Chapter 611 584-Release of the Faction Quest

Chapter 611 Chapter584-Release of the Faction Quest

He certainly had no fondness for the Ocean Sage, given their fierce battles over the territories belonging to Storm City.

Both had inflicted significant losses on each other.

However, Arsena also recognized the assistance the Ocean Sage had provided in previous conflicts.

Regardless of their past, the Ocean Sage had never sided with the Dark Faction or the Mystery Faction.

After a moment's hesitation, Duke Arsena slowly began, "Regardless, I must acknowledge that he did not turn to our enemies in the end. Now that he has fallen, I will no longer dwell on our past disputes. Storm City has been at peace with Southern Harbor, after all. But now that he has passed, who has taken up the mantle of lordship over Southern Harbor?"

Duke Arsena's question about the new lord of Southern Harbor was inevitable, given his vested interest in the region's ownership.

After a brief pause, John responded, "I can tell you now that the new lord of Southern Harbor is myself. The Ocean Sage designated me as his successor before his passing."

Upon hearing John's declaration, Duke Arsena's expression turned to one of astonishment.

He had not anticipated that an adventurer could become a lord. However, it didn't take long for Arsena to grasp the full picture.

He sighed, perceiving that the Ocean Sage had not forgiven him in the end.

The Ocean Sage's decision to appoint John as the new lord of Southern Harbor was likely a move to prevent Arsena from taking control of the harbor, considering John's formidable strength was sufficient to counter Arsena's threats.

Having come to this understanding, Arsena decided not to dwell on the matter further. He nodded at John, saying, "Now that you are the lord of Southern Harbor, I suppose our territories can support each other. I anticipate we will soon face attacks from hostile factions."

Although Duke Arsena was aware of the Mystery Saint's resurrection, he doubted it would significantly impact the Dark Faction.

He still viewed the Dark Faction as a substantial threat to the Order Faction.

"Do you truly believe the Dark Faction has the capacity to launch an attack against us? I suspect that in the coming period, they'll be fully engaged in dealing with the Mystery Saint. We might even receive related faction quests soon. The Dark Faction will surely seek the aid of players."

Duke Arsena indeed seemed more approachable than Natasha, and his words effectively eased John's prior tension.

John nodded with a smile, "I appreciate your kindness, but I believe the restoration of Southern Harbor won't require your assistance. I can manage the repairs on my own."

Just as John finished speaking, he suddenly received a prompt from the game system:

[Attention all players: Due to significant changes in the key storyline, faction quests will now be issued. All players are advised to review the upcoming faction quests. Players have 48 hours to accept a faction quest. Upon accepting, players must complete their chosen faction quest before the end of the faction conflict storyline, after which they may change their faction allegiance if they wish.]

The game system clarified that each faction would issue its quests, aligning with the upcoming storyline updates about faction conflicts mentioned in the version update notes.

Naturally, John chose not to disclose the details of the game update to Duke Arsena and Natasha.

He mentioned having urgent matters to attend to and promptly excused himself to leave.

After John's departure, the expressions on both Duke Arsena and Natasha's faces turned colder.

They both felt that John was no longer trustworthy.

Natasha spoke directly to Duke Arsena, "I've told you before, John is bound to betray us. Now that he's become the lord of Southern Harbor, it means he will be in competition with you. Do you genuinely believe Southern Harbor and Storm City can coexist peacefully? Have you forgotten what the secret of Storm City truly is?

Now that he's the new lord of Southern Harbor, he'll want to take control of Storm City. Even if he doesn't want to do that now, it's only because he's unaware of Storm City's secret."

Faced with Natasha's remarks, Duke Arsena offered no rebuttal.

Instead, he shook his head calmly, believing that John was not someone who would sever ties with them completely.

"I believe that even if John learns of Feng Baocheng's secret, he won't break with us.

Going forward, I'm sure John will continue to collaborate with us, especially if he truly desires to obtain the most important Sacred Relic within Storm City.

As long as he proposes a fair exchange, I'm willing to provide him with that Sacred Relic.

After all, my goal is to ensure the safety of Storm City, not just to keep that Sacred Relic within Storm City. You're well aware that I myself cannot utilize the Sacred Relic from Storm City."