Chapter 239

Name:Savage Divinity Author:
Chapter 239

Adrift in a sea of darkness, Baledagh sought sweet oblivion, a release from this endless misery, but it was denied him. His future bleaker than the surrounding void, he felt it easier to wipe the slate clean and try again in a new life. Somewhere out there in the vast expanse of time and space, Qing-Qing had long since taken her first breath in her next life and he didnt want to keep her waiting.

Yet for all his prayers and efforts, death escaped him. Mired in endless misery, he found no solace in the sweet dreams of yesterday, the fond memories tainted by guilt and heartache. Hed fallen into the Spectres trap, given himself wholly to a life of falsehoods and imitations, leaving them free to run rampant through his body after Brother sacrificed so much to seal them away. If not for the Heavenly Waters, Baledagh would have doomed them both.

He saw so clearly now how his 'life' with Qing-Qing had been nothing more than a self-indulgent fantasy, all his dreams coming true to keep him complacent, yet he still ached to return to his happy, imaginary life. There, he had friends and family, achievements and potential, while here, he meandered through the void, running from reality in search of a lie.

And to think, hed called Brother weak for indulging in the same when they'd first met.

Nothing but heartache and hardship awaited him should he wake, cursed to be a spectator in his own life. His was an aberrant existence, two minds sharing one body, his presence wholly unnecessary in the grand scheme of things. He had nothing to offer and Brother would be better off without him, such was the harsh truth he'd come to accept. Brother was too kind to say or even think it, but Baledagh knew this now. There were no ancestors guiding his hand, no power hiding deep within, only a stupid boy who brought disaster down on them both.

For Baledagh was Defiled, his soul tainted and diseased, a cancer best eradicated before it spread.

Despite knowing the truth, Brother still hoped for Baledaghs recovery. Though his 'body' lay in the void, eyes closed and unresponsive, his mind watched over from above as Brother appeared in the void. With a melancholy sigh, Brother set to work filling the emptiness with colour and comforts. A bed appeared beneath Baledaghs body, with a thick quilt to cover him. Flowers in a vase sat on the nightstand beside his bed, emitting the soothing fragrance of medicinal herbs. A floor stretched out beneath them and four walls and a roof sprung into place. Light entered the newly formed room from the four massive windows, stretching from wall to wall and offering a scenic view overlooking the village. The bear cubs and wildcats popped into existence, snuggled against Baledagh's body in apparent sleep.

Drained by his efforts, Brother climbed into bed beside Baledagh and stared up at the roof in silence. He did the same thing every time he came, an exercise in futility since the surroundings would all disappear the moment Brother left the void. Lying shoulder to shoulder, their differences seemed all the more apparent. Though they shared the same features, their posture and expression made a world of difference. Brother looked older and wiser, surrounded by an aura of serene calm as he laid on the bed, both relaxed and ready, like a lion sleeping in the woods. In contrast, Baledaghs body seemed on edge, rigid and wary, a scared kitten looking to lash out at even the hint of danger.

Sighing once more, Brother closed his eyes and spoke, chatting with Baledaghs unresponsive form. Hey little brother. Hope youre doing well. I dont know if you can hear me, but you take all the time you need to rest and recuperate, Ill hold down the fort until youre better. Im here for you, so dont you worry about a thing. Everythings gonna be all right, I promise. You just need to come back when you're ready. Anyway, today was a long day. I met an Ancestral Beast, Jorani's dad, if you can believe it. Honestly, it was kinda disappointing. I thought Ancestral Beasts would be much scarier...

Just like that, all of Baledaghs sins were forgiven and brushed aside, without mentioning them even once. Why? Knowing he was Defiled, Brother still treated him so well. Theyd both be better off if he died, yet Brother continued to help and comfort him, showing nothing but empathy and understanding without a hint of anger or complaint. It wasnt the blanket warming him, but his brothers familial love and affection, something Baledagh didnt deserve yet received all the same.

Trying his best to put it out of mind, Baledagh tried to ignore Brother's rambling to no avail. ... named the fat one Roc. Hes adorable, but a total jerk. The plan is to use Roc to train Aura while our body heals, learn the limits and effects without working too hard. We are bone thin, and with the possibility of a siege looming in the near future, I'm trying not to eat too much. Anyway, I totally want to pet Roc, he looks so soft and poofy, like a cloud with talons and a beak. Too bad he wont get any bigger, how awesome would it be to ride a bird? Soaring through the sky with the wind in our hair, looking down on the vast green forests... Trailing off mid sentence, Brother fell asleep and disappeared, taking all the comforts with him and leaving Baledagh alone in the void once more.

Remember how I told you the Magistrate let me into the library? Well holy shit, theres a lot of stuff in there. Mostly old histories and ledgers, but Ive been doing a lot of theological reading. Its 99% religious legends and superstitions, but hopefully, Ill find something that can er... explain or fix our current situation. Dont worry little brother, I wont give up, so neither should you. Its all under control with Blobby around, so you dont have to worry. No spectres are getting in here, you're clean. I know youre a good person, and hopefully someday, well sit side by side in the real world. Well, not exactly like this. As great as you are at listening, theres something to be said for actual conversation. No rush though, take your time.

Rubbing his eyes, Brother sighed once more before falling into quiet thought. Hed been sighing often of late, only speaking of happy events while keeping his troubles to himself, beside himself with worries for slaves and strangers, family and friends. Though he believed Baledagh unconscious and unaware, Brother hid his anxiety, visiting every day and painting a happy picture in hopes Baledagh would return. It didnt make sense, why did Brother care so much? He should be ecstatic Baledagh was gone, hed been nothing but a nuisance since awakening the first time. Time and time again, he'd gotten them into trouble with his headstrong ways, leaving a giant mess behind for Brother to clean up, and now, hed been relieved of his burden named Baledagh, free to live life as the Undying Falling Rain.

Brother faded away and Baledagh waited for his return, but this time, there was no good news to be had. After laying in bed for a few minutes, as he always did, Brother covered his face and sighed. Orders from Baatar arrived just before dinner. Its been two weeks since the Defiled retreated and theres been no sign of them since, so were leaving Sanshu in the morning. Were going home. Its gonna be a long journey, since we dont have enough quins or horses, and I want to stop in at the Butcher Bay hideout. Jester Wang reckons therell be plenty of treasure still around, and it should be safe enough. Problem is, I'm out of time. I havent come up with any ideas on how to save Diyako and the others, which means come morning, I have to order the deaths of innocent civilians. Of children.

With those ominous words, Brother fell silent, fighting to keep from crying. Wracked with shame and remorse, Baledagh considered his options. Hed long surmised that Brother hoped Baledagh would wake in time to inspect the civilians for Defiled, but he wanted nothing to do with this life, with this world. Aside from Brother, there was nothing left here for him, with only Brothers daily visits to keep him from vanishing into the void. No matter how much he wanted to leave, every time Brother appeared, Baledagh couldnt tear himself away, returning to listen to his every word.

He couldnt do it. How could he abandon his brother, when Rain wouldnt abandon him? Even knowing Baledagh was Defiled and needing his help, Brother didnt rush or plead with him, giving him time to recover on his own. What sort of brother would Baledagh be if he left now, knowing he could help? No matter how necessary, ordering the deaths of children and innocents would destroy Brother, perhaps even unbalance him. Maybe not immediately, but he would hold it close for years, never speaking of his pain or suffering until it was too late. For all his modesty, Brother had his pride, always shouldering burdens on his own and seeking answers without help. He could have given the unbound commoners to someone, or asked Gerel to decide, could have taken a multitude of easier paths, but he didnt. Brother wanted to save these strangers and was willing to pay any price so long as it didnt impact his family. Thats simply who he was, a kindhearted, compassionate fool who dreamed of saving everyone.

Qing Qing would have to wait, but she'd understand.

The world shifted as Baledagh opened his eyes to stare up at the ceiling, smiling at the various carved depictions of heroism and glory. No wonder he always stopped and stared, so it was to carve this. The scene wasnt to Brothers taste, hed rather look at animals or women, no, this was done for Baledagh. A small thing, but the sight warmed him more than words ever could. Perhaps he wanted Baledagh to gaze upon something inspiring upon waking, or maybe it was merely a passing fancy, this tiny, almost insignificant detail showed how much Rain cared.

Baledagh had been a terrible brother, he knew this now. Since awakening, hed known feelings of jealousy and resentment, hoping to one day overthrow Brother and take his place as Falling Rain, but no more. Brother was Falling Rain, and Baledagh was Baledagh. Perhaps someday, they would walk side by side in the real world, but if not, then such was life.

Sorry Brother, he said, sitting up and shocking Rain from his stupor. Im awake now.

Youve got nothing to be sorry about, little brother, Rain replied with a smile on his face. Welcome back.

Chapter Meme