Chapter 613 586-Players Flocking in Droves

Chapter 613 Chapter586-Players Flocking in Droves

All players saw the faction quests for the three different factions at the first opportunity.

Each faction quest had its own set of advantages and disadvantages from the players' perspective.

However, no player would make a hasty decision; they knew there were other ways to make a more cautious judgment.

The majority headed to the game forums, believing that they could find analyses by top-tier players on the three different faction quests.

Their strategy was well-founded and informed.

Immediately following the announcement of the faction quests, the community's top-tier players and astute analysts wasted no time in dissecting and providing meticulous evaluations of the quests associated with each faction.

Among the plethora of discussions and threads that emerged on the gaming forums, one particular post stood out, pinned prominently for its comprehensive breakdown of the quests.

This post went above and beyond, offering a detailed exposition of the final rewards awaiting players upon the successful completion of the quests for the different factions, serving as a valuable resource for strategizing and decision-making.

[Summary of the Final Rewards for the Three Faction Quests]

[While the descriptions of the quests for the three factions are quite similar, all players must note that the Order Faction's quest is the easiest among the three. However, it also offers the least in terms of rewards.] The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

The quest presented by the Mystery Faction is renowned for its formidable challenge, yet it compensates adventurers with the most lucrative rewards.

Conversely, the Dark Faction's quest occupies a middle ground, balancing its demands and incentives more evenly.

For top-tier players, I would recommend choosing the Mystery Faction's quest.

This is because the Mystery Faction's quest provides an additional opportunity for weapon advancement, which is a rare chance not found elsewhere.

Even in player cities where weapon upgrades are possible, they require a substantial amount of gold coins.

Moreover, it's well known that weapon advancements consume extra magical materials.

The magical materials available to us players are limited.

"You should try to stay calm right now. The Mystery Faction is currently the biggest threat to the Dark Faction, so we're unlikely to face a direct threat from the Mystery Saint. We can use this time to swiftly reinforce our city's defenses. As long as we can repair our city's defenses, we'll stand a fighting chance against either the Mystery Faction or the Dark Faction."

Adam's perspective was straightforward.

He believed it was crucial to remain calm under the current circumstances.

John's panic could potentially worsen their situation.

Adam's words helped John to regain his composure.

However, John felt that Adam might not be fully aware of all the details.

He shared all the information he had previously learned from the Ocean Sage.

After hearing everything, Adam was indeed worried, but his stance remained the same - they needed to stay calm and think things through.

"We're indeed facing a significant crisis, but I don't think our situation is necessarily worse than before. Don't forget, we used to be threatened by the Mystery Protector. Now that the Mystery Protector has fully betrayed the Order Faction, other powerful members of our faction are unlikely to trust him. This means he can't hide behind us, waiting for a chance to stab us in the back anymore. Plus, you've become the new lord of Southern Harbor, meaning you have more allies at your disposal. We can leverage the power of Southern Harbor in our upcoming battles."

Although Adam might not have access to extensive information or possess top-tier strength, he was undoubtedly astute.

He understood the importance of synthesizing all available information to assess the situation comprehensively.

Adam's ability to help John consolidate information significantly eased John's tension.

Once calmer, John responded to Adam, "You're right; our current circumstances do differ significantly from before. However, we can't afford to lower our guard too much. As I've mentioned before, you need to ensure that no one in your guilds joins the Mystery Faction. If they do, you must act swiftly to remove them."

Adam and Blue Sea both nodded in agreement.

They certainly wouldn't allow members of their guilds to join the Mystery Faction, knowing they were already enemies with the Mystery Saint.

"You don't have to worry about that. We're also enemies of the Mystery Saint. When facing an enemy, we'll certainly show no mercy," they assured.

With Adam and Blue Sea's promise, John felt relieved and could focus on contemplating further solutions.

However, after some thought, he had to admit that he couldn't achieve victory on his own.

He needed to seek assistance, and the only ones who could offer him the necessary support were the other powerful figures within the Order Faction.