Chapter 542 -The Long-Awaited Mastermind

Chapter 542 -The Long-Awaited Mastermind

The battle on the walls of Storm City was still raging, while the fighting within the city had only just begun. Inside the Great Library, Kingserp and the Mystery Protector were engaged in a game of hide and seek.

After transforming into a mouse, Kingserp had hidden himself in the shadows. His first priority was to understand the defensive spells in place within the Great Library.

After careful observation, Kingserp confirmed that there were no defensive spells to be found. What truly posed a challenge to Kingserp was the presence of other individuals.

One of them was exceptionally powerful, and their malicious intent was glaringly obvious. However, Kingserp had no knowledge of who within the Great Library held such animosity towards him.

"Those against me can only be members of the Order Faction, right? Haven't most of the Order Faction already gone to the city walls to fend off the demon's assault? Why is there such a formidable member of the Order Faction here in the Great Library? What is their purpose for not participating in the defense against the demons and instead causing trouble here?"

Kingserp's mind was filled with a series of questions. He didn't know why the other person had appeared here, nor did he understand their intentions. However, one thing was clear to him - the other person definitely wanted to eliminate him. So, Kingserp had no intention of taking any additional actions.

He hoped to remain hidden within the Great Library. In his view, as long as he could hide for a long enough time, the other person would eventually lose patience. Moreover, the Dark Faction's plan was on the verge of success. Once the Dark Faction's plan succeeded, Kingserp wouldn't need to worry about any other threats.

Because Kingserp had long since joined the Dark Faction, he was confident that the demons of the Dark Faction would provide him with assistance.

While Kingserp was contemplating these matters, he suddenly sensed a very powerful magical force nearby. Kingserp knew that this was definitely the magic being used by the person who wanted to eliminate him.

Once again, Kingserp employed the abilities he possessed as a Dark Druid. He concealed the mouse form he had transformed into within the darkness and held his breath, ensuring that the other person would have no way of detecting him.

The conversation between Darklord and Mystery Protector had merely been a deliberate exchange of unimportant information. Their real purpose was to buy more time to pinpoint Kingserp's exact location.

For both Darklord and Mystery Protector, Kingserp posed a certain level of threat. They didn't want anyone else to discover their plans with the Mystery Saint.

Mystery Protector didn't move as fast as Darklord, but after Darklord took action, Mystery Protector also managed to identify Kingserp's precise location.

Thus, Mystery Protector and Darklord continued their pursuit of Kingserp, while Kingserp chose to escape deeper into the Great Library.

The chase led the three of them to the very bottom of the Great Library, and the person most familiar with this area was Mystery Protector.

The black mist that Kingserp had transformed into was directly blocked by the defensive enchantment at the bottom, which Kingserp recognized immediately as the defensive enchantment of the Storm City's walls within the Great Library.

In that moment, he realized that his previous actions had been utterly meaningless. The scrolls he had used hadn't damaged the defenses of the Storm City walls at all. The rapid collapse of the Storm City walls had only occurred because someone had disrupted the defensive enchantment within the Great Library. Kingserp felt trapped by this situation.

At that moment, Darklord's voice appeared in Kingserp's mind: "You should now understand why this situation has unfolded as it has, right? But you've realized it a bit too late. I must remind you of one thing - the Dark Faction will never achieve ultimate victory; only our Mystery faction will achieve that."

As Darklord spoke, he slowly emerged from the shadows. Darklord didn't seem to have immediate plans to eliminate Kingserp, as he saw value in keeping Kingserp alive.

Darklord's appearance made Kingserp's expression turn extremely sinister. Kingserp viewed Darklord as someone who had betrayed him before. If John was the person Kingserp hated the most, then Darklord would easily rank among the top three.

"Don't look at me with that expression. This time, I'm not here to eliminate you. I'm here to propose cooperation. Because John will undoubtedly eliminate Corruptor next. Without Corruptor, your plans won't stand a chance of success. You have to cooperate with me to ensure your safety."

As Darklord spoke, Mystery Protector also arrived at the bottom of the Great Library. Mystery Protector's expression was a mix of uncertainty and darkness as he observed the current situation.

Mystery Protector was very eager to eliminate Kingserp because he believed Kingserp possessed too much information. However, Darklord's actions indicated that he did not want to eliminate Kingserp. Mystery Protector also recognized that his own strength was not significantly greater than Darklord's. If he chose to oppose Darklord, he might not even be able to win. In the end, Mystery Protector decided to continue monitoring the situation. Perhaps there were still some pieces of information he didn't know about.