Chapter 648 A Long-Awaited Reunion with Kingserp

Chapter 648 A Long-Awaited Reunion with Kingserp

After John and the Naga Queen had established their plan of action, they immediately set off towards the Dark Realm with Legend Magus Shatras and a contingent of Naga guards in tow.

The Naga Queen, before John's departure, took a moment to underscore the importance of vigilance for his safety.

John, with a smile, acknowledged the Naga Queen's cautionary advice; however, in truth, he didn't take her warning to heart.

From his perspective, the creatures lurking within the Dark Realm couldn't possibly rival the might of the Mystery creatures summoned by the Mystery Saints.

Having faced the latter with ease, John couldn't envisage encountering greater peril amidst these ostensibly weaker beings.

Guided by the Naga guards, it didn't take long for John, Shatras, and their party to reach the Dark Realm.

Upon his first glimpse of the Dark Realm, John's expression soured slightly more than before.

Unbeknownst to him was the formidable sealing power that shrouded the outer reaches of the Dark Realm, hinting at the possibility that its denizens might possess abilities akin to space seals.

"John, I believe the creatures within the Dark Realm are immensely powerful! We must prepare thoroughly before venturing in," Shatras cautioned.

As a Legend Magus of the Naga tribe and among the first to discover the Dark Realm, Shatras had wisely refrained from rashly entering it.

Utilizing her Detection spell, she had surveyed the creatures within, finding them vastly different from any she had encountered before.

The powers wielded by these creatures were not of the Mystery variety, indicating no affiliation with the Mystery Saints.

Moreover, these beings boasted an array of bizarre abilities, a factor that had deterred the Naga Queen from dispatching her guards directly into the Dark Realm.

After listening to Shatras's concerns, John nodded slowly in acknowledgment.

"Understood! But even if these creatures are immensely powerful, we can't just linger outside the Dark Realm. Let's have the other guards stay at the entrance; the two of us will venture into the Dark Realm," John suggested, confident in their combined strength to handle potential dangers within.

He believed the presence of the other Naga guards at the entrance would be of little use within the Dark Realm itself.

Shatras agreed with John's plan, instructing the guards, "Stay here and guard the entrance! Do not leave this spot without my explicit orders!"

The Naga guards promptly positioned themselves on either side of the Dark Realm's entrance, while John and Shatras stepped into the realm.

Upon entering the Dark Realm, John immediately felt all his divine scrolls being sealed, leaving him reliant solely on his inherent abilities for combat.

He glanced at Shatras, noting a hint of surprise in her eyes, which indicated that her divine scrolls were also sealed.

"Regardless, we must press on! Even without our divine scrolls, we can still face formidable enemies by working together," John encouraged Shatras, wanting to ensure she maintained her fighting spirit before they encountered any adversaries. Shatras nodded in agreement.

As Shatras looked on, puzzled, a figure limping out of the darkness gradually became visible.

"John, it's been a long time! Surely, you haven't forgotten me, have you?"

"How could I possibly forget you? I didn't expect you to make a comeback! Which Devil have you aligned with this time? It can't be the Corruptor, since the Mystery Saints have already vanquished him," John immediately recognized the voice, confirming the identity of the figure as Kingserp, the former guild leader of Dawn Guild, one of the top ten guilds.

"You've fallen into my trap, and you're still in the mood for jokes? Don't think that just because you can eliminate those weaker demons, you can defeat me! My power has greatly changed since then," Kingserp boasted, revealing a significant transformation in his strength.

Kingserp's dark Druid abilities had evolved to a transformative level.

He could not only morph himself into a creature of darkness but had also gained the power to convert the surrounding marine life into dark beings.

This meant that as a potent dark Druid, he could continuously summon demons transformed from animals.

With sufficient MP, he could single-handedly raise an army of demons.

John was certain that the demons that had emerged from beneath the ground were summoned by Kingserp.

However, what remained unclear to John was Kingserp's ultimate goal.

Why had he constructed a Dark Realm here?

Was it merely to set a trap, or was there a larger scheme at play?

Given Kingserp's ability to venture into the Dark Realm and collaborate with devils, it stood to reason that his ambitions extended far beyond merely laying traps.

It was possible that Kingserp aimed to exert control over South Harbor or even the Naga tribe.

Without a clear understanding of the situation, John was not about to make any hasty moves.

John's understanding of the intricate dynamics within the Dark Realm was notably scant, a direct consequence of the paucity of reliable information filtering through since the enigmatic resurrection of the Mystery Saints within its shadowy bounds.

In a calculated move to elicit some form of revelation or reaction, John strategically baited Kingserp with a carefully crafted taunt.

He insinuated that Kingserp's apparent reluctance to engage with the Mystery Saints might stem from a deeper fear of confrontation, further hinting that the very devil that had bestowed upon Kingserp his formidable powers could have already fallen to the might of the Mystery Saints.

This bold provocation was designed not just to test Kingserp's resolve but also to potentially uncover fragments of truth about the current state of power dynamics in the Dark Realm.

Kingserp, however, merely responded with a faint smile, untroubled by John's words.

"Go ahead, mock me while you still can. Your chances to do so are dwindling! The Dark Realm is not just a trap set for you; it is, in fact, a trap designed for the entire Order Faction."The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))