Chapter 531 -Battle at South Harbor

After John had everything arranged in Storm City, he teleported directly to South Harbor. The moment he arrived at the harbor, he could feel a very strong dark power emanating from it. Simultaneously, even before his Teleport Spell was complete, he sensed a dark spell coming at him. Instinctively, John cast a defensive spell.

While he successfully ensured his safety, his Teleport Spell was disrupted, and John found himself transported to a location about a dozen miles away from South Harbor. From here, John could see endless demons from the Dark Realm launching an attack in the direction of South Harbor, where a blue defensive shield was in place.

Without much thought, John knew that this blue shield must be the defensive barrier released by Ocean Sage. After some consideration, he decided not to head directly to South Harbor. He could begin by eliminating the demons from the Dark Realm on the outskirts. If he could eliminate most of them, perhaps he could then assist Ocean Sage in lifting the siege on South Harbor.

A highly skilled member of the Order Faction appeared on the outskirts of South Harbor, swiftly dispatching numerous demons from the Dark Faction. This development understandably left the higher-ranking demons within the Dark Faction slightly alarmed. VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The mid-level demon generals positioned just outside South Harbor were genuinely concerned about the current situation. Under the command of Devil, they had initiated an attack on South Harbor with the original intention of swiftly destroying it and wiping out all Order Faction members present here. However, the unexpected arrival of Ocean Sage disrupted their plans. In the demons' original scheme, South Harbor was supposed to be a relatively easy conquest.

"We can't afford to waste any more time here! The Devil's forces are about to launch an attack on Storm City, and we must hurry to join them!" one of the mid-level demon generals exclaimed anxiously, slamming his weapon forcefully onto a stone table. The impact even left a deep crack on the table's surface.

However, the expressions on the faces of the surrounding demon generals appeared conflicted. Each of them had their own thoughts and believed that, given the current circumstances, it was crucial to carefully consider their strategy moving forward.

"Our quest is to conquer this harbor, and if we fail to complete the quest, the Devils will certainly not be pleased. We'll definitely face punishment!" Another demon general expressed his primary concern outright. In his view, they should prioritize fulfilling the orders from the Devils.

The demon generals couldn't make an immediate decision, but they all understood that the situation they were facing would only worsen with time.

"I'm very grateful that you could come here to provide support. I had wanted to send you a message to inform you that South Harbor was under attack, but all the messages I sent were intercepted by the Dark Faction. How did you find out about the attack here?" Ocean Sage inquired.

Ocean Sage bombarded John with a series of questions, but John didn't immediately respond to them. In his view, the most pressing matter at hand was to swiftly eliminate the demon generals surrounding South Harbor.

"Let's discuss all these matters in detail once the crisis is resolved! What's most important right now is to eliminate these demon generals around us as quickly as possible! They are aware of my presence, and they should be ready for battle!" John stated.

Ocean Sage naturally didn't object, as her previous questions were merely a reaction to John's sudden arrival. Just as Ocean Sage agreed to work together with John to first eliminate the demon generals outside South Harbor, the demon generals located them.

"Here's another one who's not afraid of death! Since you're so eager to meet your end here, we'll be happy to oblige!" one of the Destruction attribute demon generals, wielding a massive hammer, let out a terrifying roar. Standing beside him, another Destruction attribute demon general stared at John and Ocean Sage with burning red eyes. Behind them, the Dark Warlock and Dark Magus demon generals prepared to unleash powerful spells.

John cast a sidelong glance at Ocean Sage, hoping she would join him in launching an attack against the demon generals. Ocean Sage nodded in agreement. In that moment, John transformed into a blue light and flew towards the Destruction attribute demon generals.

All the demon generals could sense the formidable power emanating from the blue light that John had transformed into. The Dark Warlock and Dark Magus simultaneously cast dark attribute defensive spells. With the protection of these two defensive spells, the Destruction attribute demon generals believed they could withstand John's attack. However, they had underestimated the situation.

John's attack this time not only utilized the blessing of the Sea God but also employed the Book of the Astral Realm's ability to bypass defenses. This allowed John to disregard the majority of the opponent's defenses. Even with the protection of two powerful dark defensive spells, it was impossible for the Destruction attribute demon generals to easily withstand John's assault.

As John transformed into a blue light to launch his attack, Ocean Sage also activated her prepared skill, "Tidal Wave." Suddenly, the seawater surrounding South Harbor surged like a colossal tsunami, rapidly approaching the demon generals.