Chapter 638 611-Endless Enemies

Within the labyrinth of the Dark Realm, John, Duke Arsena, and the legendary warrior Aike finally converged.

Upon their reunion, the trio, without any hesitation, followed the guidance of the Book of the Astral Realm, bypassing any Mystery creatures they encountered and rapidly advancing towards the exit of the maze.

As they made their way to the exit, John shared the information he had with Duke Arsena and the legendary warrior Aike.

Aike, the legendary warrior, quickly grasped the sinister scheme of the Mystery sage.

"He must be intending to use this labyrinth to trap us, buying himself more time! If I'm not mistaken, he is currently engaged in battle with the Devils."

Aike's conjecture slightly surprised John.

When he encountered the projection of the Mystery sage, he hadn't considered this possibility.

"Why do you suspect he is battling the Devils? And if he is indeed fighting them, why are we still under the influence of Mystery power?"

Although John had clashed with the Mystery sage on a few occasions, his understanding of the Mystery was still quite superficial.

It was the legendary warrior Aike who possessed a deeper insight into the Mystery.

Thus, John hoped to learn more about the Mystery from Aike. As they continued their brisk pace, Aike detailed the strengths and weaknesses of the Mystery sage.

As the embodiment of Mystery power, the Saint of Mystery can manipulate all forms of Mystery power once he is successfully resurrected.

Setting up a projection anywhere in the Dark Realm poses no challenge for him.

If he is not engaged in battle with a powerful Devil, his projection should inherently possess immense Mystery power, enabling it to more effectively hinder our progress.

The fact that he has not done so suggests he must consolidate all his Mystery power to face a formidable enemy in the Dark Realm, likely the Devils themselves.

Aike, the legendary warrior, provided a flawless explanation that convinced both John and Duke Arsena.

However, they were still uncertain about their next steps.

Should they encounter a battle between the Saint of Mystery and the Devils of the Dark Realm, would it be prudent to assist the Devils of the Dark Realm?New n0vel chapters are published on

After all, in the face of the Saint of Mystery, the Devils and the Order Faction share a common interest.

"Are we to aid the Devils in battle?"

John remained silent, leaving Duke Arsena to voice the question.

After a moment of contemplation, the legendary warrior Aike nodded in agreement.

With a clear understanding of their next course of action, the trio required no further discussion.

They navigated through the labyrinth of the Dark Realm with astonishing speed, taking less than fifteen minutes to traverse it.

"As the embodiment of Mystery power, the Saint of Mystery could manipulate all Mystery forces once successfully resurrected. Setting up a projection anywhere in the Dark Realm posed no issue for him. Had he not engaged in combat with a powerful Devil, he would have surely endowed his projection with formidable Mystery power. This would have significantly hindered our progress. His failure to do so suggests that he must consolidate all his Mystery power to confront a threat within the Dark Realm, the Devils being the only such force capable of demanding his full attention."

fighting due to the book's power.

After pondering deeply, Duke Arsena conceived a potentially "I have a divine scroll of ocean magic. I'll use it to summon a tsunami to wash away all these Mystery creatures! Prepare yourselves for progress through the sea!"

Having said this, Duke Arsena promptly tore the divine scroll.

The moment the scroll was torn, a colossal tsunami surged from the desert of the Dark Realm, obscuring its sky. John, the trio, and the endless Mystery creatures were all engulfed by the tsunami.

Caught in the tsunami, John immediately activated the Blessing of the Sea God.

With the Sea God's blessing, John successfully gained the ability to breathe underwater.

Legendary Warrior Aike's underwater mobility surpassed even John's, which was to be expected since his place of sealing was beneath Storm City, in Storm Lake.

The waters of Storm Lake were far more perilous than the tsunami they now faced.

If Legendary Warrior Aike could handle the dangers of Storm Lake, he could certainly manage any tsunami.

Duke Arsena was the only one who appeared somewhat disheveled by the situation.

Despite having the most preparation time before using the divine scroll, he was not well-versed in underwater maneuvers.

His shortcomings had been exposed during a previous collaboration with John in the Naga tribe.

John had expected Duke Arsena to learn some spells to aid his underwater mobility upon returning to Storm City.

Although Duke Arsena struggled underwater, with the assistance of Legendary Warrior Aike and John, he did not fall behind.

The trio swiftly swam forward through the summoned tsunami.

About half an hour later, they had evaded most of the Mystery creatures and arrived at the heart of the Dark Realm, the Dark Lair. Legendary Warrior Aike gazed coldly towards the Dark Lair, sensing the presence of the Saint of Mystery within.

"Let's not rush forward just yet; we're very close to where the Saint of Mystery resides! He's already aware of our presence!" Legendary Warrior Aike said, gripping his weapon tightly as he spoke.

Duke Arsena and John readied themselves for battle, having already experienced the full force of the Saint of Mystery's projection during their alliance with the Naga tribe.

A resurrected Saint of Mystery would undoubtedly possess even greater power than his projection.

Just as the trio braced for confrontation, the voice of the Saint of Mystery infiltrated their minds.

"Mortals are profoundly foolish," he uttered, a single sentence that noticeably affected the trio's condition.

John, checking his attributes, found his health had decreased by twenty percent.

A mere phrase from the Saint of Mystery inflicted significant damage on John, leading them to wonder about the true extent of the Saint's combat capabilities.

Noticing the change in John's expression, Legendary Warrior Aike spoke with a tinge of melancholy, "The Saint of Mystery's power is immense. In the ancient times, my comrades and I exerted great effort and made huge sacrifices to seal him away. Who could have imagined that he would manipulate the Order Faction's warriors and magi into facilitating his resurrection? We must vanquish the Saint of Mystery once and for all! A second defeat would make any future resurrection exceedingly difficult."

Aike was well aware of the difficulty in defeating the Saint of Mystery, yet his resolve was to face the challenge head-on, never to retreat in the face of adversity.