Chapter 499-Power Rivaling the Gods

499 Chapter499-Power Rivaling the Gods

Nald's sudden appearance amidst the Naga Tribe naturally caused great surprise among all its members. Shatras wanted to inquire about the purpose of Nald's visit.

However, before Shatras could utter a word, Nald had already opened the Book of the Astral Realm. As the book was opened, everyone in the Naga Tribe felt an overwhelmingly powerful force.

In an instant, they were all subjected to a massive mental shock. Even the Naga Queen and the Mystery Protector couldn't immediately regain their composure.

"You are merely insects, unworthy of battling me! The only ones who deserve to fight me are those so-called deities! I want everyone to know that my power surpasses even theirs! One might even say that I am the most powerful deity of all!"

As Nald spoke these words, his expression was one of utter madness. It was evident to everyone that he had been completely overtaken by the power of the Book of the Astral Realm.

Alternatively, it was Nald's madness that allowed the full potential of the Book of the Astral Realm to be unleashed.

Nald chose not to linger within the Naga Tribe, as he deemed every being there as insignificant insects, unworthy of battling him. Using the power of the Book of the Astral Realm, he immediately transported himself to the battlefield of the gods. Upon Nald's arrival, Sea God, John, and the Mystery Saint all sensed a threat.n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

Both the Sea God and the Mystery Saint were well-acquainted with the Book of the Astral Realm. They had never imagined that the book would appear there. John, having limited knowledge about the Book of the Astral Realm, realized that if Nald, armed with the book, dared to battle them, it must be extremely powerful.

"You so-called deities are no longer fit to command me! I will transform all your powers into my own! I am the truly greatest deity in the truest sense!" Nald declared, his tone bordering on insanity. His eyes were bloodshot, and John could see that Nald possessed immensely powerful abilities of various attributes.

Whether it was the power of Holy Light or the power of Mystery, all were present in Nald, and such an immense convergence of power in one individual would naturally lead to madness.

Although Nald was insane, his strength in this state, especially with the support of the Book of the Astral Realm, was incredibly formidable. His mastery of spatial magic had vastly surpassed his previous capabilities.

Nald immediately cast a sealing spell, encapsulating both the Sea God and the Mystery Saint within it. He was resolute in his decision to eliminate John first.

Therefore, John immediately transferred all the scrolls from his backpack into a separate storage box using the game system. By placing the scrolls and weapons he carried into the storage, they would remain safe from any loss, even if he was defeated by an NPC.

While performing these actions, John continuously coordinated with the Sea God. Although the Mystery Saint also desired to eliminate John, he considered getting rid of Nald as a more pressing matter.


Upon breaking the seal, the Mystery Saint immediately deployed the Mystery Barrier, a shield composed entirely of Mystery Power, segregating Nald and John within an enclosed space.

With the combined efforts of John and the Sea God, Nald's attacks failed to achieve quick results.

Nald, facing this situation, seemed immensely angered and once again let out a roar: "Stop playing hide and seek with me! You're just wasting time. You have no chance of defeating me!"

In response to Nald's words, John's expression remained unchanged. He knew that Nald was just trying to provoke him. When facing an opponent stronger than himself, John was absolutely unwilling to engage in a head-on confrontation. He was still pondering if there was a perfect solution to the situation.

As the battle between Nald, John, and the Sea God raged on, the projection of the Mystery Saint finally broke through Nald's seal.

The mood of the Mystery Saint's projection was extremely foul.

The Mystery Saint originally thought he had successfully controlled Nald and never expected Nald to betray him after obtaining the Book of the Astral Realm. Although the Mystery Saint also desired to eliminate John, he considered getting rid of Nald as a more pressing matter.

Upon breaking the seal, the Mystery Saint immediately deployed the Mystery Barrier, a shield composed entirely of Mystery Power, segregating Nald and John within an enclosed space.

John was naturally infuriated by this turn of events, believing that the Mystery Saint was trying to use him as a pawn. If John couldn't escape from the seal quickly, Nald might use the power of the Book of the Astral Realm to eliminate him first.

Nald, also trapped in the enclosed space, was not as composed as John. In his state of extreme madness and loss of rationality, he didn't choose to eliminate John first. Instead, Nald decided to use the power of the Book of the Astral Realm to break through the seal set by the Mystery Saint!

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