Chapter 496

Name:Savage Divinity Author:
Chapter 496

No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!

Stubborn and intractable as the Bekhai are, they have nothing on Mei Lin. Cheeks puffed and eyes teary, my sweet wifey clings to my wrists and refuses to let go until I let her have her way, even though Ive spent the last hour sitting in the courtyard and trying to convince her to give up on her silly idea of coming along. As much as it breaks my heart to see her so distressed, I wont give in and bring her with me to the front lines, but she is unrelenting in her efforts even though Ive already convinced everyone else that this is for the best.

Well... Im not so sure about convinced. Akanai still seems none too pleased by the way things are going and Mom is busy arguing with Guard Leader and her cronies off to the side, but at least Dad stopped scowling and Husolt told me to do what needs to be done. Pragmatic as always, Mila didnt argue and merely announced she wouldnt insist on coming along with me because she had too much work to finish, but also that she would avenge me if I were to die. Song just nodded when told she would be coming with, though her ears also twitched in a short-lived display of excitement, no doubt eager to get back into the thick of battle. Taduk has yet to chime in, but considering hes been standing behind me and clutching my shoulders ever since the Justicars left, Id say hes none too happy with the Disciplinary Corps, but powerless to do anything about it. My sweet teacher is a good-natured man who is too kind for this world, and it hurts me to see him so upset, but theres nothing either of us can do. Even if Luo-Luo and I faked our deaths and snuck back to the mountains to live our lives in obscurity, theres no guarantee Jixing would just give up and go home. In all likelihood, hed throw a fit and take out his anger on the Bekhai and my allies, plus theres still the minor matter of an army of Defiled to contend with...

Life is getting too complicated. All I want are five wives, lots of kids, and a giant menagerie of adorable floofs, plus the money required to sustain my expensive lifestyle. Is that so much to ask for?

...Well I also want to improve the general standard of living and reach the pinnacle of Martial Strength, not to mention revolutionize the way the Empire thinks and bring their morals up to a more acceptable standard. Oh, and getting rid of all Spectres and Demons would be pretty nice too, not to mention fixing the whole Anathema conundrum, and...

Okay, fine Im asking for a lot. So sue me.

Unable to continue arguing with Lin, I scoop her up and sit her on my lap, holding her close while she buries her face in my shoulder and sulks to no end. Wracking my brain for an argument, I find myself at a loss for words, because in truth, I do want her by my side, but not out on the front lines. In spite of all my bravado, I really dont want to go, because war was a terrifying experience even when I had the strength to stand and fight. Crippled as I am, I cant even run on my own, which means I will be wholly reliant on Nian Zu and the Death Corps to keep me safe, an unsettling prospect if there ever was one.

Its not a pleasant feeling, being vulnerable and helpless, almost worse than the daily agony from before. Physical pain is easy to deal with, but the pain of being powerless is a whole different thing. Its like Im back in the mines again, desperately toiling away in the vain hopes that Gortan and his cronies wont notice me today, but I know its already too late. Theyve seen me and marked me for punishment, but it wont come until Ive done my part. Back then, it was gather enough stones, and today, its march out of the Citadel, same shit different day.

Speaking softly in hopes I wont be overheard, I whisper the truth into Lins ear. Its not that I dont want you by my side wifey, but its too dangerous to bring you along. This wont be a normal trip to the front lines, and not just because my Cores been shattered. The Justicars judgment is a farce, a ploy to get me out of the citadel and away from prying eyes so Jixing can strike. Bringing you along would be leading you straight into the lions den, understand?

Then dont go. Changing tack quicker than I can follow, Lin clutches me tight as if all would be well if she never let go. Contest the judgment and demand a trial by combat, then you can stay.

I could, but itd only buy us a few days at most. Jixing would just come up with another scheme to send me away. Assuming we even win. Kuang Biao is a thirty-seven year old Peak Expert, and Jixing gave him up without a fuss. Who knows how many other powerful warriors he has at his beck and call? Besides, how can I ask Mila, Dad, and Grand-Mentor to risk their lives just so I can stay safe, much less all of the Bekhai? I wont do it Lin, you know me better than that.


Thats enough Lin-Lin. Though spoken with only a modicum of steel in his tone, Taduks semi-stern statement is the closest hes ever come to rebuking his beloved daughter, so one look at his face and Lin falls silent without protest. Releasing one hand from my shoulder to pat her head, Taduk doesnt explain why he chided her and no one asks why, because this is how its gotta be. Im the Legates sacrificial pawn, and I can hardly do my job if I hunker down in the citadel. Jixing isnt the only one on my shit-list, but Mom and Dad still think of the Legate as my benefactor, a concept Im having difficulty accepting. While he did help me out, he only did it so I could distract Jixing and his other enemies, so I figure the scales are balanced once I head out. Forget gratitude, Shen ZhenWu is lucky I dont have Ping Ping blast his ass with water the next time we meet or worse.

Fu - Surprised by the polite cough, I scramble to my feet ready to scream for help, but the words die in my throat as I spot the intruder. Hands folded in her lap, Luo-Luo kneels atop my bed with her head lowered in shame and submission while naked as the day she was born. Silken black hair, pale, creamy breasts, and perky, pink nipples are all I can focus on until she does the impossible and offers a more alluring sight for me to feast upon. Slowly lowering her head to the mattress, she kowtows once and holds the position, her face pressed to the sheets and hips raised high, a tantalizing sight which fills me with desire.

If she were turned the other way, Id probably pass out from blood loss, but as things stand, all I do is lean shakily on my walker.

Lord Husband, she whispers, the tremble in her voice only further stoking the flames of my desire, Your Luo-Luo has come unbidden and beseeches Lord Husband to forgive her audacity, but she fears if she does not act tonight, then there may never be another chance. Her face still hidden as she holds her kowtow, her body trembles with fear or anticipation, and its all I can do to keep from running over. If Lord Husband dies, then Luo-Luo will forever be his widow, but she does not wish to become a virgin widow. Please grant Luo-Luo this one wish, and she will be eternally grateful.

Blood flowing... away from brain... thoughts... slowing...will to resist... crumbling...

Burning with desire, I shuffle over to the bed with walker in hand while burning the sight of her naked, kneeling form into memory. Stopping just out of arms reach, I swallow hard and resist the urge to rip my clothes off and throw myself atop her. Sit up. The command comes out sharper than intended and Luo-Luo flinches at my tone as she hurries to obey, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and desire. She wants this, is all but throwing herself at me, so why should I say no? God shes beautiful, so perfectly proportioned its almost unreal, her bountiful breasts heaving as she pants ever so slightly while yearning for my touch, but it would be wrong. I like her, I respect her, and I even trust her to some extent, but the cold harsh truth is this: I dont love her.

Not to say Ill never love her, but if I sleep with her tonight, itll become a moot point. Ill spend the rest of my life trying to love her while wondering if Im motivated by true affection or guilt, and thats not fair to me or her. I never asked for a consort, but if Luo-Luo is going to be my wife, then I need to treat her right, which means treating her as more than an object of desire. While I may be a horndog with multiple wives, that doesnt mean I dont love Lin, Mila, and Yan with all my heart, so it wouldnt be fair for Luo-Luo to spend her life with a husband who doesnt love her, not to mention I dont know if shes doing this because she likes me, or because she thinks its whats expected of her.

On the other hand... boobs. Tough decision.

Still unsure what to do next, I open my mouth to speak, but someone beats me to the punch. Eh-Mi-Tuo-Fuo. Such lust, such sin.

Luo-Luos voice joins with my own as we both scream in alarm, and I belatedly wish we hadnt as all hell breaks loose in my room.

Charging through our connected wall in a shower of debris and splinters, Dad arrives only a second after my Death Corps guards burst through the door and engage the stranger, while my floofs scramble around the room in panic. Hands pressed together in prayer, the old monk dances away from their combined attacks and says, Apologies for the intrusion, Junior Brother. This humble monk is the Abbot of the Penitent Brotherhood, here to listen to my Senior Brothers last will and testament.

At this declaration, Dad stops short and retreats to guard Luo-Luo and myself, but my Death Corps guards dont stop until I order them to. Awkwardly sliding off the bed while Luo-Luo frantically fights to cover her shame, I draw myself up to full height and offer a Martial salute, because I have no idea how one greets a monk. My condolences for your loss, I say, urging my beating heart to still. Ma err... your Senior Brother helped me face a difficult truth during a dark time in my life, and his passing was difficult for us all. Noticing Luo-Luo shivering beneath the covers, Mom armed with her spear and peeking through the hole in the wall, and a crowd of concerned relatives and neighbours standing outside the door, I gesture towards the courtyard and say, Why dont we move this discussion outside?

One things for sure: I wont get any reading done tonight, but I still want to look through the books. Probably for the best the Abbot arrived when he did though. Despite all the arguments I had against having sex with her, Luo-Luos naked breasts were convincingly winning the argument.

I mean... look at them. How can anyone say no to breasts like those?

Chapter Meme