Chapter 142

Chapter 142

[Translator – Peptobismol]

Chapter 142

Everything was red.

Zeon’s mental imagery was filled with something red.

Eun Soo-jin grasped the red substance with her hand.

It flowed through her fingers like water.

“Is this... sand?”

It was fine sand, like that bathed in the crimson glow of a sunset, filling Zeon’s mental imagery with blood-red sand.

“What on earth?”

Eun Soo-young, who had followed Eun Soo-jin into Zeon’s mental landscape, blinked in confusion.

They had invaded the minds of many and observed their mental imagery, but this was a first.

“Why is there sand in his mental imagery?”

“Is this really a human’s mental imagery?”

“What is this guy...?”

“We knew he was strange, but this is too much.”

Such a barren and bleak scene was beyond anything they had ever imagined.

“How does a person live to have such a mental landscape?”

“I have no idea. I really don’t.”

“Do you think mental manipulation will work on someone like this?”

“We have to try anyway.”

“We have to.”

The twins reached out to touch the sand.

They intended to manipulate Zeon’s mind using his mental imagery as a medium.

The moment they infused their mana into the sand...


The sand began to ripple.

“What is this?”


Startled, the twins stepped back.

The sand continued to ripple.

Initially, it was a minor movement. But the ripples quickly spread throughout Zeon’s mental imagery.

“What is going on?”

At that moment, something emerged from the rippling sand.

They were human figures made of sand.

One, two, three...

The sand figures multiplied endlessly.

Soon, Zeon’s entire mental landscape was filled with sand figures, an innumerable multitude.

The overwhelming sight left the twins in shock.


“Sand figures... so many of them.”

Their bodies began to tremble involuntarily.

The leading sand figure opened its mouth.

“To think someone could invade another’s mind and manipulate it. Interesting ability, though not fun for the one on the receiving end.”

“Is that Zeon’s voice?”

“How are you inside your own mental imagery? Are you also a telepath?”

The twins asked in shock.

The sand figure shrugged.

“What’s so special about entering my own mental imagery? What’s more impressive is how you can invade someone else’s mind so easily.”

“What are you? How is your mental imagery only sand? Are you really human? Or a monster?”

“What about you two?”


“Are you human, trying to manipulate someone else’s mind?”

“That’s different.”

“What’s different? You look more like monsters to me.”

“Shut up! We’re not monsters.”

“A normal human wouldn’t try to manipulate someone else’s mind.”

“Don’t talk as if you know anything. You don’t know anything, so don’t say such things.”

Eun Soo-jin and Eun Soo-young screamed, seemingly unjustly accused.

Zeon simply watched them for a moment.

He was astounded by their behavior, acting like victims despite invading someone else’s mind.

“I don’t think this will work. Both of you, get out of my head.”

The sand soldiers surrounded and pressed down on Eun Soo-jin and Eun Soo-young.

“Let us go!”

“Get off!”

The twins struggled, but it was useless.

This was Zeon’s mental landscape.

Their necklaces, adorned with blue gems, dangled around their necks.

These enchanted items could activate a barrier up to three times a day.

Thanks to this, their lives were spared.

Eun Soo-jin’s eyes wavered.

“He attacked with sand? Do you also use telekinesis?”

“No! You can’t control so many sand particles with telekinesis alone.”

“Then did he influence the sand itself? Are you a sand manipulator?”

“That’s insane.”

Despite their youth, the twins were experienced A-rank Awakeneds.

They quickly identified the nature of Zeon’s ability.

“That’s right! I’m a sand manipulator.”



To confirm, Zeon raised his hand again, unleashing another Sand Blaster.


Over a dozen sand streams flew at terrifying speed.

The twins, holding hands, flew backward, lifted by their telekinesis.

The sand blasters only created holes in the ground.



Fear shone in their eyes.

Zeon’s Sand Blaster was not exceptionally powerful; many Awakeneds had skills with similar power.

The problem was that Zeon likely had more skills beyond this one.

Now, they understood Zeon’s mental imagery.

An endless sea of sand.

This represented Zeon’s potential.

If he could use even a fraction of this potential, defeating him seemed impossible.

The slums were surrounded by sand, after all.

The thought of Zeon using sand in various unknown ways filled them with dread.

Zeon unleashed another Sand Blaster.

This time, over thirty streams shot out.


They flew faster and more menacingly than before.

The twins used their telekinesis to gather objects and form a wall.

Boom! Boom!

The wall they had built exploded.

The sheer force was incredible.

The twins’ eyebrows twitched.

“We can’t continue like this.”

“Let’s retreat.”

“But that would hurt our pride.”

“Pride is less important than our lives.”

“You’re right.”

“Tch! Grandpa will scold us.”

“We have no choice.”

Still floating, they flew away.

Zeon watched them swiftly retreat.

He could chase them if he wanted, but now was not the time.


An explosion rocked the White Bear Caravan’s fortress.

The tremor was strong enough to be felt through the ground.

Things were getting increasingly urgent.


Having revealed his power, Zeon had no reason to hold back.


Sand around him formed a pillar, lifting him high into the sky.

Standing atop the sand pillar, Zeon looked at the White Bear Caravan.

More than half of the fortress was destroyed.

The battle was fiercer than ever.

There were far more Awakeneds fighters now.

Not only the scavengers and Dongdaemun Awakeneds, but fighters from other districts had also joined the fray.


With a mournful cry, the giant mammoth fell.

The main contributor to the White Bear Caravan’s success had lost its life.

The situation was turning decisively against the White Bear Caravan.

Zeon rode the sandstorm and took to the sky.

[Translator – Peptobismol]