Chapter 624 597-Still the Lake of Storm City

Chapter 624 Chapter597-Still the Lake of Storm City

?John was indeed unaware of the exact location of Storm Lake; his only association with the term "storm" was limited to Storm City.

The connection between Storm Lake and Storm City was unclear to him at the time.

The humanoid formed of water elements, the legendary warrior Aike, provided the precise coordinates without any delay.

Utilizing his formidable powers, Aike transported John directly to Storm Lake.

John vanished from Crying Valley in an instant, leaving the rest of his team bewildered.

They had not anticipated encountering the legendary warrior Aike during a quest to explore Crying Valley, nor did they expect one of their team members to have such a close and seemingly reliant relationship with Aike.

Following John's disappearance, the remaining members of John's team decided to hastily return to the Naga tribe.

The team leader recognized that without John, their collective strength was significantly diminished.

"Having fully explored Crying Valley, we should return as quickly as possible. I'm sure the others in the Naga tribe are eager to hear of our findings," the team leader stated.

Under the team leader's guidance, all members made their swift exit from Crying Valley.

At the valley's entrance, they encountered the revived, formidable Mystery creatures, whose aim was to eliminate all enemies within Crying Valley.

John's team found themselves embroiled in a tough battle.

Of course, John was oblivious to these events, as he was already at Storm Lake.

As he had speculated, Storm Lake and Storm City were indeed situated in the same vicinity.

Storm City was built upon Storm Lake, transforming the existence of Storm Lake into an underground area of Storm City.

The underground area that John, along with Adam and Blue Sea, had previously ventured to was indeed the remnants of Storm Lake.

Upon reaching the shores of Storm Lake, John felt the immense power of the water elements within the lake.

He began to understand why Duke Arsena had always been so confident in defending Storm City. Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Even without John's assistance, Duke Arsena could likely rely on the mighty power of the water elements to ensure the safety of Storm City.

The Book of the Astral Realm will amplify the chaos inherent to the illusion itself. If the level of chaos becomes too intense, everything you encounter in the illusion will start to lack any logic. You might even be torn apart by the power of the Book of the Astral Realm."

John listened calmly to Aike's words, as he was already aware of the side effects of the Book of the Astral Realm.

He also understood that using the Book of the Astral Realm in an illusion could not be taken lightly.

Yet, for him, the risk was worth taking.

Completing all the quests within the illusion promised significant rewards.

The greater the difficulty of the quest, the higher the rewards would naturally be.

"I'm fully aware, and there's no need for further persuasion. Now that we've reached the final quest, just tell me what it entails. I believe I have the capability to complete it. I'd certainly be grateful for your assistance, but if you're not willing to help, please spare me any further discouraging remarks."

John's stance was resolute.

He had no interest in enduring more pointless talk, as it would only waste more time, which was the very thing he was short on, given the multitude of challenges he was facing.

Acknowledging John's firmness, the legendary warrior Aike nodded and turned his gaze towards the portal he had summoned.

As Aike's eyes emitted a green light, the portal too burst into a green glow.

Under this green luminescence, Storm Lake was enveloped in a serene and shadowy space.

A bridge made of white light formed, connecting John's location to the portal.

"If you wish to complete the final and most challenging quest, step directly into the portal. Within it, you'll face the most formidable enemy you've ever encountered, as well as the adversary you'd least like to confront. There's no point in having second thoughts now; you no longer have the option to quit."

After delivering these words, Aike vanished.

John glanced towards the portal, showing no hesitation, and approached its edge.

He employed a Detection spell to survey the interior of the portal, but as expected, the spell yielded no results.

A formidable barrier existed between the inside and outside of the portal, rendering such attempts futile.

Faced with this situation, John wasn't disheartened.

He understood well that such challenges were common in quests of significant difficulty.

Taking a deep breath, John stepped forward into the portal.