Chapter 476 476-Calmly Seeking a Breakthrough

Chapter 476 Chapter476-Calmly Seeking a Breakthrough

Duke Arsena seemed very satisfied with the explanations provided by Mystery Protector and John.

He nodded with a smile and said, "Your response was incredibly swift, and I must express my gratitude. The news of the Defend Wall being attacked reached me rather late. Had it not been for your efforts, by the time I arrived here, the Defend Wall might have already been overrun by the Dark Realm. There aren't any significant dangers here now, are there? If not, let's quickly return to Storm City. If we continue to stay here at the Defend Wall, Storm City will be left undefended."

Duke Arsena quickly made a judgment.

As two of the three strongest in Storm City, if Mystery Protector and John remained at the Defend Wall, Storm City would lack sufficient defensive forces.

Duke Arsena still remembered the intelligence John had provided earlier: the Mystery Faction was planning an attack on Storm City.

Duke Arsena, while concerned about the safety of the Defend Wall, prioritized the security of his own domain, Storm City. Neither Mystery Protector nor John opposed Duke Arsena's plan. The source of this content can be linked to n0velbin•

For Mystery Protector, it was crucial to return to Storm City as soon as possible.

Having sustained serious injuries, he needed a safe place to recover before his condition worsened.

John's purpose was straightforward.

He needed to relay all the intelligence he had gathered in the Naga tribe to Duke Arsena.

Then, he had to find Adam and Blue Sea.

John himself could not devise a perfect solution to the current predicament.

It was necessary to share the situation with Adam and Blue Sea, seeking their help in formulating a response plan.

Thus, the three of them returned to Storm City together.

Mystery Protector went straight to the Great Library, considering it the best place for his recuperation.

Moreover, the Great Library was very close to Duke Arsena's palace, ensuring quick support from the Duke in case of any attack on Mystery Protector.

John's revelation left both Adam and Blue Sea extremely surprised.

It took them a considerable time to process and recover from the shock of this unexpected news.

John shook his head in response to Adam's question, "Duke Arsena is currently unaware of this. And I can't just tell him directly because I don't think he would believe me. After all, Mystery Protector is a Legend Magus of the Northern Myst Empire and was sent to assist Duke Arsena. Naturally, the Duke would trust Mystery Protector more than an adventurer like me."

John's reasoning made sense to Adam, but he quickly realized a potential flaw in John's approach.

If they couldn't make a breakthrough with Mystery Protector, why not focus on finding Darklord instead?

"We might not be able to deal with Mystery Protector, but what about Darklord? If we find Darklord and get him to reveal evidence of his collaboration with Mystery Protector, we could then convincingly persuade Duke Arsena of Mystery Protector's betrayal."

Adam's suggestion was something John had considered before.

The biggest challenge with this approach was their inability to locate Darklord.

"We really can't find where Darklord currently is. And after the last Guild Battle between Darklord Guild and Blue Sea Guild, Darklord has already moved his guild's headquarters. We have no idea where the new headquarters of Darklord Guild are located. How can we find Darklord if we can't find his guild's headquarters?" John voiced his concerns.

John and Adam discussed for a while but couldn't come up with any solution.

Eventually, all three of them fell silent, pondering their next move in a calm state.

After a period of contemplation, Blue Sea proposed a strategy: "Indeed, we can't directly locate the headquarters of Darklord Guild. But the members of the Darklord Guild must know the location of their headquarters. Shouldn't we try to find a member of the Darklord Guild? Although they are cautious of us, they might not be as guarded against a lower-level player."

John and Adam looked at each other, acknowledging that Blue Sea's plan might be the only feasible one.

The idea of using a lower-level player to gain information from Darklord Guild members could indeed be a promising approach in this intricate situation.

"We must find a lower-level player with no direct connection to us to locate the headquarters of Darklord Guild. This approach minimizes the risk and maximizes the chances of success," Adam elaborated on Blue Sea's suggestion.

In his view, this seemed to be the only viable strategy. John also nodded in agreement.

"Let's proceed with this plan. If the lower-level player can indeed help us succeed, I'm willing to offer him an extra reward. I will also use this time to rest a bit. I plan to stay in Storm City until we locate Darklord Guild's headquarters. I need to ensure that Mystery Protector has no opportunity to set any more traps for me," John said with a stern face.

Both Adam and Blue Sea could clearly sense John's deep anger towards Mystery Protector.

The plan to use a lower-level player was set into motion, marking a cautious but potentially effective step in unraveling the complex web surrounding Darklord Guild and Mystery Protector.