Chapter 216: Lost and Found

Name:Saintess Summons Skeletons Author:
Chapter 216: Lost and Found

Valeure looked at the skeleton like he was the stinkiest pile of trash she had ever smelled.

Tssk. Fine, whatever, we will get back to this later. You also had some dealings with that pile of bones, Sofia? Unless you had more things to say to Orvod here too?

Ah, yes, I had one more question, may I? Sofia asked Orvod.

Of course.

Your level shows up strangely through my Saints perception, I have never seen it do that

Let me explain. Our good friend Orvod failed his trial, forever locking his level at 299. As far as his progression aided by the system goes, at least. This would be the first part of what you see. You can probably guess the rest.

He found an alternative way to become stronger?

Exactly! See, I am older than the system, quite a bit older in fact, and back then it was much harder to get anywhere, magically speaking. Our most precious resource now is Mana, but it used to be Time. Especially for short-lived races like us humans.

And I ran out. So, I needed a way to become stronger, to live longer See where I am going? Orvod here has been doing the same, progressing the good old way, through precise magical body alterations and rigorous training. But he had the luxury of having been given all the time he needed by the system already, and never had to become quite as skinny as me as a result.

It does make sense that people used to have different ways of getting stronger. It shouldnt be impossible to manually replicate what the system is doing when we cross filters either, right? Then does the second number reflect his actual power?

Yes. It wouldnt be very fair of the system to tell you his level is still 299 when his actual strength is closer to Valys, would it? So things ended up like this. As for me, if you wonder, I simply have the authority to hide my level.

Uhm, Sir skeleton, you wouldnt happen to go by the name Terrible limping drunkard: Richard, would you? Alith asked the question she fully well knew the answer of, with all the tact of a Dragon in a porcelain shop.

Alith what the fuck are you saying!

Valeure started laughing hysterically from hearing Alith say that with such confidence, so much so that she completely lost control of her flight and started rolling on the floor. Orvods expression hadnt really changed, but the skeleton was locked in place, frozen like a statue.

There are so many layers of shields and protection in this room I wouldnt even be able to activate the ring to Zangdar through this Are we dead?

For a skinless skeleton, the lich was very expressive in his body language. From completely still, he turned to looking straight and composed, then he began oozing the aura of someone weak and tired, like his skull weighed too much for his spine to support. But they arent even physically connected

A nickname I hadnt heard in a long time, this one Oh, you have his ring too I cannot believe I failed to recognize it under that black glove of yours You found brother L, did you not?

Sen? Why would he send you to me Is that dragon mask a cursed item you need? It looks quite old. Maybe eight or nine thousand years looking at the design?

I concur, with this kind of craftsmanship, I would guess a lizardman artifact, perhaps an Oracles mask. But these are all just suppositions.

We cannot know more unless we have it in person.

This is Its somewhat of a long story, is it fine if I spend some time explaining?

Have you forgotten where you are? Valy here pays people to share their story and youre going to ask her permission to do it for free? You are much too generous with her.

Well I am here to ask for help so

Do not mind the rambling skeleton, Sofia. I am listening but try to be concise, I may still need to leave at any moment.

Hmm. I was born in the Sovuln kingdom, I have an older sister

And Sen sent you to me Well, sorry to tell you but I have not heard of your sister or anyone wearing such a mask yet. I can help you find her as a repayment of Richies debt to you if you wish.

You would do that, Valy? How unlike you to take care of your friends debt. Are you trying to show off in front of the new generation?

Shut up, Richie. You have a debt to them and I have a debt to you, do you understand?

Alright, alright, you have a deal; Ill probably still pitch in though. Since I am here anyway.

Alith was getting a bit impatient, What do you suggest, lady Valeure?

You can drop the honorifics, its fine. In the current situation, I cannot move much. As Richie said earlier, we have some sort of a war going on at the moment, which is keeping us very busy. But, I do have many ears around, they will be searching for us; while you two should be going to Sovuln.

How would that help now that we know shes not there? Alith continued.

If Saria, a young and classless child, survived on a flying mountain through the tide and the ebb, there would undoubtedly be clues to be found there. This wasnt so long ago either, so it is in your interest to go fast before these traces fade.

The ebb?

Orvod is familiar with this, I will let him explain before you go. I am confident that unless she is backed by someone as strong as me and purposely hiding her tracks, we can find Sofias sibling within a year.