Chapter 22

Name:Savage Divinity Author:
Chapter 22

Mila watched as Rain swung away at the wooden log. He'd been at it since he arrived, almost two hours ago. The sun had long set, and he still swung away, illuminated by torchlight, fiercely determined to destroy as many logs as he could. What an idiot.

Her best friend adored this odd, log-hating, training maniac of a loner. Lin would always gush about her 'Big Brother Rainy'. Mila just didn't understand what Lin saw in him. He spent all his free time training. A boring statue given life.

Every time Mila came for extra practice, he would be here, doing some nonsensical practice. Once, she watched him punched an iron board for an hour. It was impossible to concentrate, with the constant, dull, thwang, thwang thwang. When she thought he was finally done, he just switched to punching with his the other hand. She almost wanted to pull her tail off. A night of training, ruined by distraction. It was maddening.

Today was much the same. Meaningless repetition of a senseless action. Thwack. Pause. Thwack. Pause. That stupid look on his face. And for what? Nothing. There was no conceivable reason for him to do this.

She had to know. He always did the oddest training. He had to have a reason, besides to drive her mad. She ran her hands through her short red hair, making herself presentable. Once ready, she walked over to him and asked curtly, What are you doing?

He turned to her and blinked. After a pause he replied, Practicing?

She groaned inwardly. 'Why was that a question?' She tried again. Why are you just swinging at a wooden log? You've been doing it for a long time.

He blinked once again, speaking slowly this time. I am practicing with my weapon.

Mila ground her teeth. 'He must be an idiot.' She took a breath. What are you practicing? How to make kindling?

He opened his mouth in realization. He held his sword in two hands, displaying it and said, This is a spiritual weapon. That means you can insert Inner Energy into it. That's what I'm practicing. He gave a patronizing half-smile.

Mila closed her eyes, and counted to ten. 'He cannot be doing this without intent. No one can be this mule headed.' She counted to ten once more. She opened her eyes. Rain had turned back, preparing to chop at the log again. Stop. Stop. Just stop. I understand that you are practicing. I know that you have a spiritual weapon. My father made it. I wrapped the hilt and scabbard. I also have my own spiritual weapon. I am well aware of how to infuse it with chi. Frustration threatened to overwhelm her. What I want to know is, what exactly are you trying to accomplish?

Oh, err, okay. Um, I'm practicing to control my chi, to evenly spread it through the weapon. When done properly, it should cut the log in half with a single strike. Did you say your father made this? His eyes were lit up in interest.

Mila palmed her face. After a long moment, she sighed, and spoke. You are an idiot. Simply infusing chi into the weapon will not make it sharper. All it will do is strengthen the weapon, the same as when you take heavenly energy into your body. He had been chipping at logs all night for nothing. She had involved herself with an idiot.

Oh? OHHH, okay, that makes sense. But I watched Baatar cut a metal bar in two with my sword, just this morning. How do I do that? The idiot was now asking her for advice. Just perfect. She should have just stayed away. She cursed her own curiosity.

It's an advanced form of chi manipulation. You should just ask your mentor. She needed to separate herself from him. His stupidity might be contagious. The poor thing was mad from solitude.

Ah, thank you. I will do so tomorrow. He actually gave her a small bow, a few centimeters, but a bow nonetheless. I apologize, but I don't know your name.

If you were training, then why did you stay so long? Were you meditating on some insight? She put Mila down and bent over to speak with her, eye to eye, smoothing her collar. Mila had been wronged, and Akanai would need to make up for it. Was their daughter finally showing maturity?

Mila bit her lip and mumbled an answer. When pressed, she spoke up. I was talking to Rain. Akanai sighed. Chatting with a boy. She brightened. A boy. Little Mila is showing interest? Akanai grimaced. A boy.

Who is this Rain? The name seems familiar, but I cannot place it. Husolt had ambled over, guiding Mila into the sitting room. Akanai allowed herself to be led there as well.

He's Baatar's disciple, the boy that lives with Alsantset. We were talking about the sword you made him Papa. Sumila was playing at being the sweet daughter, hoping to win her father onto her side. The big oaf fell for it each time.

And for this you are an hour late? What did you do, explain the entire forging process? Akanai snorted. She needed to control the conversation, before Husolt grew too soft-hearted.

YES! It was so frustrating. He kept asking questions, about how we made the sword, the materials and the process for the metals. He wouldn't let me leave! Little Mila seemed on the verge of tears. How dare that little runt make her daughter cry!

Oh? He was interested in such things? Husolt scratched at his stubble. Perhaps we should invite him to the forge. He's Taduk's student right? With him gone, the boy has the time. I wouldn't mind showing him around. It's always good to know some blacksmithing.

Mila glared at her father and spat out a venomous, No! He'll just stay here forever, asking all his stupid questions. He doesn't know some of the simplest things. Then while explaining, he interrupts and makes you explain all the words he doesn't know. He's so dumb, he'll never be able to become an herbalist. I pity Lin, having to help him all the time.

Akanai eyed her normally easy-going daughter. The boy seems to have made an impression on you.

Mila made a face, like sucking on a lemon. Hes an idiot. Maddeningly so. And a liar. He claimed he killed a Terror Bird today. With his sword. Why lie so obviously? A fool. I never should have spoken to him.

Akanai calmed her daughter down, and shooed her off to bed. She had never seen Mila so angry at someone before. A girl quick to anger, but normally quick to forgive as well. She remained in the sitting room with her husband. She snuggled into his arms and decided to seek his opinion. What do you think we should do, husband? She shows interest in him. Love and hate walk a thin line.

He just smiled. A slack faced, warm, loving smile. The lovable oaf did not even have a lick of concern for the situation.

Akanai sat back up and shot him a look. You think we should do nothing? Should we not meet the boy at least?

Husolt laughed. Old wife, you've already made your decision. Why ask me? Do as you please. Just don't scare the boy too badly. They're children. Then again, from what little Taduk tells me, I would bet the boy doesn't scare easy. He chuckled briefly before quickly adding, Do not take that as a challenge, dear heart.

Akanai smiled sweetly at her husband and turned to settle back into his arms. Of course, my dear husband. I will behave properly. Ill simply have a visit with the pup tomorrow morning, before he begins his training.

She looked forward to seeing how her star pupil's disciple would measure up.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience