Chapter 600 573-The Covert Strategy of Kingserp

Chapter 600 Chapter573-The Covert Strategy of Kingserp

Although traveling to Styx always required some time, the advantage lay in the consistent security of his stronghold, as it was well-known that adventurers in the Dark Realm seldom ventured far from Styx.

Upon returning, Flame Knight was seething with anger.

He felt it was abnormal for Corruptor, his ally, to have not provided assistance.

"I had an agreement with him that he would support me in the battle against John! Why did he fail to fulfill his promise?! Does he truly wish for my defeat in battle to claim my dark power for himself?"

Flame Knight's furious outburst terrified the other demons, who naturally could not respond to his questions. Flame Knight did not expect an answer from them.

In the midst of his rage, a low-ranking demon approached him with a message.

"An adventurer outside requests an urgent audience with you."

Upon hearing the message, Flame Knight's expression grew even more unsightly.

His twelve eyes simultaneously fixed on the low-ranking demon with a terrifying tone. The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

"An adventurer has come to me again?! Haven't I made it clear that no one else is to come here?! Have my orders fallen on deaf ears?!"

Flame Knight's fury was at its peak, especially after his recent defeat in the battle against John and his expectation for these demons to aid him.

Had it not been for his reliance on the dark power these demons could provide for his recovery, he would have obliterated them all, for although their strength was not formidable, their dark power could somewhat heal his wounds.

The low-ranking demon was utterly powerless in the face of Flame Knight's rage.

Yet, he did not simply leave, knowing the adventurer waiting outside Flame Knight's door was from the Dark Faction and not of a low level.

"It might be wise to listen to him. He claims to have a very important plan to discuss with you!"

Already teetering on the edge of his patience, Flame Knight deemed the low-ranking demon's relentless persistence utterly insufferable.

If he were to attack Storm City, John could swiftly return to aid in its defense.

"Your plan is doomed to fail because there's no formidable force to keep John occupied. Even if we succeed in attacking Storm City, he can quickly come back for its defense. Should John manage to defeat us there decisively, we would lose any opportunity for further combat. Being defeated in the Dark Realm is one thing; I can recover quickly with the dark power here. But if we're defeated outside the Dark Realm, I'd have to undergo a lengthy revival process to regain my Devil strength."

As Flame Knight spoke, his expression turned notably disheartened.

He found it humiliating for a Devil of his stature to be cornered into such a predicament by an adventurer.

Kingserp could clearly see Flame Knight's apprehension towards John; without another Devil to distract John, Flame Knight was reluctant to take any action.

Kingserp's visit was intended to bring good news to Flame Knight, specifically that John was currently engaged in battle with Corruptor.

"In fact, John is already fighting another Devil. Although your collaboration with Corruptor did not yield success, Corruptor has taken it upon himself to engage John after your defeat.

John is preoccupied with battling Corruptor, making it impossible for him to return to Storm City promptly. Even if he becomes aware of our actions, Corruptor is unlikely to abandon his fight with John easily. You must be well aware of Corruptor's particular disdain for John. He is determined to use every means at his disposal to eliminate John."

Kingserp's words sparked a glimmer of hope in Flame Knight for a swift turnaround from defeat to victory.

However, as a cautious Devil, Flame Knight wasn't quick to take Kingserp's words at face value.

He decided to verify whether Corruptor was indeed engaged in battle with John.

If Corruptor wasn't fighting John, Flame Knight would immediately eliminate Kingserp for deceit.

If the rumors about John and the Corruptor being entangled in a fierce battle were confirmed, Flame Knight would find himself compelled to reassess the strategic merit of Kingserp's cunning proposal.

The prospect of launching an offensive against Storm City during John's absence presented a tantalizing window of opportunity.

By capitalizing on this moment of vulnerability, Flame Knight envisioned a chance to accomplish what had eluded the Dark Faction for so long: a decisive victory over their adversaries and a significant advancement of their own dark agenda.

This potential shift in the tide of war warranted serious consideration, as it could redefine the balance of power.

A victory over Storm City could grant him an unimaginable amount of dark power, potentially positioning him to surpass other Devils and become the most formidable among them.

This has been Flame Knight's ambition all along; with enough dark power, he could transform into the very embodiment of dark power, the Dark Emperor.