Chapter 92

Chapter 92

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 92

‘The atmosphere isn’t exactly welcoming.’

Zeon sensed the chilly atmosphere flowing through the vacant lot.

Still, he didn’t feel bad about it.

After all, he was just a stranger to them.

Come to think of it, he was a stranger everywhere he went.

Having visited quite a few colonies and met countless people, no one had ever welcomed him from the start.

They were wary and suspicious.

No one readily opened the door to their guarded hearts.

Everything around was perceived as a threat to survival, and people were well aware of that fact.

So, encountering strangers for the first time was always met with initial hostility.

Zeon didn’t mind, considering he was the same way.

Jack approached Zeon.



“You are?”

“I’m Jack. I’m the leader of the Goblin Market raid team. Just follow my orders from now on.”


“I know you possess remarkable abilities. However, individual actions won’t be tolerated. I expect you to follow my orders during the dungeon raid.”


Zeon responded without any hesitation.

His compliance actually surprised Jack.

Usually, individuals with strong abilities tended to be more inclined to act on their own. So, Jack had been a bit forceful in establishing discipline early on, but Zeon’s obedient acceptance left him somewhat bewildered.

Jack scrutinized Zeon’s expression closely. However, Zeon had his robe’s hood pulled down low, making it impossible to read his expression.

‘He’s unexpectedly difficult to handle. Not easy to control.’

Jack concealed his thoughts and addressed Inazuma.

“Now that everyone’s here, we can set off.”

“Then let’s depart.”

Inazuma’s leader, Kouji, responded casually as he started walking.

Waiting ahead were buggy cars.

These buggies were modified for desert use and loaded with various supplies.

The Inazuma raid team, Jack’s raid team, and other Awakeneds boarded the buggies, and the convoy set off across the desert.

A procession of buggies traversing the desert sands.

Dosuyul, riding in Jack’s buggy, spoke up.

“Damn, it’s hot. Aren’t you feeling hot, bro?”

His question was directed at Zeon.

Zeon replied, gazing out at the desert.

“It’s bearable.”

“Do you have some kind of item?”

Dosuyul’s gaze shifted to Zeon’s robe.

The coat-like robe Zeon wore looked exceptionally valuable at first glance.

It showed no signs of wear and tear, and despite enduring a sandstorm, not a single speck of dust had accumulated on the surface.

Zeon nodded.


“Does it have a clean spell and temperature regulation function? Which workshop?”

Neo Seoul housed quite a few workshops. Knowing the workshop’s name often hinted at the item’s performance.

Such bits of information accumulated and proved useful later on.

Dosuyul, responsible for scouting ahead in Jack’s raid team, habitually gathered information like this.

“It was made by an acquaintance of mine.”

“Oh! A private workshop?”

“You could say that.”

“Which workshop is it? Is their craftsmanship good? If they are, I might want to use them too.”

“It’s decent. But I’d rather not introduce you. They’re not from around here.”


“I’ve talked so much, it’s making my throat dry.”

Instead of answering, Zeon took a sip of water.

His action clearly conveyed his reluctance to answer.

Dosuyul also noticed this fact.

‘He knows how to deflect questions, huh? Well, if I push further, he’ll eventually spill all the information to me.’

He thought Zeon might be guarded now, but once they entered the dungeon, he would rely on their side. Relying on them would create psychological pressure, and inadvertently, Zeon would divulge a lot of information.

Indeed, Dosuyul had gained quite a bit of information by utilizing this psychological advantage.

Dosuyul believed it would be the same this time too.

“What’s the situation with the dungeon?”

“There doesn’t seem to be any unusual signs. It’s the same as when we found it.”

“Really? That’s fortunate.”

Sometimes, dungeons had changing tendencies. In such cases, signs of change could be detected from the entrance.

The Awakeneds guarding the current dungeon entrance were sent from Neo Seoul, with considerable experience. Their judgment could be trusted.

Kouji issued a command.

“Alright! We’ll enter the dungeon in ten minutes, so everyone double-check your equipment.”


The Inazuma raid team responded and checked their gear once again.

Jack’s party and the Awakened individuals from the slums also settled in their seats and rechecked their equipment.

Entering a dungeon was no trivial matter.

They didn’t know what dangers lurked inside.

Checking their gear two or three times over was never excessive.

While everyone diligently checked their equipment, only Zeon stood still at the entrance of the dungeon.

“It’s a cave-type...”

For some reason, a deep pit formed between his brows.

He asked the Awakeneds guarding the entrance of the dungeon:

“Has anyone entered yet?”

“You’re the first ones here. Why do you ask?”

“Just personal curiosity.”

At that moment, a loud voice called out to Zeon.

“Hey, my friend!”

It was Byrun, one of Inazuma’s members.

Byrun glared at Zeon with an axe slung over his shoulder.

“Are you talking to me?”

“Are there any others here besides you?”

“What’s the matter?”

“Why aren’t you checking your gear? You’re not planning to enter the dungeon looking like that, are you?”

“What’s wrong with this?”

Zeon replied, raising his arms.

Byrun’s gaze became even more menacing.

“You’re going in without any armor?”

“Aren’t you barely wearing a single piece of cloth?”

“I’m a barbarian. I don’t need armor. Just this axe is enough for me.”

“I don’t need other armor either.”

“Are you a mage?”

“Why are you so curious about that? You’ll find out soon enough once we’re inside the dungeon.”

“Tch! Arrogant.”

Byrun’s face twisted in anger.

He exerted the typical intimidating presence of a barbarian towards Zeon. However, Zeon’s face remained unaffected by his force.

At that moment, Kouji grabbed Byrun’s shoulder.

“That’s enough.”

“But, Captain...”

“Save your strength for inside the dungeon.”

“Fine! Understood.”

Byrun withdrew with a sullen expression.

Kouji looked at Zeon.

“My subordinate was rude.”

“It’s alright.”

“But he wasn’t entirely wrong. Dungeons are extremely dangerous, so no amount of preparation is excessive.”

“I understand.”

“Yet, not preparing at all shows your confidence, doesn’t it?”


Zeon’s confident reply caused Kouji’s gaze to sharpen.

“You’re quite confident. However...”


“Don’t disappoint me once we’re inside the dungeon. The moment you disappoint me, you’ll die by my hand.”

Kouji’s cold words caused nearby individuals’ expressions to stiffen.

A chilling atmosphere seemed to lower the temperature by several degrees.

Even Jack felt it.

‘So this is the aura of Inazuma’s Captain? Quite intimidating.’

He thought Zeon might be feeling the same way. However, behind the hood, Zeon’s face bore a subtle smile.

“That won’t happen.”

[Translator – Peptobismol]