Chapter 344

Name:Savage Divinity Author:
Chapter 344

... has arrived at the kitchen and received ser Charoks approval. Regarding the other matter you entrusted this one with, everything is prepared in the antechamber as per your request.

Good. Sitting in her wheelchair, Sarnai nodded and studied Mister Rustram with a critical eye, this former soldier turned Sentinel and Rains second-in-command. A handsome man of twenty-three, Rustrams clean-shaven chin and dignified moustache were a testament to his impeccable grooming and flawless manners. An able administrator and diligent worker, Rustram was so efficient and effective there was little left for Sarnai to do. A shame considering this was her excuse to hide away and avoid attending the party with her husband until absolutely necessary. She loathed events like these, having to smile and make nice with strangers while they stared at the youthful hero and his aged, decrepit wife with a mixture of pity, disgust, and curiosity.

Adamant to avoid socializing for as long as possible, Sarnai turned her attention back to Rustram. As efficient and capable as he was, Rustram was a valuable addition to the Sentinels and Rains most promising independent adjutant, but sorely lacking in Martial talent. Ai, what was Rain doing losing his temper and taking it out on poor Rustram in public? Sarnai should have stepped in long ago to educate her foolish son instead of leaving things for her dog-brained husband to handle. No matter, the best time to correct ones mistake was yesterday, and the second best time today. How to smooth things over between Rain and Rustram? As the second son, Rustrams chances of inheriting his fathers business were low so he would have to find his own fortune once his term of service ended. Perhaps she could play matchmaker and tie him to the People through marriage, ensuring their fertile waters would not flow into others fields...

Cognizant of her scrutiny, Rustram hid his discomfort well and asked, Is there anything else you require, Lady Sarnai?

Although it wasnt her place to apologize for Rains mistakes, she couldnt sit idly by and allow tensions to mount between them. Youve done well fighting at my sons side and holding his retinue together. Speak, what reward do you desire?

Taken aback by the abrupt offer, Rustram looked quite the fool standing there with mouth opened wide, but Sarnai resisted the urge to needle him about it. Hmph, and her husband said she didnt know how to be diplomatic. After long seconds of silence, Rustram bowed his head and said, Lady Sarnai, no reward is necessary, though this one begs a favour. This one hopes to find a Mentor to guide him on his Martial Path, but lacks knowledge regarding the Experts of the People. It would mean much to this one if Lady Sarnai could introduce him to one such Expert.

Oh? How surprising. Why do you seek strength?

To repay a debt and defend a life. Day by day, this one falls further behind and he fears he will no longer be fit to serve at Falling Rains side.

And thats all you seek to accomplish? To serve, defend, and repay a debt? What will you do when all this is done?

Raising his head, Rustram lowered his hands, looked her deep in the eyes, and dispensed with his formal tone. I owe Rain more than I could repay in two lifetimes and hes never asked for anything in return. Not only that, but he would never think to ask for reparations because he believes he was only doing what was right. That is the man your son is, and that is why I am proud to serve at his side. However, in recent times, I have become more burden than benefit, and since I am neither talented nor perceptive, I hope to find a Mentor who will point out my failings.

Hmm... How interesting... Broad of shoulder and slim of waist, a slender build, but lean and dense. Strong legs and stronger lungs, though a little short at a hundred and eighty centimetres tall. Rains training had served Rustram well, but all in all, he could hardly be considered coveted goods. On a whim, Sarnai rolled herself to the open centre of the suite and commanded, Draw your sword and attack.

Im sorry?

Locking her wheeled chair in place, she snapped, That piece of metal you wear so prettily isnt a decoration is it? Come, show me the skills of my sons right-hand man. I cant well recommend you to a Mentor without knowing your mettle. The poor man glanced about the room hoping to find help, but Sarnai had long since sent her guards and servants to join the festivities in the courtyard. Her husband would brood and pout if he knew, but Sarnai neither needed nor wanted their aid or protection. Even if Rains suspicions were right and they had enemies lurking in the shadows, Sarnai prayed they would make a move against her so she could deal with them herself.

This meant there was no one in the room to help Rustram aside from Jimjam, who was too busy moping in the corner. Wearing a fetching red-silk vest and matching cap, the sweet kitten sputtered and sighed in the shadows, having refused to leave with his siblings and accompany his tormentor, Mei Lin, as she changed into a new dress. Though she sympathized with Jimjams plight, the poor thing looked darling and dressing him up wasnt as embarrassing as shed once thought. Many a soldier and nobleman dressed their horses in clan or house colours, so this was merely taking things one step further.

Lady Sarnai, Rustram said, taking his place across from her with his sword still sheathed, This isnt proper."

Rolling her eyes, Sarnai gave a well-practised snort of derision. Pei. Ill decide what is and isnt proper. Why? Are you afraid of being beaten by a feeble old woman? Good, it means youre smarter than you look, but I knew this already. Now, I wish to test your strength, so draw your sword and attack.

It took a little more prodding, but eventually Rustram obliged and attacked, opening with a clumsy, half-hearted thrust. Pinching the blade between two fingers, Sarnai disarmed him with a sharp twist of her wrist and rapped him across the mouth with the hilt of his own weapon. Pathetic. Again.

Visibly annoyed now, Rustram retrieved his weapon and held the pommel to his bleeding lips, mumbling incoherently under his breath. His words were lost on Sarnai as she watched him Heal the cut before her eyes, once a sign of true skill but now a common sight among Rains retinue thanks to his Panacea Healing method. Oh, she was so proud of her boy, and now she finally had something she could brag about.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Of course, none of this meant she trusted the girl without question. Even before Rain brought the matter up in Sending, Sarnai wondered if Luo-Luo was a spy sent by the Legate to uncover the secret of the Peoples strength. Thank the Mother Rain had a good head on his shoulders and wasnt blinded by a pretty smile. When Sarnai first heard about the Legates gift, she half expected to find her son lost in the throes of lust or worse.

Patting Luo-Luos cheek, Sarnai idly imagined what her grandchildren would look like while nodding towards the antechamber. Handsome no doubt, with beautiful smiles. Now that youre dressed, come pick out a zither. This old crone knows nothing about instruments, so I had several brought over for you to choose from.

Thank you, Luo-Luo said, clasping Sarnais hand tight, but Mother jests, for she is still a vibrant, vigorous woman and hardly an old crone.

Pei. No need for empty flattery, come now. Time is wasting. Unlocking her chair, Sarnai spun about and wheeled away, but not before signalling for Jimjam to stay behind. The last thing she needed was for him to lose his head and destroy a room full of expensive instruments.

Luo-Luo scurried to keep up, taking speedy, short steps in her too tight dress. It is no empty flattery Mother. Allow Luo-Luo the opportunity to style your hair and apply your makeup. A minor emphasis on your high cheekbones and-

Enough girl. Putting an end to this nonsense, Sarnai gestured for Luo-Luo to get the door. Come, no more dallying about. Go pick out your instrument and worry not about the price.

Luo-Luo will obey. As the girl stepped away to inspect the closest zither, Sarnais heart ached with regret over how much theyd already spent on this wedding banquet, especially when she thought of how many people she could have fed and clothed back home instead. There was no helping it though, such was the price of fame and reputation. As the newly crowned number one talent in the Empire, if Falling Rain were to host a paupers banquet, all face would be lost and his title turned into a joke before the day was done. Its not as if they couldnt afford it; as a Major General, her husband earned an exorbitant salary and they hardly had any expenses, but this didnt mean Sarnai enjoyed spending coin like water.

This, alongside how shed walked in on Luo-Luo trying to convince Rain to pawn his valuables, was why she set a trap for the girl to step into. Sarnai had lied when she said she knew nothing of instruments. Her mother played the zither beautifully and had passed some of that knowledge down to Sarnai, though she hadnt touched an instrument since her parents passed away. With Rustrams help, she had a variety of zithers brought to the room, including a handful of gaudy, garish monstrosities made from expensive jade, gold, and platinum, meant for looking at rather than playing. Those were here to catch Luo-Luos eye and distract her from the plainer instruments, one of which was a zither made from baitong wood, an expensive, resonant material which coincidentally looked exactly like wutong wood, a cheaper, more common alternative. Thus, once Luo-Luo picked an ostentatious and impractical instrument, Sarnai would use the opportunity to chide the girl about her avaricious ways and-

Mother, this one is perfect.

Ruining Sarnais best laid plans, Luo-Luo sat in front of a common zither made from wutong wood, beaming as she ran her fingers across the silken strings and smooth surface. Frowning in consternation, Sarnai tried a different tack. Are you sure? It looks a little plain and lacking in decoration.

Luo-Luo is certain. No need to worry Mother, one does not appreciate an instrument with ones eyes, but ones ears.

Though Luo-Luo didnt say it out loud, the disdain in her eyes when she glanced at the jade and pearl instruments made it clear what she thought of them. Even so, this common instrument was easily the cheapest of them all, and while Sarnai was hoping to teach Luo-Luo a lesson in restraint, it wasnt to the point of purchasing a sub-par instrument. The baitong zither was the best instrument here and hardly cheap, but Sarnai was ready to buy it regardless. Trying one more time, she pointed at the baitong zither and asked, What about this one? The merchant mentioned something about it being made from some special wood?

Nodding in appreciation, Luo-Luo answered, Yes, its beautifully crafted and were we staying in Central, Luo-Luo would choose it without question, but baitong wood has been known to crack and shatter in colder climates. Wutong wood is more durable and should better withstand the lower temperatures of the north. Whats more, the difference in quality will hardly be noticeable in the Magistrates courtyard, as it wasnt built with acoustics in mind. Patting her chosen instrument fondly, she added, This will suit Luo-Luo just fine. Smirking as she stood, Luo-Luo circled around and took the handles of Sarnais wheeled chair. Since we have time to spare, perhaps Mother would be open to Luo-Luos earlier suggestion? Please, Mother has done all this for Luo-Luo and it would mean so much if this one could do something in return...

Scrunching her nose, Sarnai looked into Luo-Luos eager eyes. The girls makeup skills were rather impressive, boasting a natural, understated style meant to amplify her beauty rather than hide her flaws. Of course, it helped that the girl had no discernible physical flaws to speak of, but since Sarnai had little else to do in the interim, she sighed and nodded ever so slightly. Putting Luo-Luos squeal of delight out of mind, Sarnai warned, Ill not stand for looking like those Central harlots mind you, with powder caked on so thick they could pass for ghosts.

Certainly not, Mother, Luo-Luo replied, pushing Sarnais chair back towards the bedroom. Mother is so beautiful, she hardly needs any makeup at all, merely a small touch of rouge on the lips and...

As the girl nattered on, Sarnai tempered her expectations. She knew how she looked, old and wrinkled while her husband was still young and virile, no amount of makeup could change this. Whatever the outcome, she greatly approved of Luo-Luo and hoped that with a woman like her at his side, perhaps Rains wandering eye would finally come to a rest, his harem of three finally enough to satisfy his prodigious appetite.

And if not, then Sarnai would step in and correct him of his wicked ways. Though she loved her son and wanted him to be happy, as the number one talent in the Empire, there were high expectations for his future. She couldnt stand idly by and watch him succumb to the pleasures of the flesh, as so many young talents had done in the past, but she wouldnt go overboard. So long as he treated his wives and concubines well and earned enough to support them, then what reason would she have to interfere? It was known that great men had great appetites, and her son, Falling Rain, was undoubtedly a great man. Perhaps given time, he might truly become Unrivalled under Heaven, but with the Defiled rampaging through the West, time was what they lacked the most. Thus, it was her job to regain her former strength and hold up the skies for her talented son, giving him the time he so desperately needed, no matter the cost

For that's what parents were supposed to do.

Chapter Meme