Chapter 682 Sharing Intelligence

"If it's beautiful, then take a good look now, for it won't be there tomorrow."

Vivia glanced at Howard, about to say that the dawn comes every day, but his expression left her speechless.

It was as if he were looking at a unique treasure.

Yes, uniqueness, the most precious thing indeed.

Isn't being distinctive the highest compliment one can receive? No two leaves are the same in this world, and certainly, no two dawns are identical.

In Howard's eyes, could there be two identical people?

In his view, is Jelia like someone else, or is she just as unique?

Vivia suddenly felt that Howard might be happier than she had imagined...

Dawn arrived.

Nature's laws care not for human will; you might fell a great tree or even a forest, but the seeds will sprout again one day, and the woods will flourish anew.

You might cover your own or someone else's eyes, but the warmth of the sunlight won't cease because of it.

Ali woke up to see the sunlight slanting into the cave, the dust floating in the beam of light almost seemed sacred.

Roronora sat opposite her, with crimson eyes wide open, staring at the nearly extinguished fire.

Stirring the fire to life again, Ali opened her mouth, licked her dry lips, and asked, "Nothing happened last night, did it?"

Roronora had taken the second watch of the night.

Although Ali didn't doubt Roronora's determination to protect Jelia, some things require more than just resolve.

"There were... no abnormalities," Roronora's speech remained somewhat indistinct, clear enough to convey his meaning, yet his articulation wasn't crisp, reminiscent of a child just learning to talk.

Those crimson eyes occasionally betrayed an innocence.

The most terrifying murderers are those who know nothing; they do not comprehend good or evil, acting solely on whim.

Ali tugged at her blanket, standing up to stretch, her mind swiftly coming into focus.

Her gaze swept over the cave; Jelia was still wrapped in her blanket, sound asleep.

Accustomed to sleeping in Breeze City, she could easily fall back asleep even if momentarily awakened.

In such a state, it was clear Ali couldn't leave with Roronora, not without risking what might happen to Jelia left alone.

Yet, inaction was not an option.

Code 19 was surely on her trail by now, possibly closing in on their location.

And Gick was advancing his own agenda, though his ultimate goal remained unclear.

Whatever it was, it seemed invariably linked to the village's legacy.

Given these circumstances, Jelia, having ventured through the legacy Mystic Realm and emerging with an enforcer in tow, would inevitably become a target.

The situation demanded an end before it could spiral into the worst-case scenario.

Though Ali's identity was yet to be confirmed, Rudo had pinpointed her location right from the start!

Of course, this was partly because Ali didn't actively conceal her presence.

But when other hunters were vigilantly scanning their surroundings like headless flies, Rudo's arrow marked a decisive difference.

Deserving of being the village's strongest hunter, perhaps?

With such strength, facing Code 19 might not be entirely without hope of retaliation!

Dodging the whistling arrow with a roll, Ali, though surprised, knew such arrows, relying solely on speed, posed no real threat to her.

Landing gracefully, she lifted her hood with a hand, revealing her delicate face.

An outsider?

Seeing Ali's visage, Rudo was startled.

How did she know this place, and how had she pinpointed all the sentinels' locations?

A chill ran down Rudo's spine; had Ali been an enemy, she could have already infiltrated their hideout.

If Monka were still here, he might now be a ghost under her blade.

They must consider relocating their camp immediately.

"What are you here for!" Rudo readied another arrow on his bow.

Ali noticed that Rudo was using flat-headed, shovel-shaped arrows instead of the common pointed ones.

These arrows might fly slower, but their destructive power was incomparable to regular arrows.

Moreover, the longbow in his hand was clearly not an ordinary Mighty Bow to allow such speed with a shovel-head arrow.

Ali's curiosity about this village grew.

Even during her time with the elf tribe, she had seen few elves or half-elves who could launch an arrow with such force purely through brute strength—most were elites from ranger legions.

Now a hunter from an unnamed village possessed the skills of elite rangers?

Since when had the continent's strongest sentinel group become so unremarkable?

"Do you remember what I said yesterday?" Ali focused on Rudo, who stood slightly apart from the others, guessing his status might be higher than she had initially thought.

"Cooperation? Information exchange? We don't have anything to share as of now, and you'd better leave quickly!" Rudo lifted his bow slightly, not aiming at Ali, but it was clear his attention was firmly on her.

Among those present, he was the only one who could pose a real threat to Ali.

"You might not have anything, but I do! I don't mind showing my sincerity by sharing some intelligence with you first." Ali raised her hand, showing everyone her empty palms.

"I come with good intentions, just wanting to share some information with you!"


Had she discerned something so quickly, or was it merely a bluff?

But what purpose would bluffing serve at a time like this? It held no value.