Chapter 588 561-The Covert Operations of Mystery’s Power

Chapter 588 Chapter561-The Covert Operations of Mystery's Power

With Ocean Sage now tainted by Mystery's power, does this imply that an imminent attack on Storm City by the Mystery forces is on the horizon?

After all, John had once prophesied such an assault on Storm City by the Mystery powers.

Up until the present moment, the prophecy made by John continues to linger in an unfulfilled state, casting a shadow of anticipation and uncertainty over those who are aware of his words.

Intriguingly, every single one of John's prior forecasts has, without exception, unfolded into reality, weaving a tapestry of inevitability that lends a significant weight to his predictions.

This pattern of accuracy leads to a compelling inference that the enigmatic group known only as the Mystery faction harbors intentions of aggression towards Storm City.

It appears they are not acting hastily; rather, they seem to be meticulously calculating, patiently waiting in the shadows for an opportune moment to strike. VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Their strategy suggests a chilling level of deliberation and cunning, indicating that when they finally decide to make their move, it will be with precision and potentially devastating impact, making the unfulfilled prophecy even more ominous in its pending realization.

"You must now meticulously relay to me the details of Mystery's influence. We are faced with threats not only from the Dark Faction but also the Mystery faction. Should Mystery's power grow stronger than before, our priority must shift to combating the force of Mystery."

Ocean Sage's expression remained largely unchanged, seemingly having anticipated John's concerns.

After all, he was well aware of John's keen interest in the Mystery powers.

"You needn't be so tense, for the power of Mystery lies beneath Southern Harbor. I've mentioned before that there is a seal I placed here in Southern Harbor.

My reason for setting this seal was not solely to thwart the advance of the Northern Myst Empire.

More crucially, it was because directly below Southern Harbor lies a very potent Mystery force Sacred Relic.

At that particular juncture, my capabilities fell short of successfully harnessing the formidable energy of the Sacred Relic, which was ceaselessly radiating intense and enigmatic Mystery forces.

These forces, brimming with an indescribable power and an aura of the unknown, presented a potential threat that could not be overlooked.

In a bid to mitigate the risk and prevent the potent and unfathomable energies from wreaking havoc or causing undue distress within the confines of Southern Harbor, a place teeming with life and activity, I was compelled to take decisive action.

Thus, with a heavy heart but a clear understanding of the necessity of my actions for the greater good, I proceeded to seal the Sacred Relic.

Even as a Legend Magus, it seemed unlikely for Ocean Sage to easily relinquish a Sacred Relic.

Noticing the confusion on John's face, Ocean Sage responded with a smile, clarifying John's doubts.

"Of course, I would prefer to have more Sacred Relics. However, I am aware that I cannot successfully control the Sacred Relic of Mystery power beneath Southern Harbor on my own. So, rather than allowing Southern Harbor to be disrupted by the Sacred Relic, it would be better for it to be utilized by you. At least I can trust that you are genuinely willing to assist me.

You have indeed ensured the safety of Southern Harbor before. Consider this as a reward from me; after all, besides providing clues about the Sacred Relic, I am unable to offer you any more substantial rewards."

Ocean Sage's words were sincere.

After pondering for a moment, John decided to take action immediately and asked Hammer to lead him to the entrance of the seal.

Hammer led John through Southern Harbor, an area John hadn't thoroughly explored during his last visit.

This time, under Hammer's guidance, John had the opportunity to closely observe Southern Harbor, which turned out to be much larger than he had anticipated.

The majority of Southern Harbor's structures were concealed underground.

Upon entering the subterranean architecture, Hammer cautioned John, "There are numerous underground structures in Southern Harbor. The seal placed by the sage is in the deepest part. On our way there, it's likely we'll encounter some additional troubles. However, I believe your strength is formidable, and those threats should not concern you.

My reason for this advance warning is merely to prepare you, so you're not overly surprised later. An overly hasty reaction to surprise could cause damage to the structures here in Southern Harbor."

John nodded in acknowledgment of Hammer's words.

He could sense some hostile presences around, but these entities seemed reluctant to launch an immediate attack, likely due to their assessment of John's formidable capabilities.

After Hammer's explanation, John chose to disregard these hostile entities.

He surmised that these presences might just be creatures formed by Mystery power.

Although the monsters conjured by the Mystery power could pose a threat to players of lower levels and some ordinary NPCs, they certainly couldn't endanger John.

Even Hammer and most NPCs in Southern Harbor seemed to consider these Mystery creatures not much of a threat, choosing to let them remain underground.

After all, the seal placed by Ocean Sage was still somewhat effective.

Ocean Sage's seal not only confined the Sacred Relic of Mystery power beneath Southern Harbor but also sealed away the majority of the Mystery monsters.