Chapter 25

Name:Save a Failed Idol's Life Author:
Chapter 25

#025. Unexpected Opportunity

A week has passed since they started to accelerate preparations for a specific comeback.

In the meantime, Yejun finished all the arrangements, and I collected points by targeting small sub-quests.

I didnt forget to raise the dance and performance characteristics with the crystals obtained from the points collected.

Its been about a month since I lived as Cheon Yise.

It wasnt as serious as when I first possessed it, but it was still at a level where I couldnt relax.


[Name: Cheon Yise (Lim Hyunseong) 24 years old]


Visual: S

Vocal: D

Dance: A

Performance: B

Attractiveness: A

Speech: A

Now hmm. The only thing thats flawed is the vocals. I wondered if I should ask the system for special vocal training, but my position was the main dancer and sub-rapper.

I think my rap skills have improved a little since my performance has improved.

I didnt have a chance to check it, so I just thought that it would be better first.

Sunwoo also succeeded in losing an additional 4kg in the meantime. Is he in the early 80kg now?

The first jacket shooting was a month later, and even this was pushed back as much as possible because of Sunwoo.

Should I rather say thanks to Sunwoo

There were so many problems to solve that I thought I needed a break before starting filming.

Hell be able to lose about 10kg more by then.

Hes still pretty tall, and I didnt think he was that fat. This could be because he lost weight and built muscle during that time.

But it was as if to prove that standing in front of a camera needs hard work.

Wow Doesnt this make some sense?

Just in case, Seonwoo stood in front of the camera for a while and showed a 1.3 times bigger body.

He needs to keep his diet a little longer.

If you get tired of the food, tell me. Its better for me to do it for you than for you to secretly pick up and eat strange things.

I suggested it as a way to encourage Sunwoo to continue the diet, but an unexpected response came back.

Wasnt I also still eating well?

What do you mean when you keep eating nothing but salad? I wondered, and there was a reason for that.

When I saw what Sunwoo and the other idols he knew when they were still trainees ate, I was speechless.

Isnt this child abuse?

Even at their highest peak, middle school and high school students are the size of half an apple and an egg. I couldnt believe the reality of offering something like this as a diet. (t/n: I dont really understand what this means;;)

This is why youre ruining your body.

Obviously, you cant keep up with such an extreme diet.

When a persons body balance fell apart because of an unbalanced diet, they were bound to get stuck in a cycle of fasting and binge restriction.

In my mind, I wanted to make something and feed them. Low calorie, high satiety, and taste, I cant miss anything.

But for now, it was clearly meddlesome.

I have to take good care of myself, for now.

* * *

Meanwhile, an unexpected opportunity came.

Oh? Whats this? I suddenly have 800 more followers.

Kyunghwa, who was touching his cell phone, came out to the living room with wide-open eyes.

Climax was a group that wasnt even chosen by foreign K-pop fandoms. Even the number of followers on official social media didnt exceed 10K.

It was natural. If we had a few foreign members, we would have been able to do patriotic marketing. Except for one, everyone debuted as a Korean.

The foreign member who was there left at the end of the preparation for the debut album.

If it were another group, it wouldnt have been obvious if it increased by 800, but.

It was a very noticeable numerical change among Climaxs followers.

#All of these_homemade recipes

#I didnt buy it_I made it

#Its my brothers_but Noona ate it all

#Polaris #Dailylife #Selfie #Communication #Climax #Sunyoung #NaSunwoo]

Polaris was a girl group that I had heard of quite a bit.

A selfie taken by Sunwoo with his sister was posted along with a short daily text.

Sunwoo, who had worked hard with the correction app, was smiling brightly, with a much slimmer face than he actually was.

Look at the reaction in the comments.

At my request, Kyunghwa scrolled down to scan peoples reactions.

I think its good!

[- Heol Unnie, it looks so delicious ]

[- Unnie where do you need to diet? You only eat salad ]

[- Wow, the handsome brothers and sisters faces are amazing]

[- The two of them are siblings, so their facial expressions are the same, so its very comfortable for the eyes to see-]

[- Ha I just ate Braised Spicy Chicken, but Unnie ate salad for dinner. Does that make me trash?]

70% of the comments praised Na Sunyoung, 15% liked Sunwoo, and the remaining 15% said, It looks delicious, I want to eat it too.

If he had a family that could be used for publicity like this, he should have said it earlier!

Of course, I didnt even ask.

AhI shouldve taken care of him more. It was too late to regret it now.

Anyway I dont think it went up as a bad thing.

Then should we just leave it like this?

Yejun scratched his cheek and asked.

What are you talking about? Do you know how much it takes to run an hour of a real-time trend ad?

I almost spat out a sound that I couldnt understand, but I managed to hold it in.

Do you have an account that can turn on our live broadcast?

You row when the water comes in. I had to pluck the horns of the iron as well.

There was no plan, and as an idol, it was the first time in my life to appear in front of the public in real-time, but I was not afraid.

Even when Lim Hyunseong was on the show, I knew more than anyone else what to do when I went on a cooking show.

Thats only for the authority Manager Hyung.

Ha Its time to put something on the rice cake right now! (t/n: rice cake means a metaphor to describe something popular and hot like a hot topic, hot issue, or hot information that will catch peoples interest.)

It was annoying that I couldnt get to the platform where I could broadcast in real-time.

All I could do now was access the Climax notice account and post a selfie.

Everyone, hurry up and put on nice clothes and come out. Then I have to upload a video or a picture.

Everyone looked a little bewildered by my sudden instruction, but went into the room and changed their clothes without much resistance.

Then everyone changed out of the loose clothes they had been wearing inside for a while and into clothes for moderately active outings clothes.

Ha First of all, I have to burn the bridge so that the company cant ignore it. (t/n: burning ones bridges means ones determination and attitude that one will not step back anymore in doing something.)

Originally, today was the day Sunwoo was away from home, so I was going to have a slightly high-calorie dinner.

But now, it was the timing for everyone to be obsessed with So what is that salad that Na Sunyoung ate?

The dinner is a salad. Clear the table and sit quietly.

People over 180cm tall sat at the table with faces that showed they didnt understand what was going on.

From the picture that Na Sunyoung posted earlier, it looked like a modified Cobb salad with a lower calorie.

It was my turn to show off an appetizing visual that couldnt be compared to a lunch box with the plating polished in the actual battle.

It took only 15 minutes to complete a table for 4 people, including low-calorie side menus.

Now I just need to take decent pictures.

Since were going to take a picture, lets all pretend to be friends and get together nicely.

When I forcibly put Yejun and Seongwons shoulders together, Seongwon twisted his expression and met my eyes.

Arent you going to smile?

When I glared at him with my eyes that didnt seem to smile, Seongwon raised the corners of his mouth timidly while feeling awkward.

Now, one, two, three. Kimchi~.

Click. With a click and a shutter sound, the first step to lead Climaxs reversal began. Diiscover new stories at