Chapter 585 558-The Naga Queen’s Miscalculation

Chapter 585 Chapter558-The Naga Queen's Miscalculation

Upon opening the letter, the Queen's expression shifted from calm to utter shock.

The surrounding Naga nobility could clearly perceive the change in their Queen's demeanor, which undoubtedly signaled that the information contained within the letter was startling.

After reading the letter, the Naga Queen handed it to one of the nobles beside her.

"I have two very important pieces of news to share with you all. The first is that the Dark Faction's assault on Storm City has ultimately failed, and John, the adventurer we encountered before, has defeated two Devils.

Not only did he overcome these Devils, but he also triumphed over another top-tier adventurer in subsequent battles. John's strength far surpasses our initial estimations. We must proceed with utmost caution moving forward."

The Queen's words sent a wave of shock through the Naga nobles present.

They had not anticipated the Dark Faction's efforts to end in failure.

The Naga tribe had initially thought that the Dark Faction would successfully annihilate Storm City, thereby eliminating the threat from the Mystery faction.

This would have positioned the Naga tribe as the most powerful member of the Order Faction in the vicinity, granting them the right to control the surrounding areas.

However, John's assistance in successfully repelling the Dark Faction's threat meant that Storm City retained a power superior to that of the Naga tribe.

Consequently, the Naga tribe remained unable to assert control over Storm City, necessitating continued cooperation with the Ocean Sage of Southern Harbor.

Despite the Ocean Sage wielding the power of Mystery, the Naga tribe had no other options, given their common adversary in Storm City.

With a shared enemy, cooperation between the Naga tribe and the Ocean Sage not only became possible but also essential.

After delivering the first piece of news, the Naga Queen did not immediately proceed to the second.

She understood the need to allow the other Naga nobles time to process the information.

Only after the Naga nobles had discussed the fact that Storm City had successfully thwarted the threat from the Dark Faction did the Naga Queen slowly continue.

"The other very important piece of information is that the Ocean Sage has been severely injured. For the time being, Southern Harbor won't be able to offer us any assistance. Our Naga tribe must face all other dangers alone. Moreover, John will soon be arriving at our Naga tribe. He wishes to discuss future cooperation with us in detail."

The words of the Naga Queen caused even greater panic among the Naga nobility.

In their view, John's arrival at the Naga tribe was unlikely to be for seeking cooperation; it was more probable that he was coming to hold them accountable.

John's victory over the two Devils was not solely due to his own power.

In addition to his own strength, John also relied on the power provided by the Book of the Astral Realm.

More importantly, he had the formidable power bestowed by the Sea God.

Essentially, John had only directly overcome one of the war Devils of darkness.

The other Devil from the Dark Faction was defeated by the power of the Sea God.

Shatras, not fully aware of the specifics, could only recount John's performance during the battle.

After hearing Shatras's account, the Naga Queen finally understood the situation better, especially familiar with the power of the Sea God.

"It seems he didn't rely solely on his own strength to defeat the two Devils from the Dark Faction. He must have used the power of the Sea God to overcome them. Even so, the power he possesses is far beyond my imagination.

He should be heading to our Naga tribe soon, right? Do you know what his plans are next? If I'm not mistaken, such a powerful individual wouldn't just be content with defense. I believe he will definitely launch a counterattack against the Dark Faction."

The Naga Queen had a relatively comprehensive understanding of John.

She could tell from John's previous actions that he was a person who believed in retribution.

Having successfully defended Storm City from the Dark Faction's assault, John would naturally opt to retaliate against the Dark Faction next.

Indeed, John is likely to seek the assistance of the Naga tribe.

Despite his formidable strength, he remains an adventurer, and without the support of the Order Faction, adventurers lack the standing to confront the Dark Faction head-on.

Even the most elite adventurers cannot achieve this on their own.

Shatras's early return was precisely for this reason.

She aims to prevent any conflicts between the Naga tribe and John, understanding the importance of clear communication and alignment in advance to ensure a harmonious collaboration.

"Your Majesty, you are correct in your guess. John indeed plans to launch a counterattack against the Dark Faction, and he hopes that we can provide him with assistance. I believe we must support him, as our Naga tribe is indeed a member of the Order Faction. Moreover, we cannot afford to remain hostile towards John."

Shatras's concerns mirrored those of the Naga Queen.

Without saying much more, the Naga Queen simply nodded in agreement.

Her response provided Shatras with some temporary relief, as it indicated that a direct conflict between the Naga Queen and John was unlikely to occur in the near future.