Chapter 252: Higher beings
Sofia observed the teleportation platform, wondering if it was even safe to use such an old technology, When do we go?
Whenever you want. A few things though, first of all, you will need to put these glasses on if you do not want to end up blind, the Oracle answered, handing Sofia a pair of almost pitch black glasses which blocked light from all directions.
Sofia tried the glasses and she couldnt see anything anymore. This is as good as being blind.
Youre going on the sun, dont even worry about it. The other thing is, the teleportation process should take about an hour.
An hour?!
The sun is just that far from us. So, do we go now?
Let me think about itSay, mister Sky, you wouldnt happen to have a free week or two to help me practice an Angelic spell?
It would make the quest easier, do you not want to help your God reclaim Her temple? Sofia tried with a smile and a wink just like Sun had done to her.
What have I done Sure, whatever. Follow me to Mornns training room.
It seemed the Suns Oracle had a lot of free time on his hands, unlike the other high-level people Sofia had met until now. The muscular elf was clearly used to teaching, he even had his own coach chair in the Sun Saintesss training room. He was a bit surprised that Sofia was able to use the Angels magic, and no matter how he tried, he never managed to replicate it, but his advice to Sofia was invaluable. She had made basically no progress on the new version of the bolt until now, and by the end of the first week, Sofia was already able to use a slightly unstable but functional copy of it.
After that, he decided to see how she fought in a mock battle against him. His reaction was word for word How in the high heavens did you survive until now?. After which he proceeded to give Sofia a second, much more painful week of training focusing on close combat and dodging. After the second week, Sofia was the one wishing for it to end.
[Sprint] reached level 42
[Sprint] reached level 43
[Sprint] reached level 44
[Radiance] reached level 52
[Radiance] reached level 57
[Evasion] reached level 76
[Evasion] reached level 98
Good work. This should be enough for now. Go take a good nap and a shower, I will be waiting for you in the transmission room.
Finally over! This guy never stops. This is what a real demon looks like!
No wonder Mornn is such a freak, Im shocked that Alith could keep up with her at all.
Sofia trudged out of the training room, hurt and on the brink of passing out, no amount of healing could cure the fatigue she felt after the hellish training.
Someone else appeared in the training room after Sofia left.
She holds rather well, dont you think, little Sky?
For a magic class, she sure does. Shes been copying system tools even. But will that be enough for where were sending her?
We can only wait and see, perhaps she wont have to fight at all. The circumstances of the Lords and their attack on me are still vague even after all this time.
There wasnt any follow-up, was there?
Alright, lets see what present the Lords have left in this space temple. I said nothing, but its interesting that they would attack something unprompted like this, Sun must have been doing something that She shouldnt have here. Was She really just trying to harvest Her own energy?
Sofia tried [Identify]ing the black slates on the walls only to be welcomed by an error message.
[Couldnt establish connection, user will enter temporary Scribe Only mode]
[To avoid operating slowdown, please keep at least 10 000 mana available at all times]
[Anomalies may arise]
[You will be reconnected when possible, until then many sub-systems will be unavailable]
Oh, yeah, right. Cant establish connection. Were just too far then.
Another [Identify] cast returned different results.
[Screen]: Used to display things, currently out of power.
Oh so its like the wall displays in the ranking tower, got it.
Looking around the closed room, Sofia managed to find a single working screen near the door. A few lines were displayed in weak red letters, written in elvish. Sofia smiled. Finally, studying that Introduction to written Elvish I found in Zangdars castle is paying off!
Station Power Supply Control Panel
Power Supply Status :
Main Power Supply OFFLINE
Secondary Power Supply OFFLINE
Emergency Power Supply ONLINE
Current module status :
Trajectory correctors LOW-POWER
Temperature regulation LOW-POWER
Life support OFFLINE
Defense system OFFLINE
Transmission platform OFFLINE
Flare protection OFFLINE
Below the lines, there was a drawing of only a few lines, labeled trajectory. It showed the temple represented by Suns rune, with a line showing its orbit around the sun. Along the orbit line a small note said 502 minutes per rotation.
I dont know what Life support is for exactly but it feels like having this one be off isnt such a good thing. The doors wont open but that isnt too much of an issue. I can redirect the power with the side buttons I think.
Sofia pushed the (-) button lined up with Trajectory correctors and the (+) button for the Life support module. The orbit line around the sun updated, showing that after about half a rotation, the station would end up inside the sun. Oh, thats not good at all. She quickly reversed her changes, fixing the trajectory. So If I do that I change my deadline from three months to 4 hours.
Deciding that the best plan of action for now was probably not to change any parameters at all as the place was at least stable, she was about to quickly graveyard through the door when she felt a tremor.
Somehow, her body froze. This was not the instinctual reaction that had sometimes paralyzed her in the presence of higher beings like the Archangel, it was a different sensation she had only really felt twice in her life.