Chapter 690 Ali's Wish

According to historical legends, there was a comprehensive war between deities and devils thousands of years ago—a racial war waged for the right to exist, devoid of good or evil, fought solely for survival.

The outcome, as recorded, was the victory of the deities over the devils, leading to the banishment of the entire devil race into the void.

There should have been nothing there, a place where nothing could survive, neither gods nor devils.

It was the cradle of the world, hence devoid of everything, even the concept of "existence."

Yet now, seemingly, possibly, maybe, presumably, a living "devil" stood before Ali?

"You're joking, right?"

Though devils on the continent didn't symbolize evil, and only a minority of zealots within the Church's inquisition held an overt malice towards these beings of the same echelon as deities.

To harbor such blatant hostility towards a super-entity ranked alongside the gods, but to claim oneself as a "devil" in such a situation, one had to be either mad or the real deal!

Ali dared not contemplate the second possibility, instead silently praying that what stood before him was merely a terribly powerful madman.

If it truly were a "devil," let alone Ali, even if the venerable elders from the high elf kingdoms were present, how many could return alive?

"No, not at all."

Apart from the patterns on his face, Diabolos, who looked no different from a human youth, smiled and said, "As expected, you wouldn't believe. I anticipated this... But, if evidence were laid before you, could you still deceive yourself?"

"Little one, you've met that unscrupulous fellow, haven't you?"

"That one, always lurking in the mana ocean."

God Nameless!

Though unnamed, the entity encountered within the mana ocean was undoubtedly of divine stature.

But how could this being possibly know?

Gazing into those crimson eyes filled with mirth and scorn, Ali narrowed her eyes, contemplating whether a direct communication with the mana ocean could offer a solution.

The battles between titans should be left to the titans themselves.

In situations where one misstep could result in annihilation, it's best to remain uninvolved if possible.

"Not speaking? Thinking of a solution? You're starting to believe what I'm saying."

Diabolos's face bore the satisfied yet malevolent smile of a child who had succeeded in a prank.

"Even though you haven't shown it, I can 'smell' it—the scent of that fellow."

"Only that individual carries such an aroma, a complete scoundrel pretending to care for the world."

Diabolos's gaze fell on Ali's right hand—where the core of "Brave" resided.

Ali instinctively hid her right hand, prompting a mocking sneer from Diabolos.

"That fellow's power? I cannot be mistaken; that's undoubtedly his power! What whimsical name has he taken up this time? 'knight'? 'Friend of Justice'? Only he would indulge in such meaningless acts!"

Stepping back, Diabolos raised his hands, palms open, and two flames arose, one red and one blue, burning silently.

This was also a mana construct, yet something even special-level magi couldn't achieve.

The flames in his hands were genuine "fire"!

Ali's eye twitched, and Diabolos, with a glance, easily penetrated her emotions, offering a smile.

"I see you're about to hesitate for quite some time, so why not sit down and rest a bit?"

"Go back!" Ali's sudden exclamation caught Diabolos off guard.

"Go back! That's my request, my wish!"

"Are you sure?" Diabolos's face took on an odd expression, as if he had encountered something bizarre.

The humans he had previously encountered weren't like this.

Upon realizing his identity as a devil, though initially frightened, their eyes would quickly reveal a glint of greed.

Just like that.

Such souls were cheap.

Diabolos stood up, his expression turning serious.

"I'm certain! What's the price? Just say it!"

"What price?" Diabolos stroked his chin.

What could be the price for commanding a being of divine stature?

Although it sounded like commanding, it wasn't about making him do anything specific, so the price obviously wouldn't be taking the entire soul.

Since Diabolos mentioned equivalent exchange, the rule laid there, and he couldn't break it himself.

He was a devil, not a demon without scruples.

While both talked about equivalent exchanges, trusting a demon only led to a more miserable end!

As far as Diabolos knew, no human who dealt with a demon ended well.

After brief contemplation, a proposal formed in Diabolos's mind.

"I've decided, the price will be—you! I won't take your soul, but I also won't leave. I'll make your body my dwelling!"

"In return, I'll pay you a compensation every day!"

Equivalent exchange is not solely for Ali to make requests; Diabolos too can set terms!

Although the greatest demand devils have from humans is their souls, there are occasional exceptions.

Diabolos hadn't encountered someone as intriguing as Ali in a long while.

Diabolos's sudden proposal left Ali momentarily frozen, unsure of which expression to adopt.

However, she realized one thing: the days ahead were likely to become increasingly chaotic.

Devils are inherently agents of chaos, to say nothing of Jelia and Roronora, who are half-orcs living amidst turmoil.

Now, with her, the last member of their trio previously aligned with order, becoming a vessel for a devil, their team seemed to have no future.

"Now, we're really in trouble."

Symbolism is not without its significance, especially on Avala Continent, where deities genuinely exist.

The symbolism one represents essentially denotes their stance.

Being on the opposing side of the deities might not provoke direct divine intervention, but their myriad underlings present a different story.