revealed a mocking smile.

"Did you think I was unaware of your actions? Your substitution scroll won't be effective here. And I don't expect this library to hold you forever. But it only needs to detain you long enough for our plan to succeed."

After speaking, the NPC activated the elevator, sending it swiftly back to the first floor of the Great Library.

Meanwhile, John surveyed the library, noting the abundance of books about the Naga.

This indicated that the NPC wasn't concerned about him accessing more information on the Naga, suggesting they were not aligned with the Naga tribe or the Mystery forces.

"Could this be an operation by the Dark Faction? It seems I need to share what I know with Adam and Blue Sea," John thought.

Realizing he couldn't immediately escape the library, he decided to inform Adam and Blue Sea for them to take action.

However, when John attempted to use the communication channel, it predictably failed to connect.

Unfazed by this recurring issue, he closed the channel and began considering other ways to escape.

Back on the first floor of the Great Library, the NPC who had trapped John quickly hid in another section of the library.

Hiding there too was another individual – Kingserp.

The man in black said, "Why haven't you taken action yet? Remember our agreement: I would find a way to trap John, and while we have him cornered, you must act as well. Are you having second thoughts? Guild Leader Kingserp, I must remind you that if you back out now, you'll need to return everything we've paid in advance for your revenge, with interest. You should be very aware that this opportunity you have is rare. I think you should not risk taking any other actions. Let's stick to the plan we agreed on!"

The NPC in the Great Library had returned to his original form, shrouded in black clothing.

He was the same person who had approached Kingserp earlier.

Facing the man in black's urging, Kingserp was clearly reluctant.

His task was not complicated, but it was extremely risky.

Kingserp had to take the black box given to him by the man in black to the center of the first floor of the Great Library, where many NPC mages were present.

Although these NPC mages might not be incredibly powerful, their combined strength far exceeded Kingserp's current capabilities.

If Kingserp were detected by these mages during his mission, he would certainly not be able to escape.

Furthermore, there were many guards from Storm City stationed outside the Great Library.

Kingserp had previous encounters with these guards and knew their strength well.

Each guard was as strong as an elite boss.

Kingserp, realizing he couldn't back out of the deal, tried to seek assistance from the man in black.

"Can you draw away the NPC mages on the first floor of the Great Library? If you could do that, it would make my task much easier."

However, the man in black's response was unexpectedly cold and dismissive.

He scoffed, "We had an agreement that you would act on your own. Asking me to distract the NPC mages for you would diminish the success of your solo effort. I won't offer you any further help. You must complete the quest to place the box at the center of the Great Library's first floor. If you continue to waste time, don't blame me for being harsh."

The man in black's impatience was evident, and he made it clear that any further delay from Kingserp might lead to severe consequences.

Feeling the pressure and with no alternative, Kingserp steeled himself for the risky endeavor.

He tucked the black box into his backpack and, after composing himself to appear calm, walked out of the hiding place.

He tried to blend in with the other players, slowly making his way to the center of the Great Library's first floor.

As he moved, Kingserp could feel his heartbeat accelerating.

He had the nagging sensation that he was the center of attention, making him increasingly anxious.

In response, he quickened his pace, hoping to complete his mission before drawing any more attention.

This heightened sense of urgency underscored the perilous nature of his task, with the potential for significant ramifications should he be discovered.

Kingserp's perception was mistaken; the first floor of the Great Library was bustling with players, most of whom paid no attention to him.

Even if some had seen Kingserp before, they couldn't be sure it was indeed him, considering he had been absent for a significant period.

Ironically, it was Kingserp's increasing pace that started to draw attention.

When he hurried past an NPC mage, the mage asked him to slow down, reminding him that the Great Library was a place for quiet reading.

"Could you walk a bit slower? The Great Library is not a place to run around!" the NPC mage reprimanded.

This startled Kingserp, but he quickly composed himself and apologized, "I'm terribly sorry; I have a very important matter to attend to. But I'll slow down, as you suggested, once it's done."

The NPC mage accepted Kingserp's explanation and let him continue on his way, advising him to quickly deal with his urgent matter.

After this unexpected encounter, Kingserp became fully composed, realizing there was no turning back and that his plan must succeed.

With resolute determination, Kingserp reached the center of the Great Library's first floor, carrying the mysterious black box.

The NPC mages looked on with curiosity, unsure of his intentions.

Usually, those who approached them brought scrolls for learning spells, but Kingserp had only a backpack.

As he began to take something out of his backpack, the NPC mages and nearby players watched with growing intrigue, wondering what he was about to do.