Chapter 593 566-Complete Preparations

Chapter 593 Chapter566-Complete Preparations

They were enveloped in a palpable air of anticipation, awaiting John's arrival, which was prompted by a cryptic message he had dispatched to them earlier.

"Lady Natasha, I wish to revisit a previous concern," Natasha said, idly flipping through a book beside a shelf.

"Do you truly believe that John can continue to be of significant assistance to us? Despite his past rescues, I remain wary of placing too much trust in an adventurer. Let's not forget, adventurers can accept quests from other factions. It's possible that John is currently undertaking a quest that could be against our interests."

Although Natasha had collaborated effectively with John before, her position as a General of the Northern Myst Empire made her inherently distrustful of adventurers.

Duke Arsena sighed in response to Natasha's words, his thoughts once aligned with hers, even to the extent of testing John.

However, John's actions had been beyond reproach.

He consistently offered support to members of the Order Faction in times of peril, leaving Arsena puzzled as to why an adventurer would act this way.

"Perhaps John genuinely believes that what we stand for is just. It's difficult to explain his consistent support otherwise. Moreover, I've heard that both the Dark Faction and the Mystery Camp have tried to win him over, offering rewards that are no less significant than what we have provided," Duke Arsena pondered, causing Natasha's expression to sour further.

She was nearly convinced that John must have ulterior motives for aiding them.

"Then we should seize this opportunity to question him directly. If he's unwilling to explain why he's been helping us, then perhaps we shouldn't offer our support in return. The risk of venturing into the Dark Realm is simply too great. Unlike adventurers, who can resurrect repeatedly, we cannot. Once eliminated in the Dark Realm, we would be gone forever, with no chance of revival. Even the mightiest of the Northern Myst Empire couldn't resurrect us, as dark power could bind our souls within the Dark Realm," Natasha voiced her true concerns.

Although she had harbored doubts about John, his actions hadn't posed any problems previously, so Natasha hadn't felt the need to dwell on these suspicions.

However, if venturing into the Dark Realm was to be considered, Natasha needed to be absolutely certain that John would be there to support her in times of crisis.

Only then could she feel somewhat reassured.

As the leading general of the Northern Myst Empire, she could not afford to have her soul bound by dark power in the Dark Realm.

This concession came after much hesitation, and it was with a heavy heart that he eventually agreed to allow Natasha to directly confront John with her queries.

After hearing Natasha's question, John turned his gaze towards Duke Arsena, noting the hesitation and concern on his face.

"It seems there's a significant misunderstanding about us adventurers. Indeed, we do seek substantial rewards. However, that doesn't mean we're willing to undertake any quest for the sake of compensation.

At least for me personally, I categorically refuse to execute quests from the Dark Faction or the Mystery Camp. Their quests would undoubtedly pose a great threat to my world. Assisting the Order Faction helps ensure the safety of the world I inhabit."

John's explanation, rather than clarifying Arsena and Natasha's doubts, only deepened their confusion.

They couldn't see how the Dark Faction and the Mystery Camp could impact John's world.

However, both Natasha and Arsena, being high-ranking officials within the Northern Myst Empire, understood that the emergence of adventurers like John had to have a significant underlying reason.

John's statement likely hinted at the fundamental cause of adventurers' appearance.

Given this understanding, they decided not to probe further, realizing John might not disclose the entire truth.

Moreover, John's response had, in a way, addressed their initial concerns.

Natasha nodded, indicating her acceptance.

"There's no need to elaborate further; I've chosen to trust you. I am fully prepared and ready to accompany you to the Dark Realm at any moment. I believe we can overcome any Devil we encounter in the upcoming battles, meaning we have the potential to defeat at least four Devils."

Natasha's tone was undeniably confident, a reflection of her undefeated record in battles.

With Natasha no longer fixated on her concerns, Duke Arsena naturally ceased to dwell on them as well.

He nodded in agreement with John, stating, "I, too, am fully prepared. Let's proceed with our initial plan. We'll head to the Naga tribe to rendezvous with Shatras. After joining forces with Shatras, we'll make our way to the Dark Realm.

I'm eager to gauge the true strength of the Devils there and understand why they believe they can pose such a significant threat to our Order Faction. Moreover, I am compelled to seek vengeance for Storm City! In the previous defense battle, many of Storm City's people fell to the demons of the Dark Realm!"