Chapter 357

Name:Savage Divinity Author:
Chapter 357

With heavy eyelids and mounting frustration, Luo-Luo left the warm embrace of her new, silk comforter and shuffled across the cold wooden floor. Fumbling with the handle, her tired brain took an eternity to remember how to unclasp the latch, a process made more difficult by her inability to keep her eyes open or yawns stifled. Opening the door, she greeted the persistent guest knocking at her door and found the ever-stoic Li-Li standing in the soft light of the rising sun, her hair neat and armour polished. Belatedly remembering shed imposed upon Li-Li to come wake her in the morning, Luo-Luo sleepily said, Good morning, while inwardly cursing her own stupidity.

Of course a dedicated Martial Warrior like Li-Li would rise at dawn. Luo-Luo wanted to wake earlier so not to offend Sister Alsantset, but this was overdoing things...

Nodding in wordless reply, Li-Li stood in place, her expression unreadable and posture impeccable. Spotting three of Lord Husbands thuggish soldiers passing by, Luo-Luos sleepiness vanished as she glanced down at her thin nightclothes and uttered a squeak of panic. The soldiers werent looking in her direction, but all theyd have to do is turn their heads ever so slightly to see Luo-Luos exposed figure and who knows how they would react. Pant like slavering beasts in heat and perhaps even become emboldened enough to lose all reason and approach them, subduing Li-Li before gagging Luo-Luo and dragging them into the yurt, where they would both be used and abused for hours on end until someone came to save them.

Panicking due to her overactive imagination, Luo-Luo dragged Li-Li into the yurt and shut the door behind them. Cheeks flushed and heart pounding, she cursed herself for letting fear get the best of her, not to mention the minor thrill of excitement which came with it. Wracking her brain for a proper excuse for her actions, she came up with nothing, but luckily, instead of waiting for an explanation, Li-Li wordlessly offered to brush Luo-Luos hair and did so using an emerald-studded jade comb with surprising adeptness.

A woman of few words and glacial expressions, Li-Li was a kind, considerate soul who welcomed Luo-Luo into her family with open arms. If only Mila and Sister Alsantset could do the same.

Sadly, having accepted Li-Lis help made it all but impossible to go back to sleep, so Luo-Luo grit her teeth and left her yurt at this unholy hour. If yesterdays events were any indication, Mila and Lin-Lin wouldnt wake for at least another four hours, though Lord Husband already sat by the campfire wrapping dumplings with the twins. Glancing up from his work, he nodded and offered a polite, but distant smile in greeting while Luo-Luo flashed him a coy look beneath fluttered lashes, only to be outright ignored as he went back to rolling perfectly round dumpling skins for the twins.

What an infuriating and inflexible man. Could he not offer her more than a brief glance and a cold smile?

Abandoned by Li-Li for the company of rabbits, bears, and wildcats, Luo-Luo laid a cloth on the grass and settled down to watch her Lord Husband at work. It boggled the mind seeing a man of his status lower himself to do menial labour like cooking or cleaning, but he looked so content and at peace as he tended to the campfire and oversaw the twins, it was difficult to fault him for it. With skills which ran the gamut and included cooking, duelling, herbalism, and tinkering, her Lord Husband was an odd little man, a thoughtful, humble, brilliant man who seemed wholly indifferent to fame, rank, face, or reputation.

In short, he was the exact opposite of what shed been taught to expect.

Times up, Lord Husband declared, clapping his hands in a cloud of flour. I shall now choose the winners of this first ever, Imperial Grand Conference Dumpling Wrapping Competition! Stroking his chin, he left streaks of flour on his cheeks as he counted and inspected each twins plate of dumplings, hmm-ing and ha-ing while pretending not to notice their giggles. After long deliberation, he nodded and said, Okay. Totalling in at twenty-three to fifteen, Tate wins in dumpling quantity, but because nine of his dumplings arent entirely sealed and all of Talis dumplings are both beautifully wrapped and evenly sized, she wins in quality. Congratulations! You both win the grand prize!

What did we win? The twins asked in tandem.

Your prizes are... a plate of delicious dumplings for breakfast!


While Lord Husband laughed at the twins pleas and protests, Luo-Luo imagined what life would be like if he loved her. In all her years, shed often embarked on flights of fancy, dreaming of becoming a renowned musician, famed poet, or a secondary wife of this prominent general or that notable Imperial Scion, but never did she dare dream for love. Such was life as an Imperial Servant, brought up as a trophy, a keepsake, someone to bear and teach her Lord Husbands successors, but Falling Rain made her yearn for more. He had so much love to give, for his family, for his wives, for his pets, why couldnt he spare a little love for Luo-Luo? Perhaps his smile would warm after she bore him a child of his own, though they had yet to share a bed. Were it not for her fear of encountering his fearsome quin Zabu once again, shed have long since snuck into Lord Husbands yurt under the cover of darkness. She refused to believe he would be heartless enough to send her off in shame, especially if he found her laying naked atop his bed...

Pulling her into his yurt, he left the door half open and directed her to sit at the table. Flopping down across from her, he sighed, but stopped halfway and sucked his teeth. Another bad habit of his, one shared by many members of the Bekhai, though thankfully one she had yet to mark down. Please, stop crying, he said, his voice soft and warm. Im not angry. Well... a little upset, but its nothing to cry about, okay? Patting her head, he continued, Look... since youre so unhappy, Ill talk to the Legate and see what we can do. He said he intended to raise other people to Imperial Peerage, so maybe theres a way I can keep my lofty title and you can go home. If not... well, regardless, Ill find a way to send you back. Okay?

Luo-Luo shook her head and wiped her tears, though several seconds passed before she found her voice. Luo-Luo does not want to go back. Luo-Luos place is with Lord Husband. Please do not send her away.

You dont have to lie. With a self depreciating chuckle, he added, You were mad enough to write a list of all my faults, but you forgot to add short and oblivious to the list. Sorry. I didnt know you were so unhappy, but I promise Ill make things right.

Luo-Luo apologizes for shaming Lord Husband, but it was not because she is unhappy. Correcting herself, she said, Luo-Luo is unhappy, but only because Lord Husband does not trust her. She only wrote the list in desperation, believing her only recourse was to offer suggestions to help Lord Husband improve his public image.


Taken aback by the question, Luo-Luo looked up for the first time since Lord Husband caught her. ...because... Lord Husbands public image... is...

Leaning back on both hands, Lord Husband laughed and said, I know, I know, its atrocious, but what I meant was why are you so eager to help? Why arent you more upset about being given away to a stranger as a prize? Wouldnt you rather go home?

Confused by his line of questioning, Luo-Luo took her time in answering. Such is Luo-Luos purpose, ordained on the day of her birth. She is an Imperial Servant, her fate to serve wherever the Emperor deems appropriate. Home... Home is a small room in the Imperial Academy, a gloomy, joyless place no different from a gilded cage. For six long years, Luo-Luo sat and waited for her opportunity to Serve, stagnating while her peers and juniors moved on with their lives. Wiping away the last of her tears, Luo-Luo sat up straight and held her head high. Having met Lord Husband, Luo-Luo believes it was time well spent. Between his incredible accomplishments and brilliant mind, Lord Husband is undoubtedly a dragon among men who stands at the forefront of his generation. Offering him a seated bow, Luo-Luo added, However, talent and hard work are not enough to soar through the Heavens, and as such, this one hopes Lord Husband will accept her humble aid.

Unimpressed by her flattery, Luo-Luos words still had an effect as Lord Husband sat up and leaned forward. Why were you kept back for six years? Bad student?

On the contrary, Luo-Luo was a most excellent student. Pleased to finally have his attention, she told her story, stopping often to answer his queries and explain some nuance of Imperial life he didnt understand. When her throat ran dry, he stopped to make tea and snacks and Luo-Luo belatedly realized this was their first, real conversation together, with only the two of them sitting alone in his yurt. With his back turned, she quickly fixed her hair and loosened her collar, desperately wishing she had a pocket mirror to check her makeup as she prepared to seduce him out of his pants.

Sadly, despite all her best efforts, Lord Husband seemed utterly immune to her charms. Laughing at his witty rejoinders, leaving her hands in easy reach for him to hold, fanning her collar to bare her skin, all her best tricks only amused him, his infuriating, knowing smile showing he was wise to her ways. So aggravating, if he knew her intentions, then how could he sit there and ignore them? Did he have no pride as a man? Did he not find her attractive? Or did it amuse him to watch her repeatedly throw herself at him? Was that what he wanted? A shameless, brazen harlot begging to fulfill his every desire?

Too ashamed to act so boldly, Luo-Luo finished telling her story and answering his questions, at which point Lord Husband stood and stretched with a mighty yawn. I see. I still dont entirely understand this whole Servant thing, but then again, theres a lot I dont understand about this world we live in. Shrugging easily, he flashed her a genuine smile, so warm and bright it made her heart swell with joy. Perhaps you can help explain it during lunch, and we can talk about improving my public image too. Id also love to hear you play the zither sometime, but first we have to go wake Mila. She signed up for a contest which is starting soon, and shell never forgive herself if shes disqualified for being late.

Beaming as she followed him out, Luo-Luo thanked the Mother for bestowing fortune amidst disaster. Lord Husband was truly a magnanimous soul, so easily forgiving Luo-Luo for her dire misstep, though he seemed intent on teasing her for a little while longer. No matter. She had confidence in her skills, and once he had a taste, then they would see who teased whom.

Now, if only she had some way to send Zabu away...