Chapter 64 Nadya Odette Melisande 1

Name:Saga of Atlantis Author:
64 Nadya Odette Melisande 1

Four individuals made their way along the cobblestone road in front of a great castle that stood majestically against the skyline. The sun's golden beams cast a warm, welcoming glow over the landscape. Every member of this eclectic group emanated elegance.

"Why do I have to accompany her? "I've got more important things to do," Nadya mumbled, her voice tinged with displeasure and frustration. She returned an angry look to the woman who was following them.

Nadya was the one with the eye-catching pink hair, gray eyes, and an oval-shaped face that would have been adorable if not for the black rings that framed her eyes.

Her appearance was inclined toward the more feminine side, which surfaced unconsciously despite her efforts to suppress it.

Elysia, the girl walking beside Nadya, reacted with a sarcastic tone in her voice. "Like what? Nadya?. I don't see you doing anything else but lazing in your room and reading novels."

Elysia went on, Before the woman trailing after them could say anything, she had black hair that ran down to her shoulders and gorgeous blue eyes that resembled the woman behind her.

Her face, with its exquisite oval shape, was a monument to her attractiveness. She had clearly trained her body well, as seen by each confident step she made.

Nadya, on the other hand, refused to back down. "Don't reply when no one is asking you, Elysia."

"Can't you both just stop bricking for a second? You two are always like this."

A woman in her late thirties was close behind the two girls. She intervened, causing both of them to pause. Her long, flowing hair, like her eyes, was a magnificent sapphire color.

Her demeanor oozed power and grace, and her eyes were heavy with experience and responsibility. Her steps were controlled and purposeful, and she walked with a calm elegance. Ember Odette Melisande was the headmaster of the Darkoina continent's greatest academy.

A fearsome woman brought up the rear, her body covered in dazzling armor that shielded her from head to toe. A powerful sword was securely fastened around her waist, a mark of her unflinching commitment to their task. Her eyes stayed alert, examining their surroundings for all possible risks. Linda was her name, the bodyguard for the two girls.

"Listen here, both of you," Ember said as they approached the carriage, grabbing both Nadya and Elysia's attention.

She fixed them with a solemn look, her words bearing weight. "The woman who will look after both of you is one of my friends, and I have complete faith in her." But watch what you say; she may not appear to be sensitive or strong, but she is stronger than me by a lot."

Elysia nodded with delight at the prospect of finally seeing her role model and ideal, while Nadya nodded without emotion because she was compelled to go.

Ember's attention was drawn first to Elysia. She focused her attention on the black-haired girl and pulled her into a loving, comforting hug.

The embrace, tucked against Ember's massive breast, soothed Elysia's face. "Always remember, my child," Ember said, her voice laced with sadness as she remembered her late daughter, "your mother never regretted having you. I am confident she loved you with all her heart until the day she died."

Elysia's response was touching. She returned the hug by wrapping her arms around Ember, expressing her gratitude and love. "I know, Grandma."

As Ember and Nadya unwillingly parted ways, Ember shifted her gaze to her other granddaughter, who was watching the scene with a mixture of emotions.

"Don't cause too much trouble, Nadya," Ember cautioned, taking two steps back from them both.

'Why are you disappointed, Grandma?'

Linda opened the carriage door, and the tension between Nadya and Elysia was carefully masked as they exited the carriage as if nothing had happened between them.

As she stared at both of them, Nadya could sense Linda's suspicion, but she chose to dismiss it.

Deep down, they both knew the significance of putting on a happy face, especially for the sake of their loving grandma, who was already burdened with several responsibilities.

They made their way to the reserved noble's portal as they approached the teleportation portal. Today, it was solely for their use, with only a few staff members present. They passed through the portal with a swift exchange of glances, emerging in the bustling city of Marinthalis.

They both suffered from portal side effects as soon as they got on the other side, but because they had spent sufficient time in them, they were able to quickly adjust.

They take a peek around the building.

"I will take the lead; please follow me."

Linda informed them both that she was in command of the group, and they both nodded as they followed her out of the building.

The vibrancy of the city became apparent as they went; the movement of the carriages and people in the shop was enough to cover the majority of the road with people.

They arrived at a supposedly peaceful inn right in the heart of the city after wandering around for a while.

'Why own an inn when you've decided to keep it close?"

Nadya thought as she stared at the closed inn—the inn that stood out because of the silence.



Linda banged on the door of the inn, getting a reaction from inside. The door creaked open to show a masked boy in modest and casual dress. He switched his glance from one to the other.


Nadya spoke in a baffled and confused tone as she glanced at him, drawing everyone's attention to her.

'I can't feel his emotions,'

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!
