Chapter 520 -The Inevitable Battle

At the location of the Ocean Sage's seal, John had successfully lifted most of the seal on the Ocean Sage. Now, only the last two seals remained before him, and these were naturally the most difficult to break. One was a space seal, and the other was a mystery seal. The space aspect could be solved using the Book of the Astral Realm, while the mystery seal required John to solve a series of puzzles embedded within it.

After utilizing the Book of the Astral Realm, John could sense the power of the Ocean Sage rapidly returning. Although still under the effects of the seal, the Ocean Sage should now be able to sense external information, implying a possible collaboration with John.

"Ocean Sage, if you can hear me, give me some sign of response. Who I am is not important. You just need to know that I am here to help you break free from your seal."

As John communicated, hoping for the Ocean Sage's cooperation, the critical moment drew nearer. The final steps in breaking the seal were crucial and delicate, and any error could have significant consequences. With the imminent approach of Natasha and the Mystery Protector, a confrontation seemed unavoidable. John had to act swiftly and cautiously to ensure the success of his mission and prepare for the impending battle.

John wasted no time on superfluous words, aware that the situation was not as easy as one might think. He understood that the individual capable of placing such a formidable seal must possess extraordinary strength. Furthermore, he was acutely aware that those who had set the seal would receive notifications during its removal. If he couldn't lift all the seals quickly, he would likely face significant obstacles.

Soon, the Ocean Sage responded: "I am not particularly concerned about who you are. Since you are willing to help me break the seal, I will naturally cooperate with you. I can sense that only the last seal remains on me now. I will start solving some of the puzzles in the mystery seal. You take care of the remaining puzzles. Together, we should be able to lift the last seal quickly. If we are not fast enough, we will soon face formidable enemies."

The Ocean Sage's warning underscored the urgency of their situation. He knew that many would soon attempt to hinder John's efforts. Having agreed upon their plan of action, John and the Ocean Sage began solving the puzzles at the highest speed possible, fully aware that time was of the essence. n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

At that moment, the voice of the Mystery Protector suddenly appeared behind John: "So you've chosen to be our enemy after all? My initial assessment of you was quite accurate!" John turned around to see the Mystery Protector and, beside him, Duke Arsena. There was also another very powerful female warrior present.

"I believe, Duke Arsena, that there might have been some misunderstanding between you and the Ocean Sage in the past. The Ocean Sage should be able to reconcile with you."

Thus, Duke Arsena unsheathed his treasured sword and executed a skill imbued with Holy Light for retribution. Natasha, as a formidable warrior, chose not to rashly follow the Mystery Protector's lead in attacking. Instead, she decided to first strengthen her defenses. After establishing a robust defensive shield, Natasha, armed with her weapon, joined the attack against John.

Facing three powerful opponents simultaneously was a daunting task for John. He had no choice but to temporarily halt his efforts to break the seal and focus on defending against their onslaught.

At the same time, Twilight and Hammer, who had accompanied John to the site, also joined the battle. However, their strength was relatively inferior compared to their adversaries. They couldn't independently counter any of their opponents' attacks, so they opted to focus their efforts on Duke Arsena.

Duke Arsena, who was also inclined to avoid direct combat with John, found himself engaged in an intense battle with Twilight and Hammer. This split in focus provided a dynamic battlefield, with each participant grappling not just with their opponents but also with their own strategies and objectives in this high-stakes conflict.

Although Duke Arsena maintained the upper hand in his battle with Twilight and Hammer, he did not seem in a hurry to defeat these two opponents. He was aware that once he overcame Twilight and Hammer, he would have to directly confront John, an eventuality he seemed keen to delay.

On the other side, John managed to hold his ground relatively well against the combined assault of the Mystery Protector and Natasha. Having a clear understanding of the Mystery Protector's abilities from previous encounters, John focused more on gauging Natasha's strength. Her weapon, Sunset, possessed tremendous Holy Light power. Even without employing any additional skills, the sheer force of the Holy Light emitted with each swing of Sunset was significantly powerful.

This multi-faceted battle was a test of not just physical prowess but also of strategic acumen. Each participant had to constantly adapt their tactics in response to the evolving dynamics of the confrontation. The situation was further complicated by the underlying tensions and differing objectives of each party, turning the battlefield into a chessboard where every move could lead to significant shifts in the balance of power.

John had no choice but to focus the majority of his energy on defending against his opponents. Moreover, due to the flawless coordination between Mystery Protector and Natasha, John found himself gradually falling behind.

Faced with this situation, John wasn't one to sit idly by. He first reinforced his previously unleashed Divine Skill, the Abyssal Prison. He then retrieved the Book of the Astral Realm he had acquired, although he didn't immediately choose to use it. In his view, utilizing the Book of the Astral Realm would mean making enemies of the individuals before him.

After temporarily pushing back Mystery Protector and Natasha, John spoke up, "The battle has been ongoing for some time now, and I believe you can both calm down. I don't wish to continue being your enemy. However, if you insist on launching further attacks, I will have to reveal my true power. Are you both familiar with this Sacred Relic I hold in my hand?!"