Chapter 486 486-Complete Disbelief

After hearing the information provided by the Mystery Protector, Duke Arsena fell into silence, not making any immediate decision.

He was contemplating whether to proceed to the Naga Tribe as suggested.

In his view, going directly to the Naga Tribe seemed like the best option.

However, this move might worsen the already strained relationship between Storm City and the Naga Tribe.

The Naga Queen had previously sealed off the Naga Tribe, and if they wanted to visit now, they would have to force their way in.

"Do you really think we must enter the Naga Tribe to continue investigating the Mystery Faction? Don't we have any other options?"

Duke Arsena finally looked up and asked the Mystery Protector, hoping for an alternative solution.

However, the Mystery Protector shook his head.

"I don't think there are any other options. But since John is here, maybe you could ask for his opinion?"

The Mystery Protector directed the topic towards John, believing that John's thoughts would align with his own.

"I almost forgot about you. Why haven't you said anything? Since the Mystery Protector has already spoken, what do you think? Should we head to the Naga Tribe immediately?"

John first gave the Mystery Protector a cold look, then slowly spoke to Duke Arsena: "I believe we must go to the Naga Tribe, regardless of whether this clue is true or false. Regardless of whether the Mystery Protector can pose any threat to the Sea God, we can only find out the truth at the Naga Tribe.

Moreover, I think the Naga Queen, after learning this information, would be willing to help us. She should be very concerned about the fate of the Sea God."

John and the Mystery Protector's recommendations ultimately aligned, even though their reasons for such advice differed. Duke Arsena, seeing no other alternative, agreed.

"In that case, let's head directly to the Naga Tribe! I hope the Naga Queen won't be too alarmed by our sudden arrival. I don't want the defensive forces of the Naga Tribe to suffer any losses. After all, I am counting on their support the next time Storm City is attacked."

Duke Arsena's remark was intended to remind both John and the Mystery Protector that no matter what happened at the Naga Tribe, they should avoid any direct confrontation with the Naga Queen.

Naturally, both John and the Mystery Protector nodded in agreement.

Although they each had their own thoughts, they felt that maintaining a friendly relationship with the Naga Queen was crucial for them.

The Sea God is one of the most powerful deities in the Order Faction. Even if he cannot defeat the Mystery Saint, he should be able to escape.

If you have come to our Naga Tribe just to share such preposterous claims, do not be surprised at my lack of hospitality. I don't have time to waste on this.

Leave our Naga Tribe immediately! And let me remind you, trying to manipulate us with false information to get our cooperation will absolutely not work."

The Naga Queen was completely unconvinced by the Mystery Protector's words.

In her view, even if the Sea God couldn't defeat the Mystery Saint, it was unlikely for him to be completely controlled.

The Sea God, virtually invincible in the ocean, was a deity no other could defeat in his domain.

Neither the legends of the Naga Tribe nor those of other marine races mentioned the Sea God ever being defeated.

John had anticipated the Naga Queen's reaction and believed she needed to contemplate the information more thoroughly.

Indeed, during his last visit to the Naga Tribe, John had sensed a strong presence of Mystery power, likely a result of the Mystery Saint's scheming against the Sea God.

"Your Majesty, I urge you to carefully consider the events that have transpired in your tribe. While the Sea God's power is immense, the power displayed by the Mystery Saint might not be all he possesses. He could have other, even more formidable powers. Have none of your tribe members been affected by such exceptional powers?

I believe we need to be extremely cautious about this matter. Moreover, we must inform you of another incident – Iceburg Castle was recently attacked by Mystery monsters. Do you think the Naga Tribe will never face an attack from these Mystery monsters? We must ensure that your tribe is free from any creatures influenced by Mystery power. This is the only way to truly guarantee the safety of the Naga Tribe. Please reconsider what I've said."

John felt that the Mystery Protector was unlikely to persuade the Naga Queen to heed their advice.

So, without further hesitation, he interjected and expressed his own view.

After hearing John's words, the Naga Queen's expression changed somewhat.

She considered the possibility of John's claims.

She had collaborated with John before and believed he wouldn't deceive her, at least not until his own goals were achieved.

"What you say does make some sense. However, I had previously allowed you and the Mystery Protector to stay in our tribe.

It seemed you didn't find any other clues related to the Mystery power then. Are you saying that this time you will be able to find these clues?"This content has its origins in n0v£lbin★