Chapter 576 549-The Whereabouts of Duke Arsena

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Chapter 576 Chapter549-The Whereabouts of Duke Arsena

On the northern wall of Storm City, Emma was beginning to show signs of fatigue.

In earlier skirmishes, she had successfully collaborated with the Order Faction's guards to repel the demonic onslaught.

Despite her efforts, the demons seemed to be relentless.

Although Emma, as a fire magus, wielded spells that caused area damage, the sheer number of demons was overwhelming.

"You seem to be in quite a poor state now! As an adventurer, your willingness to assist us has been more than enough. I believe it's time for you to take a well-deserved rest. After regaining your optimal condition, you can then continue the fight. Even though the demons continue their assault on the walls, it appears there are no longer any high-level demons among them."

Drill Sergeant Betack addressed Emma directly, his perspective on her having significantly shifted from before.

He no longer saw her as the irresponsible adventurer he had initially thought.

Despite appearing weak at times, Emma had given her all in battle.

Shaking her head, Emma felt she could still continue fighting, believing that persisting in battle was the only way to assist John and ensure Storm City's safety.

"I don't think I'm in too bad shape; I believe I can keep fighting. Besides, continuing to fight is the only way to secure the safety of Storm City."

Emma's response left Drill Sergeant Betack at a loss for words, and his respect for her grew.

With nothing more to say, Betack chose to depart.

He descended from the city wall and headed to the training field of Storm City's guards, where he needed to prepare additional spell scrolls.

The recent battle had depleted their supply significantly.

Without a fresh supply of spell scrolls, they would undoubtedly be at a disadvantage in the upcoming battles.

As Betack gathered more scrolls, he also came across some troubling news.

Members of the Order Faction had not seen Duke Arsena for quite some time, leading some of Storm City's guards to speculate that the Duke might have fled.

"I think the Duke must have fled by now. If not, why wouldn't he come out and fight alongside us?!" one of the Order Faction guards questioned his companion, his face etched with disappointment, feeling abandoned by Duke Arsena.

The other guard didn't respond immediately, unsure of the situation himself.

It was nearly impossible for anyone trapped in this mirror to escape easily.

Within the Mirror of Mystery, all individuals face mirror images of themselves as enemies.

If one mirror image is defeated, more will appear, making escape a formidable challenge.

Furthermore, the Darklord saw additional value in Duke Arsena.

The Duke was privy to other magical formations within Storm City beyond those in the Great Library.

These formations, located in various parts of the city, were as potent as those within the library itself.

The Darklord's plans could be jeopardized if these formations remained active.

Thus, he made a proposition to Duke Arsena: "Of course, I could spare you.

All you need to do is reveal the locations of the other powerful formations within Storm City.

I don't require your assistance to dismantle them.

Just inform me of their whereabouts, and I'll take care of the rest.

This shouldn't be a difficult choice for you.

After all, you likely can't utilize some of these formations anyway, since they were not established by your Northern Myst Empire but were left behind by the mysterious ancient civilization that once inhabited Storm City."

The mention of the ancient civilization made Duke Arsena more hesitant.

He was well aware that the Darklord's claims were true.

The Duke knew how to activate several other formations but was clueless about how to use those left by the ancient civilization, not even understanding their purpose.

However, Duke Arsena was determined not to disclose any information he knew to the enemy, especially not to a faction like the Mystery faction, which posed the greatest threat to the Northern Myst Empire.

While the threat from the Dark Faction to the Northern Myst Empire was overt and apparent, the threat from the Mystery faction was more insidious and hidden.

The Dark Faction could at most deliver a significant blow to the Northern Myst Empire, but the Mystery Saint faction had the power to completely obliterate it.

After all, the saint had already successfully eliminated several Legend Magi of the Northern Myst Empire.

Achieving such significant progress even before revival, the saint could potentially destroy the Northern Myst Empire entirely after being fully resurrected.