Chapter 339

Name:Savage Divinity Author:
Chapter 339

In the last twenty-four hours, Ive had to accept a few hard truths about myself.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

For starters, I now realize I am bat-shit crazy and have been talking to myself as a coping mechanism for almost three years now. On the flip side, I also learned that I am incredibly adept at compartmentalizing my problems, setting them aside, and leaving them for future me to deal with. Like top percentile. No one compartmentalizes better than me. No one. Some would call that a flaw and on most days, so would I, but I really need a win right now. Between mourning for a lost little brother who never existed and dealing with a whole slew of mental problems and anger issues, Im faced with yet another hard truth which is bumming me out.

I, Falling Rain, youngest Second Grade Warrant officer in history and number one talent of the Empire, am a manlet. Its true. At 175 cm tall, Im only short in the company of Martial Warriors, a differential easily ignored in normal circumstances, especially since Milas around the same height as me and calling Lin 165 cm would be generous. Besides, most common born Martial Warriors arent all that tall either, usually averaging around 185 cm tall, which means most of the time, its like Im living in a normal-sized world with the odd pack of freakish giants passing through.

Standing over two meters high, my new concubine shatters all illusions as I stand eye-level with the hollow of her neck. Now, its a lovely neck and her towering height aside, she seems outwardly perfect. Beautiful doesnt even begin to describe her. Blessed with skin so pale it almost glows in the sunlight, she wears her long, lustrous black hair up in an elaborate coiffure, held in place with a gilded circlet of two kissing birds which seems deliberately fashioned to frame her beauty. Glittering amethysts draw my sight towards her best features, hanging above her smoky, hazel eyes, dangling from her dainty earlobes, and wrapped snugly around her exquisite wrists and ankles. Rosy red cheeks, dainty ears, an alluring neck, and a beguiling little beauty mark just under her left eye all make her a ravishing beauty, the single, minor imperfection enhancing her overall appeal.

With her eyes lowered in submission, she flashes a demure smile and curtsies before me, dropping a little lower than decorum demands. Consort Zheng Luo greets Honoured Husband Falling Rain. Her delicate, honeyed voice engulfs me like a warm blanket and sinks into my skin, sending a tingle down my spine and directly to my loins. The reaction is so immediate and visceral I suspect it might be magic, but a woman like this doesnt need magic to get me all hot and bothered. Crowding out all rational thoughts, her short, purple dress demands my attention, rising ever so slightly as she holds her curtsy, which exposes just enough of her juicy thighs without turning into indecent exposure while leaving me wanting for more. Further pushing my limits, her silk shawl slips aside and offers a tantalizing view of a bird-shaped jade pendant nestled neatly in the valley of her bountiful bosom, openly visible through the convenient boob-window of her dress.

Were she not a country destroying beauty, Zheng Luos contrived display would have me rolling my eyes in disbelief. Everything about her is elaborately designed to entice and entrap, from her sparkling jewellery to her seductive movements. Like, am I seriously supposed to believe she doesnt realize her dress is sliding up, or that her shawl just happened to slip aside as she leaned over? Cmon now, she waited a few seconds before fixing her mistake, and her none-too-subtle studious glance disguised as embarrassed desire isnt fooling anyone. Zheng Luos got the goods but her performance leaves much to be desired, a callow, untried girls first try at seduction in the real world. Too bad shes up against someone whos seen it all and possesses an iron-like will. Hmph, its not so easy to seduce Falling Rain, number one talent in the Empire.

Hehe. The more I say it, the less guilty I feel about winning through alternative tactics. Adapt or perish, thats how it is.

Having met my concubine, I cant take sole credit for my restraint. Much of it is due to Mila strategically standing in my line of sight while sending murderous scowls my way, a firebrand bristling with jealousy as I meet the newest member of my harem. Wholly terrified of possible heavy-handed repercussions and regretting my off-colour joke to the Legate about imaginary orgies, I fake a yawn and rub my eyes to force myself to stop staring at Zheng Luo. Nice to meet you, I say, too scared to look directly at the statuesque beauty. Im Rain. Err, no need to be so formal or worried, youre safe and among friends. As for the whole concubine thing, dont worry about it. Put it out of your mind and forget about it. Youre absolved of all err... concubinely duties from here on in. No one among the Bekhai will treat you like a slave or force you to do anything you dont want to, this I promise you.

But why? Zheng Luos distraught tone catches me off-guard and sadness clouds her lovely features, her mask slipping as she asks, Is it because Lord Husband finds Luo-Luo unattractive? Or is it because Lord Husband dislikes slaves? Luo-Luo is not a slave so please do not discard her, she will do her utmost to satisfy all of Lord Husbands needs.

Mm, Lord Husband. I like that. Just the implication of submission is enough to get my engines revving, imagining what Id do to my meek, obedient consort... But Luo-Luo though? Mm, not a huge fan of grown-ass women acting like cutesy children. I mean, yea, Lin does the same thing, but shes adorable and it comes naturally to her. Zheng Luo is a refined, mature beauty, too dignified to pull off cute and naive like my sweet wifey and should stick to a more regal and proud persona.

...Do I subconsciously want Lin to stop acting so childish? At some point in the distant future, I suppose yea, but its part of her charm and theres nothing wrong with indulging my spoiled, indolent little wifey, right?

Learning so many new things about myself today. Not enjoying it all that much. Ignorance truly is bliss.

Mistaking my glance for a questioning look, Lin shrugs and grins in response. Dont worry hubby, I think you should marry her. Shes pretty, tall, and so sweet with children, but shes the last one, ya? Luo-Luo makes five, so thats it. No more or Ill be sad.

Hugging my sweet wifey close, I inwardly worry about her ability to count, an important skill considering she handles most of my finances. Lin, Mila, and possibly Yan makes three, then Luo-Luo would be number four. Whos the fifth? Is Lin counting Li Song? Thats not fair, she barely even tolerates my presence. Wait, Im focusing on the wrong thing. Still cuddling Lin close, I turn my attention back to Luo-Luo and ask, Youre not a slave?

No Lord Husband, she replies, recovering from her shock and falling back into the role of dutiful concubine. Luo-Luo is an Imperial Servant, gifted in tribute to the Imperial Clan upon her birth and bound by no Oaths. Although Imperial Mandate guided Luo-Luo to Lord Husband, she remains here of her free will and wishes only to serve at Lord Husbands pleasure.

I am not proud to admit this, but my gut reaction to the news is, Well, fuck.

I believe slavery is horrible in any way, shape, or form, and it sounds terrible even thinking this, but... the Oaths are convenient. I have way too many secrets floating around to have an unaffiliated courtesan hanging around, all up in my business and possibly ready to report me to the authorities for any rebellious acts or sacrilegious statements. Im not saying shes a spy for sure, but for all I know, shes the Legates tool sent here to find out the secret to my strength or here to shame me into hanging myself for being so short.

If I get enough Heavenly Energy, could I make myself taller? No, thatd be ridiculous, itd be a complete waste of a scarce and valuable life-saving resource. I shouldnt do that. Yea, no...

Relieved by my assurances she wont be discarded out of hand, Luo-Luo immediately sets to work endearing herself to my inner circle, likely realizing she wont get anywhere without their approval. Watching her out the corner of my eye as I try to get some rest, I marvel at how easily she makes friends with everyone, an accomplished socialite in her element. Lin is easily won over by simply calling her Lin-Lin, my adorable wifey blushing at the overly-familiar and childish designation, while Mila takes a little more effort. Sadly, it doesnt take long for Luo-Luo to figure Mila out, soon realizing my fiery-haired betrothed loves flaunting her knowledge, especially about things near and dear to her heart like her forging talents. Li Song is even easier to charm as Luo-Luo promises to play a game of chess when theyre done brushing the bunnies, lending a hand by keeping track of who still has yet to be brushed without interfering with Li Songs enjoyment.

Shit. I guess Li Song does count as one of my future wives, though itll undoubtedly be a frigid, loveless union of convenience.

Luo-Luos tricks and games come so naturally to her, it leaves me suspicious of almost all her actions. Is she truly as she appears, a serene beauty eager to please, or does she harbour ulterior motives? Does she believe Ping-Ping is a Divine Beast or is she putting on a show for the stupid bumpkins? Is her respect for Alsantset and Charok real, or is she faking it because theyre my family? What about Tali and Tate? Is everything as it seems and she thinks theyre adorable, or is she inwardly cringing because shes forced to hug two half-beast mongrels? Is she asking about the rabbits names because theyre cute and fluffy, or because she knows I care and wants to feign interest?

Most importantly, how does she feel about being a concubine while Mila and Lin are the legal wives? The Empire makes a big fuss about wife hierarchy, putting great emphasis on the official wife while treating secondary wives and concubines more like servants. Does it upset her to be placed beneath two (or more) women? What if shes harbouring thoughts of usurping their positions? Happy wife, happy life, but how am I supposed to deal with a power-hungry noble from the east?

Truth be told, all this is conjecture, but I dont want Luo-Luo around for mostly one reason. I could say its because shes too phony, too tall, or too beautiful, or I could claim its because I dont trust her and have too many secrets to hide. Hell, I could even blame it on my antagonistic nature and claim I dont like being told who to love, but even if I put all that aside, I cant bring myself to like her. Shes just too... perfect.

Yea, I know, horrible right? She has no discernible flaws, whatever will I do? It seems petty, but its true. Shes beautiful, intelligent, and can play more instruments than I can name, a pleasant and accommodating young woman who seems wholly comfortable in her unfamiliar circumstances and willing to make the best out of a bad situation, which is unnatural. Any normal person in her situation would freak out, but shes handling it like just another day, all unperturbed and nonchalant. Its weird and I dont like it.

Besides, I like women with flaws, because people are inherently flawed. Lins adorable lethargy and carefree attitude, Milas passionate jealousy and excitable nature, Yans vulgar contentiousness and independent nature, those qualities are part and parcel of what I love about them.


I love Yan.

Damn it. Im the worst betrothed/hubby in the world. At least Im not in love with Li Song too, though its utterly adorable watching her interact with my pets... No, bad Rain. Stop it. Get your libido under control. Havent you figured it out yet? More women equals more problems! You shouldve stopped at three wives!

With all these gloomy revelations bringing me down, I grab Inkys cauldron and head over to the beach to watch the rest of the festivities, knowing Akanai will head up next. Ping Ping and the girls all follow along behind me, chatting like theyre the best of friends. I dont get how girls make friends so quickly. I dont even chat that much with my friends. Then again, I couldnt even if I wanted to, Fungs usually too busy, BoShui is all fan-girly, I have this weird power dynamic with Dastan, Zian still pretends like he hates me, and Huu ghosted me months ago.

I miss having Baledagh to chat with. This sucks.

On my way through camp, I notice the black-armoured guards who escorted Luo-Luo here still standing where we left them, though the Imperial Messenger is nowhere to be found. What are they still doing here? I mutter under my breath, just as an excuse to hear my voice.

Luo-Luo, ever the opportunist, seizes the chance to open a dialogue. Where would Lord Husband like them to stand instead?

Though shes handling things better than I expected, Milas sullen glower makes my heart ache, wishing I could be the man she deserves. Its stupid, shes an incredible warrior and brilliant blacksmith, she shouldnt have to share a husband with so many other women, and same goes for Lin and Yan. To this end, I respond to Luo-Luo more sharply than intended. Stop calling me Lord Husband, my name works just fine. Whoa back it up. You can order them around?

Hurt and confusion etched across her lovely features, Luo-Luo nods and explains, These soldiers are a part of Luo-Luos dowry, three-hundred and sixty members of the Imperial Death Corps here to guard her honour. Speak your orders and they shall obey.

Nice. More soldiers and Imperial ones at that. The Legate was right, I do like my gift.

Chapter Meme