Chapter 564 The Naga Queen’s Understanding

Chapter 564 The Naga Queen's Understanding

He had to successfully persuade the Naga Queen.

If the Naga Queen continued to believe that John was not qualified to possess the Book of the Astral Realm, he might not be able to cooperate with the Naga Tribe in the future.

Without much delay, John communicated briefly with Adam and Blue Sea and then headed directly to the teleportation point in Storm City.

He used the teleportation point to arrive at the Naga Tribe.

Upon sensing the Naga Tribe once again, John was deeply concerned about the situation. New n0vel chapters are published on

While they had successfully eliminated the threat from the Mystery Faction in the recent battle, the Mystery monsters and the Mystery Saint had still inflicted significant damage on the Naga Tribe.

The defenses around the periphery of the Naga Tribe and the structures at the entrance had all been destroyed.

Although the core structures of the Naga Tribe and the magic arrays surrounding the Naga Queen's palace were unharmed, rebuilding the outer defenses and entrance structures would still require a considerable amount of time for the Naga Tribe.

Upon his arrival at the Naga Tribe, John was immediately spotted by a Naga guard he recognized.

The guard chose to escort him directly to the Naga Queen's side.

When John saw the Naga Queen again, his expression remained remarkably calm.

The Naga Queen merely glanced at John without saying anything.

By her side, Shatras sensed that something might be amiss between the two, so he was the first to break the silence.

"While our Naga Tribe has successfully defeated the threat from the Mystery Faction, we've also suffered significant losses in the process," Shatras began.

"Afterward, we may not be able to provide any further assistance to you. Until we have repaired all the structures in our tribe, we may not have the means to deploy any forces to aid you against the Dark Faction or the Mystery Faction."

If Sea God had recognized John, then the Naga Tribe had no choice but to acknowledge him as well.

After a considerable pause, the Naga Queen nodded and said to John, "Since you have gained Sea God's recognition, our Naga Tribe will acknowledge your strength as well. Having the Book of the Astral Realm in your hands is undoubtedly safer than in the hands of others. I have a feeling that your strength surpasses that of others, and you are more trustworthy."

In the end, the Naga Queen chose to continue following Sea God and acknowledged John's possession of the Book of the Astral Realm.

She also decided to offer assistance to John in the future.

"Your understanding is appreciated," John replied to the Naga Queen. "While it's true that Mystery's forces have been significantly weakened in previous battles, it's not just about gathering information on Mystery. I also seek to understand the broader threats and challenges we may face. The Book of the Astral Realm holds secrets that could be valuable in that regard."

John wanted to convey to the Naga Queen that his quest extended beyond the immediate conflict with Mystery Faction.

There were still many mysteries and dangers in the world, and he aimed to uncover them to protect their interests.

He appreciated the Naga Tribe's willingness to support him and assured them that their collaboration would remain valuable.

"You've actually misunderstood the purpose of my visit to the Naga tribe this time. While it's true that I intend to continue tracking down leads about the Mystery faction, my presence in the Naga tribe is not solely for that purpose.

I came here primarily to ascertain whether the Naga tribe has encountered a significant crisis. If you are facing a major threat, I am here to offer my assistance. On the other hand, I also need to determine whether the Naga tribe is willing to provide further assistance to me. Despite the help I've provided to the Naga tribe, you still suffered consequences during the battles.

I cannot be certain if you might blame me for such occurrences. If you do, perhaps it might be challenging for us to continue our cooperation," John directly expressed his true intentions. In his view, his concerns had to some extent materialized.

After listening to John's words, the Naga Queen smiled and said, "As I mentioned earlier, the Naga tribe will continue to assist you. So, I will now provide you with a crucial lead. I'm not sure what your opinion is of the Mystery Protector. In my perspective, he has harbored some hostility toward you all along."

The mention of the Mystery Protector by the Naga Queen immediately captured John's attention.

After all, John remembered that the Mystery Protector had previously teamed up with Darklord to launch attacks against him.

"I believe the Mystery Protector has had a significant bias against me all along. If he chooses to align with others against me, it might not be an entirely implausible scenario," John replied, acknowledging the possibility.

With John's response, the Naga Queen felt comfortable sharing the information she knew about the Mystery Protector.

"It seems that the Mystery Protector has indeed returned to the Northern Myst Empire, but before his return, he said something to Duke Arsena. He wanted Duke Arsena not to trust you too much, as he believed that cooperating with you would only cause greater harm to the Order Faction."