Chapter 489 489-The Naga Queen’s Rescue

Chapter 489 Chapter489-The Naga Queen's Rescue

Despite the flurry of thoughts and concerns about the situation possibly being another trap, John knew that under the current circumstances, he had no choice but to cooperate with the others to quickly eliminate Mystery Vanguard.

Without resolving this immediate threat, he wouldn't have the opportunity to investigate further.

After Duke Arsena had laid out their strategy, as a Paladin, he naturally took the lead in the attack.

With his formidable defensive capabilities, he was well-suited to withstand the frontal assaults of Mystery Vanguard.

This would allow the other three to launch a full-scale attack on Mystery Vanguard while it was distracted by Arsena.

Duke Arsena believed that the combined strength of John and Mystery Protector was formidable enough.

As long as their coordination was seamless, they could swiftly defeat Mystery Vanguard.

Despite some animosity between John and Mystery Protector, their goals aligned under the current circumstances.

Mystery Protector's surprised expression didn't seem entirely feigned.

"I'll attack from the left, you attack from the right! Although I haven't fought Mystery Vanguard before, I believe it cannot handle attacks from three directions simultaneously!"

Mystery Protector quickly shared his battle plan with John. Seeing no issue with the plan, John nodded in agreement and began to execute the strategy as discussed. Trace the roots of this material to n0v★lbin

Their coordinated efforts were crucial in dealing with the formidable enemy before them, as each played their part in the unfolding battle.

Mystery Protector transformed into a radiant blue light, pulsating with immense Arcane power.

John, while engaging Mystery Vanguard, also carefully observed the combat techniques of the others.

After all, these individuals might soon become his adversaries.

With Mystery Protector and John attacking simultaneously, Shatras, as a Legend Magus, was not just a spectator.

She first stabilized her condition and then transformed into an energy body composed entirely of water elements.

This energy body continuously emitted powerful spells imbued with the Power of the Sea God.

Under the concerted effort of the four, Mystery Vanguard seemed unable to advance further.

This provided a slight sense of relief to the group.

"It seems our coordination is quite perfect! We must not give Mystery Vanguard any chance to recover. Let's launch a full-force attack and eliminate it!"

John was quite satisfied with their teamwork in the battle and reminded everyone not to let their guard down.

They had to eliminate Mystery Vanguard as soon as possible.

Indeed, Mystery Vanguard had successfully breached the seals set by John.

Without hesitation, John concentrated a powerful force of the Sea God in his right hand while simultaneously activating his most potent weapon, the Godslayer Sword.

Placing the Godslayer Sword in front of him, its emitted power successfully blocked Mystery Vanguard.

At the same moment, John hurled the concentrated Power of the Sea God from his right hand towards Mystery Vanguard.

The Power of the Sea God merged with the force of the Abyssal Prison to form a massive barrier.

John believed this barrier was strong enough to withstand Mystery Vanguard's assault.

What John was actually waiting for was a more secure opportunity to escape.

The moment the barrier formed, he used a blink spell to quickly increase the distance between himself and Mystery Vanguard.

Mystery Protector and Shatras, witnessing this, believed John had successfully evaded Mystery Vanguard's attack.

However, what happened next shocked everyone present.

Mystery Vanguard, without any hesitation, shattered the barrier set by John and swiftly advanced towards him.

Emerging from the black mist, Mystery Vanguard's immense claw was already hovering before John's eyes.

John was acutely aware that there was no way to evade this attack from Mystery Vanguard.

Even if Mystery Protector and Shatras were willing to assist, they lacked the time to deploy their skills effectively.

John braced himself for a severe injury, aware that if the others were unwilling to intervene, he might even be killed by Mystery Vanguard.

Shatras, Mystery Protector, and Duke Arsena shared the same thought, although their emotions differed.

Shatras and Duke Arsena were visibly worried, while Mystery Protector seemed to find a grim satisfaction in the situation.

Mystery Vanguard's claw, charged with the powerful flames of Mystery, swiftly moved towards John's eyes.

John had almost resigned himself to the inevitable, abandoning the thought of escape.

At that critical moment, John suddenly sensed an overwhelming power of the Sea God.

It seemed as if Mystery Vanguard was completely immobilized, its attack halting just one centimeter from John's eyes.

"What are you hesitating for?! I can't hold Mystery Vanguard for long! You must quickly move to a safe location!" came the voice of the Naga Queen from behind John and the others.

Clearly, it was the Naga Queen who had saved John. Heeding her words, John immediately teleported to safety.

The moment John teleported away, Mystery Vanguard resumed its movement.

However, it now faced a formidable onslaught from five top-tier warriors, including the Naga Queen herself.