Chapter 790: Jealous husband

"in argument?"

In Jiao Shu's Palace, the empress leaned on a soft couch, her royal robe half taken off, her eyes squinted comfortably.

Two beautiful teenagers who looked no more than fifteen or sixteen were leaning against her with their shirts half-washed, their hands kept walking on the empress...

"Hmm..." I don't know where the beautiful boy touched, the empress hummed comfortably, her skin gradually turning pink.

Seeing this, the beautiful boy worked harder.

Du Xing stood outside the green pine screen, his face unchanged.

"Yes, Mother Xing sent a message back and said that after the young men appeared, the husband of the Moon Master became furious, ordered people to throw them out of the house, and had a big fight with the Moon Lord."

Upon hearing this, the empress laughed out loud with a "pouch".

"Hahaha, I didn't think about it, I didn't expect that the monarch of East Corner is still a jealous husband?"

"However, he is now in a lonely territory, and he dared to throw the lonely person away. He really thinks that this is his east corner that can make him pretend to be arrogant?!"

"What does your Majesty think? That is the person you sent out after all."

The empress opened her eyes, grabbed the beautiful young man living next to her, reached down and squeezed his little cock, making the young man who hasn't done anything to frown and yin.

"It's a pity that such a good stunner Yue-sama didn't enjoy it, so I sent ten more to the past until I stayed."

Du Xing replied in a low voice, the empress wanted to provoke Yueli's relationship with the East King.

"Then your Majesty, the King of the East, he..."

"There is no need to reveal his identity for the time being, he is now in my Rongzhen, that is the husband of Yueyisheng, nothing more!"

"Yes, Weichen understands."


"Girl, who are you?"

Under Zhu Yuanyuan's expectant eyes, Yue Li spoke calmly.


It's so sad!

Somehow they helped you twice!

Yue Li looked at the little girl standing beside Zhu Yuanyuan.

I don’t know the big one, but the small one still impresses.

"It turned out to be a little girl." When the man was rescued from outside the town, the child was dressed in boy's clothes and thought it was a little boy.

"Last time I really thanked Madam for saving me." Zhu Qiqi looked at Yueli and smiled.

"But don't take it to heart."

"It's too early. Compared to the lady who hasn't eaten dinner yet, how about taking a seat in a nearby restaurant?"

Yueli watched the sky gradually darken, so walking on the street was boring.

As she got more and more familiar, Zhu Yuanyuan became more familiar with her. Just now she suddenly remembered the woman who helped herself on the street when she was in the east. It was not her.

Thinking that she helped herself for no reason at first, and now she meets Rong Zhen again, if she didn't show up after helping herself before, she would have thought that she had arranged it deliberately.

Her eyes flashed inadvertently over the jade bracelet that the little girl was wearing. If she read it correctly, there was a not small but not much obvious "Zhu" engraved on it.

The jade bracelet is very expensive at first glance, and you can’t just take it out for a child to wear when you wait. It can be seen that the other party is either rich or noble, but in Juedu, there are not many people whose surname is Zhu.

"Okay, I just feel a little hungry too."

The three hit it off and found a restaurant nearby and sat down.

"Madam, the spicy fragrant shrimp here is the best. I promise you will eat it once and want to eat it a second time." When it comes to eating, Zhu Qiqi's pair of beautiful apricot eyes light up, and it looks so small. Very much like Lier.

Through the introduction just now, Yue Li knew their names and confirmed their identities. They are the family members of Zhu Fangyong, the current leader of Rong Zhenqing.

This Zhu Fangyong led the Qingliu faction alone and did not engage in any partisanship. After Qi, there were at least one-third of the officials of Rong Zhen Chaotang. If he could get his support, it would be a great help to her plan.

"Unexpectedly, Mrs. Yue is the current medical sage, so she has been admired for a long time."

"I heard that Master Medical Sage has cured all the people in Mayang City. It's really amazing."

As the three chatted, Xiao Er cut off the food.

Yueli is used to the dishes made by Xiao Jin, and is not really interested in the food outside. I just took a couple of bites and dropped the chopsticks.

"Master Yue, the food here doesn't suit your appetite?"

Zhu Qiqi just immersed himself in eating, and Zhu Yuanyuan finally found out that she was wrong.

"There is a kid in my family who is good at cooking."

"Does the child of the elder Yue cook?" Zhu Qiqi heard it, his mouth filled with chicken muffled.

Yue Li nodded.

"Well, and the taste is slightly better than these."

"Really? Can Qiqi eat it?" Zhu Qiqi looked expectant, but just after speaking, someone stepped on her foot. "Ouch, sister, why are you stepping on me!"

Zhu Yuanyuan glared at her irritably. "No rules!"

Zhu Qiqi pouted aggrievedly, and looked at Yue Li with his eyes.

"Master Yue, please forgive me. My sister has loved eating since she was a child. Whenever I heard that there is something delicious..." The last time Zhu Qiqi fell into the water, it was also because I didn't know where I heard about it. Fish is used to make steamed and grilled fish. It is very sweet and delicious, so I can’t wait to catch the fish myself!

Who knows that if she slipped and fell into the water, if Xiao Jin hadn't found her in time, there would still be Zhu Qiqi at the moment.

"It doesn't matter, the kid is still clamoring about developing new recipes for us to taste."

"Master Yue, I, can I try it? I'm a famous golden tongue!"

"of course."

"Haha, that's great!"

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Zhu Qiqi helplessly. "At that time, I am afraid that I will disturb Master Yue."


While speaking, Yueli looked out the window, and the sky outside was completely dark.

After chatting with the two sisters of the Zhu family for so long, the inexplicable anxiety when going out gradually calmed down.

Thinking of this thing was indeed wrong with her, why did she lose her temper at Xiao Zhan for no reason, really...

She ran out like this, the children should be anxious.

Hey, it's getting more and more willful.

"Master Yue, Master Yue?"


Yue Li suddenly returned to her senses and smiled apologetically.

"Master Yue, it's too early, or Minnv to send you back, right? Minnv sees the adults walking on the street, she shouldn't take a carriage."

Yue Li looked at Zhu Yuanyuan's soft smile and couldn't help being curious.

I always feel that her attitude towards herself is... inexplicably good.

"Don't bother you two, go to my house another day in July to make sure you can eat satisfactorily. It's getting late, so let's say goodbye."