Chapter 471 471-Detailed Explanation of the Plan

Chapter 471 471-Detailed Explanation of the Plan

John and his companions were naturally very satisfied with the rewards offered by the Naga Queen.

John directly addressed the Naga Queen, saying, "Your Majesty, we all think the rewards you have offered are incredibly generous. We are very pleased with what you have given us. However, as I mentioned earlier, the reason I rushed to the Naga tribe this time is to find clues about the Mystery power. You had previously told me that if I could help you solve the crisis faced by the Naga tribe, then you would offer me assistance."

The Naga Queen nodded in agreement.

As a very rational person, she would of course not lie.

After all, cooperating with John, an adventurer with great strength, would only bring benefits and no disadvantages to their Naga tribe.

"I will certainly keep my promise. However, you must first tell me what your plan is. How can I cooperate with you if I don't even understand your plan?"

The Naga Queen's request was actually very reasonable.

After all, if John was not willing to share his detailed plan, she would naturally be reluctant to cooperate.

"Of course, I will tell you my detailed plan right away. But you must promise not to be too surprised after hearing it," John said.

The Naga Queen nodded with a smile.

Although she did not show any impatience at John's words.

lightsnοvεl But in her heart, the Naga Queen wondered if John was perhaps a bit too arrogant. Continue reading on N0 VêLbIn

She admitted that John's strength was indeed top-notch.

But how could John's plan be so far beyond her expectations?

In her mind, the Naga Queen believed she knew much more information than John did.

Of course, John was unaware of the Naga Queen's inner thoughts.

And even if he knew her true feelings, it would not concern him.

John only needed the Naga Queen's help to complete his plan.

While Storm City had been attacked twice by the Dark Faction, she believed this was simply because it was an important town in the Northern Myst Empire.

"I have some understanding of the events in Storm City. However, I believe I am not as informed as you. So, please explain in detail."

Since the Naga Queen expressed her need for more information, John proceeded to recount the events that had occurred in Storm City.

After learning this information, the Naga Queen appeared slightly worried.

She felt that the attacks on Storm City must have some more hidden and significant reasons behind them.

"You must have realized by now that the attacks on Storm City are not as straightforward as they seem. Even if the Dark Faction planned to attack the Order Faction, it wouldn't make sense to start with Storm City. They could have targeted weaker defenses in the Order Faction's territories, where we might not be able to respond quickly."

John paused, signaling to Adam to bring out the map they had brought with them.

Unfolding the map, John pointed to a specific location and addressed the Naga Queen.

"You should be able to understand the area shown on this map, right? This map displays the region of Sunset Mountain. The forward outpost of Sunset Mountain is quite close to the Dark Realm. I have been to that outpost, and I acquired some additional information there. Although the Dark Faction and the Mystery faction are not openly hostile to each other, they are definitely not likely to cooperate.

The appearance of traces of Mystery power in your Naga tribe suggests that the Dark Faction might soon launch an attack against you. This attack is likely to be much more threatening than any previous ones. My goal is to use this attack by the Dark Faction to understand the exact nature of the relationship between the Dark Faction and the Mystery faction.

If these two factions, both adversaries of our Order Faction, were to unite, the situation we face would be truly desperate. Neither the Northern Myst Empire nor your Naga tribe would be able to safely withstand a joint attack from these two hostile factions."

After outlining his plan, John looked directly at the Naga Queen, waiting for her response.

The Naga Queen's feelings were extremely complicated at the moment.

Although she had known that the Naga tribe would face significant troubles ahead, she hadn't anticipated troubles of such magnitude.

If the Naga tribe were indeed to face a joint attack from the Dark Faction and the Mystery faction, even with John's help, the Naga Queen wasn't sure if they could successfully defend themselves.

"I can cooperate with your plan, but you must promise me one more thing. You must commit to fully assisting our Naga tribe when we face threats. I am very aware that in your previous battle with Shatras, you did not utilize all your strength. I hope that when fighting against hostile factions, you won't hold back."

John readily agreed to the Naga Queen's condition, as this was something he felt he ought to do.

"Absolutely, there's no problem at all! I can agree to your condition! Let's start taking action immediately!"