Chapter 690

Name:Savage Divinity Author:
Chapter 690

Whilst dashing about the courtyard in a desperate attempt to corral all the pets into the wagon, Song couldnt help but resent Rain and Lin-Lin for leaving her alone and without assistance.

Thankfully dependable Naaran was still here, with spear at the ready as he stood ready to repulse the inevitable Enemy assault. Ping Ping posted up behind him in a similar manner, her belly low and mouth open in preparation of unleashing a blast of water at anyone who dared approach her furry friends with ill-intent. Lin-Lins veiled guards were also somewhere in the monastery, but hidden out of sight, or at least Song assumed this was the case since she could not find them, but saw them at lunch an hour past. None of these individuals were any help with cajoling the animals into the wagons, who by in large were a simple, sheltered bunch lacking the keen survival instincts of their wild brethren. The birds were the easiest pets to manage, for even in their fear, they were clever enough to trust Song and congregate around the wagon for safety, while Roc stood at the forefront with chest puffed and wings spread to protect his flock. The bears were also not too difficult to square away, as the giant cowards had hidden under the wagon by their own volition, but the rest of the animals were liable to get themselves killed or left behind if the Defiled should overrun the monastery and force a retreat, an outcome Song would never forgive herself for were it to come to pass.

Take sweet, silly George for example, who didnt seem to even notice the crisis going on around him and was adamant he be carried and snuggled right this very minute, or scared Jimjam who refused to come down from his hiding place in a courtyard tree, where every monk, Chosen, and Defiled could clearly see him through the meticulously pruned branches. Princess was even worse, frantically digging her way down under some bushes and already almost too deep for Song to grab, a move for which she received a panicked bite from the weasel-bear until Princess realized whose hand it was. Not the worst injury Song had suffered, one easily Healed even with her mediocre abilities, and it warmed her heart to see how remorseful Princess was over having injured her favourite person, crawling into her shoulder bag with wide-eyed contrition after giving Songs injured hand a thorough licking.

On the other end of the spectrum were the animals too brave for their own good, such as Blackjack perched atop Ping Pings head with fangs bared and paw raised in adorable threat. Mama Bun was similarly prepared to fight, but her courage far outweighed her wisdom as she struggled to escape from Guai-Guais firm embrace and leap off the wagon to charge headlong into the fray, where she would no doubt be killed with a single blow. Oddly enough, gentle, lovable Aurie had transformed into a bristling beast full of fury and threat, his back arched, head low, and fangs bared as he tried to match the fearsome tigers ferocious growl with a pitchy, squeal of a yowl, one that did little besides grate on the nerves. Behind him, Sarankhos nervous pacing belied her fear, but she would not leave her brother to fight alone, and Jimjam watched them intently from his perch in the tree, their familial bond too strong to be broken. Thankfully, none of them were foolhardy enough to attack without support, but Song was unable to cajole Aurie and Sarankho into the wagon where theyd be safe from harm, not while scrambling to collect all the terrified bun-buns who were doing their best to hide from the threat.

Then again, perhaps theyd be safer hidden out of the way than sitting in plain view atop the wagon, surrounded by Defiled tribesmen no less. Supposedly reformed Defiled, but Defiled all the same, and Song trusted them about as much as she trusted the laughing birds with an open barrel of fish. Alas, while some of the rabbits were clever enough to tuck themselves under benches or hide in the bushes, most picked abysmal hiding spots that did nothing to conceal their presence. The latter were the easiest to collect, as Song only had to scoop them up and place them on the wagon at which point they would burrow under the bears or laughing birds, while the former were mostly happy to exchange their hiding spot for a place in Songs arms, if only for the duration of a sprint back to the wagon. The cagier rabbits were her biggest problem, like Hopper who was trying to leap through a window and into the monastery proper, or Cinnabun whose white and brown fur contrasted sharply against the stone wall her head was burrowed under in an effort to blend in, only her hindquarters were sticking out for all to see. Thankfully, the Enemy did not seem so eager to engage the monks of the Brotherhood and their assortment of nonstandard weapons, happy to stop and exchange words for precious minutes which gave Song the time she needed to collect the animals. Aside from the wildcats and Ping Ping, she was able to coax or compel the other animals into the wagon just in time to hear Jorani offer challenge to Gen.

A foolish move made by a man with more courage than sense, one Song likened to Mama Bun rushing headfirst into a Defiled boot. Though hed improved by leaps and bounds of late and might well become an Expert to be respected if given time, the half-rat wasnt quite at the forefront of his peers, which was where he would have to be in order to even have a chance of defeating the Awakened Gen. Even Rain had been ruined by the fearsome puppeted half-Demon before them, a Warrior Blessed by Earth and Fire whose prowess in battle was undeniably formidable. No doubt the Defiled mouthpiece had progressed by leaps and bounds since they last saw him in action, and even Song herself lacked the confidence to challenge Gen on the battlefield, much less believe she could defeat him in single combat. Seeing how Monk Happy allowed the challenge to go forward however, she could only stand back and wish Jorani a silent farewell, even if she wasnt too fond of the man and his leery, lascivious gaze.

At least he never did more than stare, and he always did look properly contrite whenever Song caught his gaze, his inability to meet her eyes and hangdog expression doing much to assuage her discomfort. A shame he wasnt wearing his Runic armour, because then at least he might put up something of a fight, but as things stood, Song wholly expected Jorani to die to the opening salvo of flames.

One that never arrived. Striding forward with open arms, Gens lean, sinewy frame and somewhat middling height did little to inspire dread or terror, and his hateful sneer twisted his somewhat handsome features into an expression of repulsive arrogance. An unremarkable appearance which sat in stark contrast to his formidable reputation, but his grace and strength were undeniable as he advanced upon Hangman Jorani like a tiger stalking its prey, opting to play with his foe rather than kill him outright. Using his longer range to good effect, the half-rat wielded his Spiritual Rope like a flexible spear, sweeping, striking, and stabbing in what Song thought was a remarkably effective combination. A wide swing high, followed by a feint low, only to thrust out at what should have been an exposed flank, but Gen read Joranis movements and avoided all three blows with casual disdain. Too slow, he proclaimed, shaking his head in mocking disappointment as he slipped under yet another attack. Is this the best you can muster? This Sovereign expected more from one brave enough to offer challenge to the Emissary of Earths Fire.

Given his chatty nature, Song wouldve expected Jorani to respond with some form of colloquial banter, but the Sanshu native held his tongue and let his weapon do his talking for him. Were he facing a lesser Warrior, Jorani might well have overwhelmed his foe through sheer volume of attacks, but Gen was either familiar with fighting against such an atypical weapon or a genius at reading his opponents. No matter how unexpected a move Jorani made with his Spiritual Rope, the Chosen figurehead was three steps ahead, moving forward step by measured step with deliberate lack of haste. Since Jorani refused to answer any verbal taunts, Gen was mocking the half-rat with his actions, showing everyone just how outclassed Hangman Jorani really was.

A shame, considering this was the best performance Song had ever seen from Jorani. The rope moved like a solid staff at times, only to transition into a whip whenever needed, and were she herself faced with this deluge of attacks, she might well be stymied by his unorthodox style. Where others aimed to strike with overwhelming speed or strength, Jorani valued precision above all else, targeting Gens feet and head, as his chest and hands seemed almost impervious to harm. While Joranis control and accuracy was impressive to see in action, the nature of these targeted attacks meant Gen barely had to move to avoid them, and thus far, the monstrous Chosen had yet to even defend, much less counterattack. Within a matter of seconds, he closed half the distance between him and his foe through superior positioning alone, as if able to read his foes every move and react before the attack even completed.

Then Jorani twirled a step back while bringing his rope around his mid-section, and Song lost herself in the intricacy of his movements. Arms, legs, hips and shoulders all moving in perfect harmony, he switched from attacking with only one end of the Rope to using both ends as his opponent moved into range, looping a measure of rope around his back and wielding his weapon like two separate chains, all of which was hidden by Joranis deceptive and distracting twirl. Caught off guard by the flawless transition, Gens smug expression slipped as he raised his arms to block the oncoming thrust, an explosive, underhanded attack which originated from Joranis left hand, when all his previous attacks had come from the right. Speed and power coalesced as the rope shot out towards its target, so unlike anything Jorani had thus far demonstrated in their duel, leaving Song to wonder if every movement that came before was solely to prepare for this single, meteoric attack. The air warping as it darted towards its target, the Spiritual Rope thrummed with the destructive energies contained within, and Song spotted a flash of alarm in the overconfident Gens expression.

Lightning sparked.

Thunder crashed.

Metal screeched.

And Gen landed with a heavy thump as his body was thrown back from whence he came.

Interesting, the Chosen figurehead muttered, glaring hatefully as he sidestepped the follow-up attack. No longer pressing forward with confidence, Gen approached Jorani with care and caution while musing out loud for all to hear. Not a Blessing, yet not an attack this Sovereign has ever seen. How intriguing. Turning his entire body to avoid Joranis next strike, Gen studied the attack with curious interest, not in the least threatened by the unknown. Thunder crashed once again, but this time, there was no flash of light or screech of metal to accompany it, and Gens expression lit up in comprehension. Ah, not Thunder, Lightning, or Sound then, but merely utilizing the cracking of the whip to deliver a Resonating blow. Small wonder this Sovereign mistook it for something else, for my sights were set too high.

From this, one could verify Rains claim, that this indeed was Gen before them, even if Zhen Shi was in control. All this showmanship was for the sake of his own pride, when he would be better served defeating Jorani in an instant using his Blessing of Earths Fire, as he was so fond of bringing up. Across from him, Jorani refused to rise to the bait and continued to fight the good fight, which alerted Song to the fact that he was deep in the throes of Insight. Curious as to the secrets of Heaven the Mother was bestowing upon him, Song committed the fight to memory for later study while wondering just how Jorani was producing such formidable attacks. Every strike of his Spiritual Rope was accompanied by a peal of thunder now, so loud she could barely hear Gens taunting over the din, but while Lord of Thunder Lei Gong used his Blessing of Lightning to do something similar, Jorani wasnt Blessed with any Element, not even Sound. Or at least, thats how it was assuming Gen was telling the truth, which begged the question of whether or not Song could replicate this feat.

Unlikely. Whatever Jorani was doing was clearly linked to the cracking of his whip, something Song couldnt copy with her sabre alone. Quite the shame, for after seeing so many Peak Experts exhibiting their signature skills, shed felt her Path was sorely lacking. Whether it be in duels or massed warfare, she had nothing of note to display for friend or foe alike, unable to match Mamas ability to dominate in single combat or Teacher Dus overbearing prowess upon the battlefield. A student of two Paths and successor to none, that was where Song currently stood, so while a hound chasing two rabbits goes home hungry, she wanted to tread down both paths and bring them back to one.

For all Paths lead to the Dao, did they not?

For long seconds, Song experienced how Teacher Du and Brother Kyung must feel upon the battlefield, a single Warrior against many yet advancing ever forward into the fray. One distinct difference was that while they used speed and power to overwhelm their opponents, Song relied on cunning and finesse to strike where her foes were weakest, weaving her way through the crowd while delivering death to all who stood in her way. Naaran and a veiled guard appeared at her sides, supporting her as she pushed deeper and deeper into Enemy lines, her eyes never moving off her panicked, backpedalling quarry. Every now and then, she dealt Gen another blow just for good measure, but her blade glanced off metallic flesh time and time again. Despite his panic and trepidation, Gens instincts were still wholly on point as he kept his guard tight and refused to present his back. Were Songs Aura stronger, she could project the same despair to the Chosen around her, but keeping it focused on a single target was the limit of her ability, and she was already pushing said limits by using an unfamiliar Aura in the midst of frenetic battle.

Yet still it was not enough, so Songs only choice was to surpass those limits.

The mornings when she woke disappointed to be alive, the evenings when she wished someone would kill her before Jin Kais summons arrived, the shame and self-loathing which followed after, she dredged up the worst of her memories and bludgeoned her foe with the weight of anguish and misery. Gaze unfocused and mouth opened in a silent scream, Gens panicked despair was so palpable Songs heart bled in commiseration, but there was no mercy for the Enemy, especially not the Emissary of Earths Fire. The final threads of his resolve snapped and shattered as he turned tail to flee, but Song would not allow him to escape. Tiger Swipes the Rushes transitioned seamlessly into Gliding Wing, carving through the soft flesh just above Gens exposed knee. A severed calf and foot flew as the Emissary tumbled to the ground, and Song stomped upon the small of his back to pin him in place as she raised her bloody sabre high for the killing blow. Nothing fancy needed here, just Tiger Cracks the Turtle, and her blade descended in a two-handed, overhand chop aimed directly at the back of Gens head.

Steel bit into flesh and bone, for the Emissary was too prideful to wear his Runic helmet, always so eager to show off his handsome face.

Only to stop three-centimetres deep as it struck something harder than steel, some working that gripped her blade tight and refused to let go.

The world came alive around Song, a world filled with misery and suffering, and space warped before her eyes as the Fathers foul gaze settled upon Gens prone form laying in the dirt before her. Pride gave way to panic as she stomped on his back again, exerting all her effort to pull her sabre out of Gens skull before it was too late. Skin cracked and fat sizzled as her hilt burned away, her blade glowing hot red with the heat of a thousand furnaces, but she refused to let go because the sabre was all she had. An arm circled around her stomach to pull her away, and Song could only watch in abject despair as her Spiritual Weapon was ripped out from between her burnt hands, her heart breaking mere moments before the weapon collapsed under its own weight, the hardened, indestructible steel turned to molten slag by Gens mastery of Earth and Fire.

No, not Gens mastery, for this was not Gen any longer, nor was it Zhen Shi directing Gens actions. The fallen form rose to its feet and howled at the skies, absorbing Songs Spiritual Weapon as it did, and only then did it turn around to show her its face, a contorted caricature of Gens silently screaming expression cast in molten, flesh-like steel.

Gen had died, slain by Songs own hand, and in his place was a powerful Demon, one unlike any other.

Everything rippled and contorted in her view as the weight of the world closed in around her, and it was all she could do to keep her eyes open. The world dimmed and she found herself immersed within her Natal Palace, the silver links of the chain border wavering as she sat atop her emerald throne. Modelled after the necklace which represented her Slave Oaths, Song found solace here in her Natal Palace despite also resenting the restrictions set upon her. Having heard Sister Mila and Rain discuss their Natal Palaces many a time, Song had been looking forward to the day when she too could add to her gloomy surroundings and include parts of her current happy life as well. Her quarters in the Citadel never felt right, nor did she have any strong memories of Mama and Papas home in the mountains, but one day, she hoped to have something to add, something to represent the happier times in her life now that her worst days were behind her.

Hopes which withered and faded as her chain broke a second time, the boundaries of her Natal Palace crumbling apart as her emerald throne shattered alongside her Core and Spiritual Sabre. Pain surged through every fibre of her being until the clothes on her skin burned like fire, only for a boneshaking chill to run down her spine and set her nerves to screaming. The air itself threatened to tear her scalp off as it drifted through her braided hair, but what hurt most was the doomed prospect of a future wherein she could not tread the Martial Path. How cruel, Mother in Heaven, how viciously spiteful and sadistic, allowing Song a glimpse of the peaks she might one day reach only to toss her off the mountain, never to climb again.

Better if shed died, because what use was she now?

Wretched despair threatened to drown her as her hopes and dreams were replaced by new pain and despair, and for a moment, she considered just giving up right here, but her yearning to see her loved ones one last time kept her well-anchored to life and existence. Song couldnt just die without saying goodbye, so she would hold on for as long as she could and hope against all hopes to drift away in their arms, for even the warm embrace of the Mother Above could not compare to being in the presence of Songs beloved family.

A gentle hand stroked her head, and in a single, blissful moment, Songs screaming agonies subsided to a whimpering whisper. Easy now child, a voice said, one she recognized as Taduks as his warm Chi flooded through her broken body and repaired what little it could. Dont you worry about a thing. Your sabre is gone and Core shattered, but we have the fix for that, yes? Once youre back in the Citadel, well whip up an herbal bath and have you back on your feet in no time. This I promise child, so you have nothing to fear.

Of course. Thats how they fixed Rains Core, with an herbal bath meant to reinforce his physique, but the Heavenly Energy did more than just refine his body, it also mended his metaphysical wounds. It would be the same for Song, so there was no need for her to fret. She could still walk the Martial Path and still be of use.

Unaware of Songs thoughts, Taduk helped her over to the wagon, at which point she finally realized the battle was still ongoing. This was no longer her concern however, for in her pain and exhaustion, she also noticed that the wildcats were all by her side, their care and concern evident for all to behold. Even Ping Ping was here, her round eyes wide with worry as she peered over the side of the wagon, so Song tried her best to muster a smile and set the sweet girls mind at ease. Rest now, Taduk said, and a warm surge of Chi accompanied his words, lulling Song into restful slumber as the animals curled up around her, the pain from physical contact a mere pittance compared to the comfort she drew from their warm love and affection. Nothing to concern yourself with here either. Well get you and the animals to safety long before you wake.

As the last vestiges of consciousness slipped away, Song noted with quiet concern that Taduk made no mention of Rain or the monks. Hopefully, they would all escape unscathed, but Jorani was surely on point when he mentioned how Gen wouldve brought multiple Divinities to aid in the assault, and no one, not even another Divinity, which Taduk most certainly was not, could guarantee anyones safety when it came to a clash of such titans.

Alas, there was nothing Song could do about it anymore, not in her current state, so she closed her eyes and dreamed of a future in which everyone made it out of here alive, a dream which she feared might never come to pass.

Chapter Meme 1

Chapter Meme 2