Announcing the Savage Divinity Manga!

Name:Savage Divinity Author:
Announcing the Savage Divinity Manga!

Yes you read it right, Savage Divinity will soon arrive in colour drawn pages, sketched and inked by yours truly. Gone are the days of being merely a Ruffwriter, for now I shall spread my wings as the Ruffwriteranddrawer (name change pending on RRL).

While not entirely ready, I've prepared a few teaser drawings for you all, which again were 100% done by me and me alone, for serious. Feast your eyes on the authentic representations of your favourite characters, starting with our MC, Rain!

Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Next we have Mila, with her curly red locks and floofy red-panda tail.

Awesome right?

Anyways, bad news is, drawing is now my new passion, which means Savage Divinity: the Webnovel will go on hiatus until Savage Divinity: the Manga catches up. It shouldn't take long, maybe fifteen to twenty years at one manga chapter per month, but with quality like mine, it's well worth the wait.

You're all welcome. Praise me more. That is all.