Chapter 566 Escalating Tensions

His logic was straightforward: both were independent entities capable of determining their own foreign relations, necessitating a mutual respect.

Duke Anton found Howard's attitude towards him both disarming and delightful.

Anton, perceiving Howard as a king of the vast Oungria Kingdom, initially expects an air of superiority in their interaction.

Contrary to his expectations, he finds Howard's demeanor unexpectedly down-to-earth and approachable.

This unexpected congeniality leads Anton to develop a favorable impression of Howard, even nurturing a deliberate intention to forge a closer relationship with him.

Motivated by this newfound admiration, Anton goes to great lengths to please Howard, engaging him in conversation filled with humorous remarks that elicit hearty laughter from the king.

In contrast, Howard's attitude in the conversation is casual and nonchalant, seemingly more out of a desire to pass time before an evening banquet than a genuine interest in the exchange.

Anton, who is no longer a young man at over thirty-five years of age, shares with Howard about a magnificent garden he has created in a place called Wolfernbettle within his Blunrick dukedom.

He describes the garden in vivid detail, boasting of its fountains, ponds, pavilions, and an artificial lake, all of which conjure images of serene beauty in Howard's mind, sparking a sense of envy and admiration.

The garden, Anton reveals, was an expensive venture, almost jeopardizing his military finances.

Yet, he speaks of this with a light-hearted chuckle, suggesting a certain pride and satisfaction in his accomplishment.

Howard, not wishing to dampen Anton's spirits, responds with a half-hearted chuckle, "Oh, really?"

However, the conversation takes a turn as Anton explains the unexpected benefits of constructing the garden.

He shares how the acclaim it received not only enhanced his personal reputation and respect among people but also surprisingly contributed to the stability of the nation.

The garden, it seems, has had a ripple effect, benefiting the country as a whole.

Upon hearing this, Howard's demeanor changes, acknowledging the positive impact of Anton's endeavor with genuine appreciation, "Well, that is indeed quite impressive."

Howard and Anton casually strolled through the Bohemian castle, avoiding the more sensitive areas but freely exploring the rest.

They found themselves in a garden brimming with roses, prompting Anton to comment on the challenges of rose maintenance.

Howard listened, finding Anton's insights quite interesting.

As they talked, Bismarck approached and joined in the conversation.

Howard, initially intending to lightly laugh off the tension, suddenly reconsidered.

He thought that laughing might not be appropriate in this situation and could potentially exacerbate the animosity between the two men.

So there he was, unsure of how to defuse this increasingly charged moment

Riyatt, who happened to arrive at the scene, was inebriated.

Rather than having come deliberately, it seemed more like he stumbled upon the group unintentionally.

With a carefree gait, he swaggered in and, upon turning a corner, saw Bismarck, Howard, and Anton.

He awkwardly smiled at Bismarck and greeted, "Greetings, Prime Minister."

Howard glanced at Bismarck, puzzled, and asked, "Hm? Why did he address you as Prime Minister instead of Duke? Are you now the Prime Minister of Phrus?"

Bismarck acknowledged this, then turned to Riyatt and said, "You did well today, making both within and outside the empire recognize Phrus's valor."

Then, slightly turning back towards Anton, Bismarck added, "Some within the empire, too afraid of death, should realize that Phrus is the only true direction for the empire's resurgence."

Riyatt, rubbing his head and bowing obsequiously, lavished compliments on Bismarck.

Seeing Anton gearing up to retort again, Howard felt this was leading nowhere and perhaps just a waste of time, so he thought about leaving with Anton.

However, at that moment, Queen Elizabeth approached and addressed Bismarck, "The way of life chosen by the people of the empire should be decided by each individual citizen. Why do these western vassals of the empire prefer commerce over warfare?"

"If you can understand that," she continued, "you'll grasp why the Duke of Blunrick is reluctant to join Phrus."

Bismarck's face turned cold as he addressed Queen Elizabeth, "Heh, Your Majesty seems quite knowledgeable about the history of the empire's west. But, if I may speak frankly, this is an internal matter of our empire, and we don't require your commentary."

In such a small corner, where people typically either admired the plants or simply turned back, the situation became perilous when it gathered the powerholders of the Empire, Oungria Kindom, Blunrick, Ing Empire, and Phrus.

It's often said that small nations emphasize diplomacy, but in relative terms, great powers cannot afford to disregard it either.

Howard had not expected that a casual stroll with Anton could lead to such complications.

However, when Bismarck asked Howard for his opinion on the matter, Howard responded, "Firstly, I hope Phrus will join Oli Kingdom in declaring war on Osland Kingdom. If we can seize control of the world-renowned Constantinople Castle, I stand to gain immensely from trade taxes. But let's be clear, the lands on the mainland are tough nuts to crack."

"Every move here affects the whole. Bismarck, if you're so inclined, venture further afield and stop looking back at the empire's heartland. The waters here are deep, and if you're not careful enough, you might find yourself drowning while walking."

Queen Elizabeth added aptly, addressing Bismarck, "Let me add, the largest rain boot factory on the continent is in my city of Ing Empire. Do you grasp what I'm implying?"

After hearing this, Bismarck burst into laughter.

Yet, it seemed that the words of Howard and Elizabeth also instilled some fear in him, prompting him to leave the area with Riyatt.