Chapter 416: A look at the sky

Name:Saintess Summons Skeletons Author:
Chapter 416: A look at the sky

Sofia went around the room blindly waving her gloved hand around to bring back all the things which werent there. Slowly but surely the not-so-clean bedroom came back to life. It was messy in a different way compared to Annas room. While the supposed Goddess room was just a bit lived in, this one was something else entirely, littered with opened books, ink covered papers, and maps.

Lots and lots of maps.

I think a certain someone liked exploration a bit too much for their own good.

And a world!

Sitting proudly on a pedestal in the center of the bedroom was a spinny round ball covered in green and blue which Sofia instantly recognized after bringing it back from semi existence, it was their planet, she had seen it from space, and she had to say, this was a very accurate-looking replica.

Puts my bone sculptures to shame.

It even has some relief for the mountains!

Holy shit, so much detail!

This is a masterpiece if Ive ever seen one. Im keeping this.

Sofia spent a good thirty seconds looking around searching for the human continent, she eventually found it, tiny as it was, thanks to the gigantic red desert above it.

I already knew but calling it a continent was really narcissistic of us, heh. It would be generous to even call it a peninsula Humans used to occupy like sixty percent of this entire world? Really?! And now were on that tiny bit of land? Thats insane to think about What could have happened to Oh, right. There was that thing about a big war. Erredis doesnt want to talk about it, though.

Well, whatever, its got nothing to do with me.

Sofia stored the globe and turned her attention to the many maps displayed on the walls and stacked on the shelves.

Im so taking all of this.

Some maps were of precise locations, such as a map of the red desert, or a layout map of some castles or caves, while some maps were broad layouts of entire continents. Everything was labeled in Draconic, but Sofia could thankfully read that well by now, even without Mr Scribes translations. Of course Sofia grabbed every map for herself after looking at them once. Out of the bunch, three maps in particular stood out.

One of them was a map named tracking the sky mirage, with paths and instructions to find a supposed mysterious place drifting through the planets sky. This reminds me of a story about a sky castle dungeon or something. I dont remember any details though, but Im pretty sure Ive heard about something like this before

The second one was labeled Cathedral of the Holy Lich.

Hoy now. Holy necromancy is my thing. Dont go around copying me This might be where some of my skills come from, though. Things like Heal Undead? The spell itself was created from my broken keywords, but perhaps the magic in particular was already a thing, just like the others. Ill have to go check this out at some point, if its still standing three thousand years later Ill ask Richard when I report about the eye. If someone knows about another Lich it would be him.

The next line was where Sofia had to stop.

Cerberus Alpha, you say?

Heheh. I see. I see.

[Additional rewards task : ]

Its not drawn out on the map at all but it has its name in the legend. It has to be the black sun, right? That makes things a bit clearer. I dont know how youre supposed to figure these things out normally, but I got a nice shortcut. Still, its not actually on the map so its not making things that easy, but at least I know what Im looking for.

Next in line was Arssovax. Sofia felt like this was for sure another Dragons name, and it was by far the largest planet, more than twice the size of Stebron, dwarfing all the other planets in the solar system. Just like Stebron, it had a cloudy appearance with cloud streaks and two big spiraling vortexes next to each other. The clouds had two main colors mixing together, a deep and a pale blue.

This was not only the biggest planet, but also the closest to the inhabited world, which made it hard to believe Sofia had never seen it, that was until one looked at its orbit. It was actually too big to fit on the map so it was in a small graph drawn out next to the planet itself. The truth of this planet was that it was going around the sun in a gargantuan elliptical orbit, and the closest it ever came to the sun was on a path between the main planet and Cerberus beta.

Most of the time its just drifting out in space, very far from everything. I wonder how that works when it comes close. Does it cover half the sky?

Finally, the next line was the so-far unnamed planet everyone lived on. It actually had a name in the legend, a combination of two words in Draconic, velia, being the color green, and adren, meaning plains or vast expanse: Veliadren.

Veliadren... Sofia read out loud.

So the planet does have a name after all. Its cute. I like it, it is a bit sad to think most people do not even know about it.

The two moons are drawn out but of course they are unlabelled

Wait, Velia is green. Phillip is the Green chromatic Dragon, and his daughters name is Lina. Never noticed this but it would make sense if Lina was a nickname and her real name was Velia-something. Velia, lina Maybe Im just making shit up, though. I shouldnt really be spending time wondering about Draconic naming conventions.

Four planets left on the map And five names.

The four remaining planets, all closer to the sun than Veliadren, were also all significantly smaller, at most as big as Cerberus Beta, which was itself less than half the size of Veliadren. They were neatly aligned with the biggest of the four being closer to Veliadren and the smallest closest to the sun.

First was a black and red ball just named Foundry, not even in draconic, just foundry.

Its a hot planet, I guess?

Next was a white planet named Sactanum. Followed by a smaller brown planet named Zenikiln, and lastly, a very tiny round dark-gray planet, not a tenth of Veliadrens size, and orbiting very close to the sun, was labeled Cecless.

That was it for the planets, but there was a last entry on the legend, which had no drawing, just a question mark. Its name was: Tiangou.