535 Chapter535-The Stubborn Ally

Regarding John's request to meet the Naga Queen, Shatras showed a slight hesitation. She was currently unsure if the Naga Queen would agree to meet with John. However, after some contemplation, Shatras finally said to John, "I'm not certain if Her Majesty would want to see you, but I will still take you to her. The Queen is not in the best of states right now, and I believe she might be under the influence of the Mystery power."

Shatras openly shared the possibility of the Naga Queen being influenced by the Mystery power, which slightly surprised John. In his view, such information seemed like a significant secret concerning the Naga Queen. Shatras appeared to notice John's thoughts and smiled faintly, saying, "If it were someone else, I certainly wouldn't disclose the Queen's current condition. But you are different from the others; you have provided a lot of assistance to the Naga tribe in the past. I believe you would never betray our tribe.

Moreover, what's more important is that our Naga tribe might face dangers ahead, and we will need your additional support. In such a situation, I naturally have to place my trust in you." John did not object to Shatras's words. After all, he had already promised to provide assistance to the Naga tribe.

Under Shatras's guidance, John successfully met with the Naga Queen. He could tell that the Naga Queen was indeed not in a good state. Perhaps she had used all her strength to activate the Naga tribe's defensive formations, or maybe, as Shatras, the tribe's chief magus, had mentioned, she was under the influence of the Mystery power.

"I've heard that you have successfully eliminated all the Mystery monsters within our tribe. I must express my gratitude to you, as you were willing to offer us assistance even when Storm City faced such a grave crisis."

The Naga Queen first expressed her gratitude to John. She was genuinely thankful to him because, in her view, had she been in John's situation, she would definitely not have come to the Naga tribe's aid.

"You don't need to thank me specially, as we had already agreed beforehand. If the Naga tribe were attacked, I would provide support. Similarly, if Storm City and South Harbor were attacked, you would have to help us. Now that the Naga tribe faces no further dangers, you should join me in supporting Storm City," John stated, waiting for the Naga Queen's response.

However, the Naga Queen did not immediately answer. She just glanced at John and then slowly shook her head.

John, after some thought, found no argument against Shatras's reasoning. Given the current situation, Storm City indeed needed all the strength it could get for protection.

Thus, John and Shatras used a teleportation point to return directly to Storm City. At the same time they left the Naga tribe, the Naga Queen gathered other strong individuals within the tribe. The Queen intended to use this opportunity to eliminate other marine threats surrounding the Naga tribe.

"Now that we no longer need to worry about the threats from the Dark Faction and the Mystery camp, we can finally eliminate all other marine creatures around us. These marine creatures have posed a certain threat to our Naga in the past. If we don't take this opportunity to eliminate these hostile marine creatures, it might be difficult to find another chance."

The tone in which the Naga Queen spoke now was significantly more serious than before, as the operation at hand was of paramount importance to the Naga tribe. Any mishap in this endeavor could lead to a substantial crisis for the tribe. None of the other strong members of the tribe opposed this, believing it to be an opportune moment.

However, one individual stepped forward, suggesting that perhaps addressing the threat from the Dark Faction should take precedence, given that the Naga tribe was, after all, a part of the Order Faction. "Your Majesty, do we really need to act alone at this time? If our independent actions anger the other members of the Order Faction, what should we do then? Duke Arsena has always been somewhat hostile towards us. If he truly breaks ties with us, our Naga tribe will face significant pressure afterward."

After hearing these concerns, the Naga Queen smiled slightly. In her view, Duke Arsena would soon be embroiled in a series of troubles, leaving him no time to target the Naga tribe.

"You need not worry about this matter. In fact, Duke Arsena will undoubtedly face more troubles soon. He will have to rely on others for assistance. If he really chooses to cause trouble for our Naga tribe, we possess formidable strength to handle such unexpected situations. After all, when you eliminate the hostile marine creatures around us, you won't face significant threats. Meanwhile, Storm City will surely lose a lot of its strength in the defense process. By then, Duke Arsena will be incapable of targeting us. Perhaps, we might even gain a significant advantage over Storm City in the aftermath."

The Naga Queen's words finally reassured the other members of the Naga tribe, who then began their final preparations for the operation. However, after everyone had left, the expression on the Naga Queen's face subtly changed. The look of ease and confidence she had previously shown was no longer present.

Deep inside, the Naga Queen seemed to harbor significant worries, but no one knew the exact nature of her concerns. She chose to keep these secrets buried deep within her heart.