Chapter 458 458-Detailed Preparations

Chapter 458 458-Detailed Preparations

John's rare display of concern and the perceived difficulty of the upcoming mission heightened Blue Sea's and Adam's sense of the danger they were about to face.

If John, a top-tier player with formidable strength, anticipated significant risks, the challenge for them seemed almost insurmountable.

"What preparations should we undertake? Could you offer us some advice? You mentioned the considerable dangers we might face, and there's even a possibility of direct conflict with the Naga Queen. If we become enemies with her, the other powerful beings in the Naga Faction will surely attack us too," Adam asked calmly, prioritizing practical preparations over worrying.

Blue Sea looked at Adam, somewhat surprised by his composure.

While Adam, as the leader of the top-tier Genesis Guild, was expected to maintain his cool, Blue Sea, the leader of the Blue Sea Guild, felt a bit more apprehensive.

John nodded, acknowledging the need for thorough preparation: "We need to enhance our equipment and stock up on necessary supplies, especially healing items and scrolls that could give us an edge in combat. I also suggest we recruit more allies if possible. While our guilds are strong, the Naga Faction is not to be underestimated, and we need all the help we can get."

He continued, "Additionally, we should gather as much intelligence as we can about the Naga Faction. Understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and potential strategies will be crucial. Finally, we must be mentally prepared for the worst-case scenario. This mission demands our utmost focus and resilience."

With these preparations in mind, the trio started to plan their journey to the Naga Faction, aware of the formidable challenges that awaited them.

The stakes were high, and their success was far from guaranteed, but they were determined to face whatever lay ahead with courage and strategy.

John's revelation about the unique seal of the Naga Faction and the potential alliance between the Sea God and the Mystery Saint was a significant piece of information.

It dramatically shifted their understanding of the dynamics at play and raised questions about the motivations and alliances of these powerful entities.

"Indeed, the possibility of Sea God collaborating with the Mystery Saint is unsettling, especially for those who draw their power from Sea God, like Blue Sea and his guild," John acknowledged. n./O(-v-/e()L..b-/I/.n

"But the evidence we've seen suggests a complex relationship between these factions and deities. Our understanding of these alliances is limited, and we must be prepared for surprises."

Blue Sea, still processing this information, realized the implications for his guild and their reliance on Sea God's powers.

Adam, meanwhile, was considering the strategic adjustments they would need to make if their scrolls and other magical items were ineffective in Naga territory.

John continued, "Our focus should be on enhancing our physical combat capabilities and strategizing for battles without relying heavily on magical assistance. We also need to be cautious about potential traps or tricks that the Nagas, empowered by these two divine forces, might employ."

The trio started to brainstorm and prepare for their journey, taking into account these new insights.

Their path was fraught with uncertainty, and understanding the complex web of alliances and powers at play was crucial to their success.

John's speculation about the Sea God and the Mystery Saint remained just that – a theory, and he was careful to clarify this to Blue Sea and Adam.

"We can't be sure until we actually go to the Naga Faction. Only then might we get a clearer picture," he explained.

Understanding the need for further observation, Blue Sea decided not to press the matter further.

John then turned the conversation towards their immediate preparations.

"Do you have any other questions? If not, you should head back and start preparing. I need to communicate with some other people and arrange a few more things."

Although SkyStars wanted to continue persuading her, after observing Emma's expression, he realized she would not be swayed by his advice.

So, he naturally quieted down.

After a short wait, John's figure appeared within their line of sight.

SkyStars planned to go out to meet John, but Emma immediately stopped him.

"John is already here, why are we still hiding? Didn't you say that his arrival means we are completely safe?" SkyStars seemed puzzled.

He thought Emma's current approach was a bit strange.

Emma's expression remained unchanged.

She lowered her voice and said, "How do you know that it's not an enemy disguised as him? If it were John, he should know we are hiding here."

SkyStars felt Emma was being overly cautious.

However, being cautious wasn't a bad thing, so he waited alongside Emma for John's arrival.

After a few minutes, John's voice reached their ears: "Why are you still hiding here? Didn't you see me?"

Only then did SkyStars and Emma finally emerge from their hiding place.

Emma walked up to John and said, "I was so cautious because I was following your advice. Didn't you tell me that we would definitely encounter danger and to be more cautious?"

Emma's response left John momentarily at a loss for words, as he indeed remembered saying those words to Emma.

Since John couldn't say much more, he directly changed the subject: "Storm City is temporarily safe now. You can continue to improve your levels in the training field of Storm City. However, I must go to the Naga Faction. There's information related to the Mystery Faction there, and Storm City is about to be attacked by the Mystery Faction."

Initially, John hesitated, unsure whether to share the specific information with Emma and SkyStars.

Although they could be considered his allies, their levels were not very high, and knowing this information seemed unlikely to help John.

However, John ultimately decided to be truthful, believing in being honest with his friends.

If he couldn't trust them, who could he trust?

Emma immediately expressed great concern: "Going to the Naga Faction, you might encounter greater dangers. Don't you care about your own safety at all?"

"I do care about my safety, but if I don't take the risk, who else will? Who else has such strong capabilities besides me? Don't worry anymore. Even if I encounter danger in the Naga Faction, the worst that could happen is my level dropping by one.

I can quickly raise my level again, and since I've decided to go to the Naga Faction, I'm quite confident. You just need to quietly wait for my news. Until I return, don't send me messages unless it's something important, as I might not be able to respond in time. More importantly, someone might impersonate me and send you false messages. Be very careful not to be deceived."

John meticulously arranged everything, ensuring that he had no important unresolved matters before heading to the territory of the Naga Faction.