Chapter504-Rebuilding the Defend Wall

504 Chapter504-Rebuilding the Defend Wall

John placed a great deal of trust in the words of the Naga Queen. He was well aware that the Mystery Protector would relentlessly discourage others from collaborating with him. "I'm extremely grateful for this clue you've provided. Do you have any more information? If I can learn more about the Mystery Protector, I might be able to devise a better response." Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

John wasn't surprised by this revelation, which seemed to hint to the Naga Queen that there might be more to the story. However, the Naga Queen truly didn't have any additional information.

She shook her head and said, "I don't have more information about the Mystery Protector. After the battle, he quickly returned. If you wish to learn more about him, you should go back to Storm City and seek out Duke Arsena. The Duke is probably preparing for the rebuilding of the Defend Wall at Sunset Mountain for the upcoming Order Faction, in Storm City. The threat from the Dark Faction to the Order Faction is still significant. After successfully dealing with the threat from the Mystery camp, preparations to counter the threat from the Dark Faction are also essential."

The advice from the Naga Queen was indeed very pertinent. Aside from following it, John didn't have many other viable options. Nevertheless, before leaving, John offered some assistance to the Naga tribe. He gifted them some of the divine scrolls he possessed.

"Although these divine scrolls are extremely precious to me, they can be of greater use in your Naga tribe. You can use these valuable scrolls to swiftly complete the repairs of your tribe's buildings. Only by doing so can your tribe independently deal with other threats. If your tribe continuously relies on my assistance, it will consume a lot of my energy."

After expressing these thoughts, John planned to head straight back to Storm City. However, the Naga Queen called out to him again, as she seemed to have something more to say. "Initially, I recognized your strength as among the very top in the world of adventurers, but I truly didn't expect you to gain the Sea God's approval. The advice I can offer you now is quite limited. However, since you've helped our Naga tribe, I naturally want to provide some assistance to you as well. I hope you will be mindful of the actions of other adventurers. As an adventurer yourself, you should be very familiar with them. But it seems you haven't been very vigilant against other adventurers. You are completely different from them; you are willing to help us. I don't want you to face a significant crisis due to a lack of caution against other adventurers."


"Did the Duke mention what he wants to discuss with me?" John asked, slightly taken aback, inquiring if there was any additional information. Betack shook his head, indicating that he didn't know anything more and was also caught off guard when he received the message.

"Alright then, I'll head to Duke Arsena's palace right away. As for my two adventurer companions, they should be safe. After all, the Mystery Saint has been defeated by us, and it's unlikely that the Mystery camp will launch an attack again anytime soon." After saying this, John proceeded directly to Duke Arsena's palace. At the entrance of the palace, he unexpectedly encountered the general who had been in charge of defending the Defend Wall. Both were slightly surprised at their meeting.

"Shouldn't you be at the Defend Wall? Why have you returned to Storm City? Does this mean that the Dark Realm no longer poses any threat to the Defend Wall?" John asked directly. In his view, the situation at the Defend Wall should have been more critical, so he was curious as to why the general had appeared here.

The general responded candidly, "After the previous battle, the Defend Wall has been under reconstruction. However, the progress of the repairs is far from ideal. My visit here is to seek assistance from Duke Arsena, as Storm City likely has more resources. We need to expedite the rebuilding of the Defend Wall. Only once it is restored can we ensure the safety of Storm City. We have observed unusual movements in the Dark Realm. If I'm not mistaken, the Dark Faction might soon launch another attack on the Order Faction."

This information from the general of the Defend Wall's guards put considerable pressure on John. Although he felt he was in good shape, diving into another divine war so soon might prevent him from performing at his previous level of strength.

"In that case, let's go see Duke Arsena right away. The Duke's summons might also be regarding the Defend Wall," John suggested.

Thus, the two of them hurried off to find Duke Arsena.