Chapter 641 614-The Nearly Forgotten Quest

Chapter 641 Chapter614-The Nearly Forgotten Quest

After their discussion, the legendary warrior Aike, along with John and Duke Arsena, decided to part ways.

Given Aike's unfamiliarity with the current era, he needed to explore and understand the present times if he was to find a weapon capable of countering the Saint of Mystery.

Once Aike had departed, John and Duke Arsena also went their separate ways, each having their own matters to attend to.

John's immediate priority was to follow up on the quest he had assigned to Adam and Blue Sea.

He used a Teleport Spell to arrive at the entrance of the Genesis Guild, where Adam was based.

John's arrival was met with great surprise and excitement by the members of the Genesis Guild.

They were already somewhat familiar with him, and although they did not know he was the anonymous player topping the game's leaderboard, they were well aware of his exceptional abilities.

"Are you here to see the guild leader? He just stepped out but should be back in about half an hour."

"I can't wait that long. Please find a way to get him back sooner! If you can't manage that, I'll send him a message myself."

John couldn't afford to wait half an hour for Adam.

Indeed, John had other pressing matters to attend to, particularly a trip to South Harbor.

The thought of South Harbor sparked a sudden realization in John's mind—he had nearly forgotten a quest.

"You don't need to bother your guild leader for me! If he's back in half an hour, then so be it. I have other matters to take care of!"

John left these words behind, not waiting to see if the members of the Genesis Guild had understood him clearly before he teleported away.

John recalled that he had neglected to assist South Harbor.

While he was engaged in the Dark Realm, he had received a distress message from the members of South Harbor.

However, the imminent threat posed by the Saint of Mystery at that time had forced him to put South Harbor's plea on the back burner.

Given that defeating the Saint of Mystery was not an immediate possibility, John knew he should promptly return to defend his territory.

He also had a good idea of who might be attacking his land: his perennial foe Darklord, along with the Mystery Protector who harbored deep-seated hatred towards him.

Eliminating these two adversaries would represent significant progress for John.

Upon teleporting to the teleportation point in South Harbor, John immediately found himself amidst a battle between Darklord and the warriors Twilight and Hammer.

John's arrival dramatically shifted the dynamics of the battlefield.

Darklord's face betrayed a look of panic the moment he saw John.

"How could you possibly be here?! Weren't you in the Dark Realm?!"

severely wounding Mystery Protector, who barely managed to escape using a divine scroll he had saved.

Even then, Mystery Protector's safety was far from assured.

John and Shatras were prepared to fight together. Shatras employed all his Naga spells, creating a barrier of seawater outside the spatial barrier conjured by John.

With two barriers in place, Mystery Protector's escape became exceedingly difficult.

"Even if you two join forces, it's not guaranteed that you'll eliminate me! I have yet to play my trump card!"

Mystery Protector shattered his wand, and from its fragments, a thin slip of paper gently fluttered out.

The moment it appeared, Mystery Protector transformed into a white orb of light.

"Now, I'll show you the true strength of my ultimate form as a Legend Magus!"

The voice of Mystery Protector emanated from the white orb, hinting at the unleashing of his most powerful state.

Though John was somewhat distant from the white orb, he could still sense the immense Arcane power it contained, a testament to the effect of a Sacred Relic.

However, John was unfazed by the prospect of a showdown over the power of Sacred Relics, as he possessed at least three potent ones himself.

A hint of a smile played at the corner of his mouth.

"So, you wish to contest the strength of Sacred Relics with me? Very well, let's see whose Relic holds greater power."

John first brought out the Book of the Astral Realm.

Despite having used it several times in the Dark Realm, he had since stabilized his condition within the sanctity of Arsena's palace in the Astral space.

He was ready to wield the Book in battle once more. As soon as he revealed the Book, the spatial barrier around them significantly intensified, curtailing the Arcane energy emanating from the orb that Mystery Protector had transformed into.

Sensing that something was amiss, Mystery Protector attempted to teleport away using his Arcane power.

"It's too late to escape now!"

John then produced another Sacred Relic, the Mystery Eye Gemstone. Even though using a Relic powered by Mystery might risk drawing the attention of the Saint of Mystery to John's location, he considered it a calculated risk.

They were within the territory of the Order Faction, and with the Saint of Mystery trapped in the Dark Realm, it was unlikely he could easily venture to their location.

Besides, if the Saint of Mystery were to eliminate the Mystery Protector, it was a consequence John was prepared to accept.

The spatial power of the Mystery Eye Gemstone further reinforced the spatial barrier.

John converged the energies of the barrier, trapping the orb that Mystery Protector had become within a small space the size of a palm.

Despite Mystery Protector's frantic struggles, he was unable to break through the seal.