Chapter 111:

Name:Save a Failed Idol's Life Author:
Chapter 111:

“Why, uh, why are you all looking at me like that?”

Why do you think so? Hiccup. Seon-woo tried to act casual with a tense and strained expression.

“Lift up your blanket.”

As Kyunghwa and I stepped forward as representatives and approached the bed, Seon-woo flailed his arms and blocked the blanket.

“No, no! Let me tidy up a bit! The stuff inside spilled out...”

“Stop lying.”

Kyunghwa firmly pulled Seon-woo’s hand off the blanket and yanked it up without hesitation.


Everyone tilted their heads at the unexpected items neatly stored in the suitcase.

“I, I was trying to hide them quickly... but I was too late...”

What was it? It was two green soju bottles and two brown beer bottles.

“Are you a minor or something?”

I knew it was an inappropriate item to bring here, but Seon-woo was an adult.

Even if he acted like a middle schooler, he wasn’t underage drinking.

“I, I’ve never been on a school trip or anything like that... I wanted to feel like I was on a school trip when the PD goes in later...”

With soju and beer? He must have sincerely thought of the stories that were popular among students back then.

“Who brings soju and beer like this these days? You’ll get caught by the teachers.”

Tsk, Yi-jun picked up a beer bottle and clicked his tongue.

“Then how do you do it?”

“You have to mix it with soda or juice and bring it. If you switch it with water, they might check everything, so you have to dilute it with carbonated drinks that don’t smell like alcohol.”

Kyunghwa listened for a while and frowned.

“Do you speak from experience?”

“Um, no comment.”

Yi-jun pursed his lips and looked away. He must have done it and more. I glared at Yi-jun with the same eyes as Kyunghwa and looked at the camera.

“Please confiscate this for now.”


Seon-woo looked at me with pitiful eyes like a squirrel that had its acorn taken away, but it didn’t work on me.

“There will be liquor in the lounge later, so drink some aperitif.”

There was no need to fill his stomach with diluted soju when the chefs of the luxury hotel had prepared aperitifs with a generous budget.


Seon-woo seemed to regret losing his booze and kept twitching.

“Don’t worry, we can drink together later if we have time.”

Seon-woo nodded slowly and took out the contents of his bag one by one.

“Change of clothes, pajamas, swimsuit, phone charger, xylitol candy, oh and this is lotion and sunscreen. I always carry extra sunglasses and masks.”

Seon-woo must have suffered from being known as ‘the handsome younger brother of an idol’ and ‘a positive example of genetics’ even before his debut.

He wasn’t even a celebrity yet, but he was stressed out by people constantly taking pictures of him and recognizing him wherever he went.

He had never thought much about becoming a celebrity. He had planned to inherit the family business of running a small rice cake shop in the countryside.

‘He would have been much happier there.’

I briefly imagined him eating the rice cakes he made with the happiest expression in the world.

‘But still... it would be such a waste to bury this face in mundane and rural life.’

I nodded to myself as I thought.

“Alright, let’s move to the special lounge now and have a quick lunch. We’ll also play a game while we eat. I’ll explain the game when we get there.”

“I don’t know, they were both delicious...”

Then I had no choice but to judge by the intuitive taste of the amateurs.

“Did you feel like any of them was too greasy to eat a lot?”

“Oh, the greasier one was the one with the tendon, I think.”

“Then that one is the sirloin.”


Seon-woo widened his eyes and asked.

“I don’t know the details, since I didn’t eat it. Why don’t you check it quickly?”


Seon-woo nodded his head and raised his hand.

“Correct! The purple plate looks like Korean beef!”

“Ah, I’m full.”

Yi-jun rubbed his slightly protruding abs with a satisfied expression and headed to the fitness center.

“Seon-woo and I will work out a bit and come up.”

“Be careful not to get caught in a weird angle on the self-cam.”

“Am I your lover?”

Yi-jun pouted his lips as if he was hurt by the distrust, but who could trust him? He was the most childish one among them. I was not comfortable sending them off.

“I’ll stop by the bakery cafe on the first floor and then go, so just behave and work out.”

“Okay, okay.”

Kyunghwa and Seong-won were planning to film a content using the jacuzzi on the terrace, so they went up to the room first.

After having lunch and being dragged to the indoor pool, they still had the energy to move their bodies. It was definitely something possible only for the young.

‘I did overeat for lunch and dinner.’

I completed nine out of ten missions at lunch, and the PD, who was in trouble, was still vivid in my mind.

We had dinner at a barbecue lounge that operated as a buffet. Maybe it was because it was a rare opportunity to eat without any limits, but everyone piled up their plates with food as if overeating was their life goal.

Even Seong-won, who wasn’t usually a big eater, brought a lot more food than usual today.

‘It’s not like the food you make is worse than this.’

Seong-won muttered defensively, feeling guilty for some reason. Who cares? I was curious why he brought so much food, so I looked at his plate and saw that he had a lot of seafood.

Seafood was not only expensive, but also hard to get the best ingredients. And... Some people had strong preferences for or against it.

I avoided it because I thought it was too much for a side dish that five people ate every day, except for grilled fish.

Maybe I should try making grilled shrimp or lobster at home later.

With a drink before the meal, we finished our dinner and wrapped up our schedule with the production team.

After the production team left, we planned to film ourselves experiencing the hotel facilities with our self-cams.

‘So this is what we each got...’

Seon-woo and Yi-jun got the fitness facilities, I got the bakery cafe, and Seong-won and Kyunghwa got the hot water infinity pool and jacuzzi.

‘Isn’t it super awkward for two guys to hang out in the pool?’

I roughly guessed what kind of picture they would make. They would probably just stare at their phones in the waterproof bag without saying anything, wearing swimsuits.

I’d rather suffer from the physical attack of Seon-woo & Yi-jun combo than join the introverts’ awkward atmosphere.

Thinking that, I decided to go down to the first floor first, huh? There was someone sitting in a corner of the lounge who looked familiar for some reason.

‘What? Why does he look so...’

I thought for a while and turned off the self-cam.

He was wearing sunglasses, but why did he look familiar? After thinking hard, I finally remembered who he was.