Chapter 598 571-The Ambiguous Distress Signal

Chapter 598 Chapter571-The Ambiguous Distress Signal

This victory afforded John the opportunity to thoroughly investigate the central structures of Styx town for any clues of significance.

Understanding that Styx town was one of the Dark Faction's player strongholds, John was convinced that important leads were likely hidden within its confines.

Uncovering these could potentially offer deeper insights into the Dark Faction's operations.

Although John had gained some knowledge about the Dark Faction's Devils early into his journey within the "Godslayer" game, he felt his understanding was still limited.

His primary focus now was the central building of Styx town, a towering structure that offered a panoramic view of the entire town.

John remembered sensing the presence of a powerful demon within this building during his previous visit, but now, that overwhelming aura seemed absent.

This absence of demonic presence could indicate a significant shift in the stronghold's status, possibly related to Flame Knight's defeat or other internal dynamics within the Dark Faction.

As John prepared to delve deeper into the heart of Styx town, he remained vigilant, aware that appearances in such a complex conflict could often be deceiving, and the true nature of the town's secrets might be well hidden.

John's discovery of the demon gem emitting powerful dark power atop the central building in Styx town added another layer to the mystery.

The gem's energy matched the aura of the high-level demon John had sensed during his previous visit, suggesting that what he had perceived as a demon might have actually been the gem's formidable power.

John pondered why such a potent demon gem, which should ideally be in the possession of Devils to enhance their ranks, was left in Styx town.

This raised questions about the gem's purpose and its apparent abandonment in a location like this, potentially indicating a deeper strategy or a hidden agenda within the Dark Faction.

The possibility that the gem was protected by the game's system was an intriguing thought, as it would imply certain restrictions on its removal.

Yet, as John picked up the gem, he felt his condition deteriorating rapidly, hinting at the gem's dangerous influence or a protective mechanism in place to deter its unauthorized use.

This immediate adverse effect on John's state upon touching the gem suggested that its power was not only immense but also perilous, potentially designed to ward off or punish those who dared to tamper with it without the necessary precautions or authority.

Upon arrival, he did observe signs of a fierce battle nearby, but the pervasive dark power inherent to the Dark Realm obstructed his vision and even interfered with his Detection spell, preventing him from ascertaining the specifics of the distant conflict.

Aware of the risks yet conscious of the potential danger his allies could be in, John recognized he couldn't afford to delay any longer.

The possibility of Duke Arsena, Natasha, and Shatras falling to a Devil of the Dark Faction was unacceptable, as their loss would not only be a significant blow to their cause but could also lead to severe misunderstandings within the Order Faction.

Misinterpretations of John's actions could lead to allegations of betrayal, casting him as a collaborator with the Dark Faction, which would isolate him and potentially render his previous efforts and achievements moot.

Driven by the urgency of the situation and the need to prevent such disastrous outcomes, John advanced towards the battle.

However, upon nearing the scene, his initial apprehensions were confirmed: he had indeed walked into a trap.

Neither Duke Arsena, Natasha, nor Shatras were present; instead, he was met with Corruptor and two of his demonic generals, feigning combat.

Surrounded by three high-ranking demons, John found himself facing Corruptor, whose smug expression betrayed his confidence in the trap he had meticulously set.

After a prolonged wait, Corruptor had finally ensnared John, a moment he seemed to relish.

Corruptor, distinguishing himself from Flame Knight, boasted of his superior strength, dismissing Flame Knight as ineffective compared to his own formidable power.

With a grand gesture, Corruptor summoned an army of low-tier demons from his four outstretched arms, each demon essentially a living embodiment of dark power magic, far from ordinary.

Faced with the relentless assault of low-tier demons empowered by dark power spells, John's initial defensive strategy, utilizing the Book of the Astral Realm to erect a space seal barrier, was quickly overwhelmed.

The barrier's swift breach by the demons was an unexpected setback, highlighting the formidable nature of Corruptor's summoned forces.

To compound the challenge, the two demon generals accompanying Corruptor launched a synchronized attack on John, engaging him in close combat.

This necessitated John to adeptly navigate between melee and ranged magical combat, a particularly demanding task given the complexity of the "Godslayer" game's controls.

The game's interface required players to switch between entirely different sets of commands for engaging in close-

quarters combat and casting spells from a distance.