Chapter 474 474-The Complete Failure of the Ambush

Chapter 474 474-The Complete Failure of the Ambush

Mystery Protector ultimately did not respond to John's words. You can trace the roots of this content at n0v@lbin

Instead, he chose to continue his assault.

He unleashed a series of powerful Arcane spells, which even began to affect the seals on the Defend Wall.

John could feel that the seals on the wall, meant to protect against the Dark Faction, were starting to dissipate.

"What are you doing? If you remove all the seals on the Defend Wall, the Dark Faction might launch another attack. The defenses here are no longer as robust as they used to be. Are you saying that in addition to collaborating with the Mystery faction, you are also working with the Dark Faction? I never expected you to fully align with forces hostile to the Order Faction."

John was somewhat panicked by Mystery Protector's actions.

He could not prevent him from removing all the seals against dark power on the Defend Wall.

He knew that if he attacked Mystery Protector, Darklord would immediately intervene.

Therefore, his primary goal was to first eliminate Darklord.

John's previous remarks were just a ploy to cause a lapse in judgment for Darklord and Mystery Protector.

He anticipated that they would expect him to attack Mystery Protector immediately.

Darklord might not be prepared for all contingencies, giving John the chance to strike while Darklord was off guard and eliminate him.

John's judgment was spot on.

Mystery Protector was on high alert, expecting an attack from John any moment.

However, John suddenly turned and launched an attack on Darklord, catching the latter by surprise.

Darklord was forced to hastily dodge using the power of Mystery.

"John, I overestimated your intelligence before! Do you really think I am your biggest enemy right now? Don't you realize that Mystery Protector is your true adversary?! If his plan succeeds, your Order Faction's Defend Wall will be completely nullified. The Dark Faction will be able to breach through the Defend Wall and attack Storm City. Even if the Mystery Saint doesn't attack directly, your side will have already suffered a complete defeat!"

Through Darklord's words, John realized that Darklord had completely aligned himself with the Mystery faction.

Previously, Darklord had sought to gain some Mystic spells from the Mystery Saint.

However, after acquiring the Mysterious wand and continually receiving support from the Mystery power, he had decided to fully commit to the Mystery faction.

For Darklord, allying with the Mystery faction had a significant advantage – he no longer needed to worry about John's retaliation.

Although John was extremely powerful among players, his strength paled in comparison to the Mystery Saint, a being akin to a deity.

The mystical symbols in Mystery Protector's eyes could very well symbolize the God of Mysteries.

If the opponent indeed harnessed the power of the God of Mysteries, then the [Godslayer] title would naturally provide John with a significant advantage.

John chose not to evade but to confront Mystery Protector head-on, a strategy that proved highly effective.

Mystery Protector had indeed used the power of the God of Mysteries, which resulted in his attacks causing minimal damage to John.

Furthermore, John now possessed power far greater than before.

Apart from ensuring that John could inflict damage on deities in battle, [Godslayer] also allowed him to siphon power from god-like entities.

The attack from Mystery Protector endowed John with a formidable arcane power, which he decided to use against his opponent.

John channeled [Divine Blade] onto his weapon.

With the enhancement of [Divine Blade], he charged fiercely towards Darklord with his weapon.

John was acutely aware that he had to defeat Darklord. Only by doing so could everyone realize that Darklord was a member of the Mystery faction, and only then would Mystery Protector have no room for further excuses.

John understood that simply narrating these events wouldn't necessarily convince Duke Arsena. After all, he was just an adventurer.

Despite having provided considerable help to Storm City, he was still a figure not taken seriously enough.

Unlike John, Mystery Protector was a different story – a Legend Magus and one of the most renowned in the Northern Myst Empire.

In a situation involving both John and Mystery Protector, Duke Arsena would naturally be more inclined to believe Mystery Protector.

John sensed that the troubles ahead of him would only multiply.

However, his adversaries, Mystery Protector and Darklord, didn't feel any relief either.

They both harbored the same thought: their ambush had utterly failed.

Their initial plan was to defeat John completely in this operation, but contrary to their expectations, not only did John withstand their attack, he emerged even stronger.

Now, Mystery Protector and Darklord were contemplating their escape.

They were acutely aware that the unusual situation at Sunset Mountain's Defend Wall would undoubtedly prompt Duke Arsena to hurry to the scene.

If Arsena arrived before they successfully retreated, they would lose any chance of escaping.

Mystery Protector and Darklord exchanged glances, signaling an agreement to coordinate their actions for a swift withdrawal from the battle.