Chapter 115:

Name:Save a Failed Idol's Life Author:
Chapter 115:

[- (A picture of a beggar in the Joseon era who has become a rebel leader and is blowing a horn)]

[ᄂ (A picture of another drama’s beggar role who is walking weakly)]

[- I don’t even have the strength to get angry anymore]

[ᄂ Let’s think positively. It’s better than being stuck in a corner and not sending anything out and being stored away. A new stage comes up every two weeks]

[ᄂ But what about the mental state of the fans? Can I be so selfish and positive?]

[ᄂ ༼; ́༎ຶ ۝༎ຶ`༽ ༼; ́༎ຶ ۝༎ຶ`༽ ༼; ́༎ຶ ۝༎ຶ`༽ ༼; ́༎ຶ ۝༎ຶ`༽ ༼; ́༎ຶ ۝༎ຶ`༽(( ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ )) o0O(Let’s cause one more trouble, Yi-jun)]

[- I really don’t want to be associated with “that fandom” but they keep... sigh...]

[ᄂ They’re probably preparing to terrorize us if our group’s rank is lowᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏᄏ (Thinking about it, this is not the time to laugh picture)]

[ᄂ ᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲᅲI’m going crazy, why is nothing easy to solve?

Most of the opinions were negative. It wasn’t that shocking because it was the expected reaction.

But what made me feel a little uncomfortable was...

‘They obviously think we’re at the bottom.’

It couldn’t be helped. The internal evaluation and the expert review would be reflected separately, but...

‘If it’s a survival show, it’s basically a voting war.’

Except for Playground, which was a complete rookie, the rest of the groups had proven their solid fandom base.

We were the most likely to fail. Inside Rise, there was already a self-deprecating story that we were too weak to support the talented kids.

There was no need to think like that.

I turned off the phone screen with a bitter taste in my mouth and lay down on the bed. In the afternoon, I had a guest appearance on a lifestyle information program hosted by a famous chef.

It was okay to be a little lazy in the morning.

I pressed my thumb hard on my head, which was ringing horribly. Then I suddenly remembered and checked the TOP 200 chart.

[43rd – Drink Me – Climax]

It was still holding on in the 50s.

It had been a week since the activity ended, but I still heard our song quite often when I walked the streets.

Then I realized how amazing this rank was in the eyes of the general public.

Once you get into the playlist of the non-fandom layer, the so-called muggle pick, the rank defense is well done. It seemed that the story was true.

On the other hand, Floss’s follow-up song was barely hanging on the 90th line.

‘Of course, the main activity song is still within the 25th.’

Wherever you go, they play Floss songs by album playlist, so it was natural that the main song rank was that high.

When will we be like that?

I had to reach that level to clear all the quests and go back to my original purpose.

Suddenly, I thought that my stepmother who killed me might die of natural causes before I became a Floss-level top star.

‘Let’s not think weird things.’

I shook my head sideways and threw it away, and eventually went out to the living room.

Seon-woo was PT, Yi-jun was exercising. Kyunghwa had a personal schedule for a cable program and left in the morning, and Seong-won went to the office for vocal training.

He sang so well, but did he still need training? I thought he should be the one to teach, but there was no reason to stop him if he needed it.

The manager said he would pick me up three hours before the afternoon schedule. In the meantime, I headed to the kitchen to clean the refrigerator for a while.

I was busy with variety shows and music shows for a while, so I didn’t have time to clean the fridge.

“Ugh, there’s so much stuff to throw away.”

As I faced the cold air spilling out from the fridge, I started to sort out the wilted vegetables and the expired Greek yogurt. While I was busy with the trash, Pposili and Aeongi came to my side.

“Meow, purr, gurgle...”

I absentmindedly scratched their heads with my empty hand, and Aeong made a happy sound.

If it weren’t for Pposili, I wouldn’t have to take care of this guy at the dorm either.

Did he notice my bitter thoughts? The cat bit my hand that was scratching his forehead.

[Me] Nice to meet you. 10:00 AM

Then I got a cute hamster emoji from ‘ᄋᄉᄋ’, pretending to be cute.

Uh... something that elementary school kids would use, I thought, then remembered that Sim Naru was only nineteen.

‘Well, he’s young, so that makes sense.’

Then Hwijin’s message came up.

[H] I heard a lot about you from Yu-geon. 10:01 AM

[H] I look forward to working with you. 10:01 AM

What did he tell you, Kang Yu-geon? I didn’t think he would say anything good. We exchanged brief greetings and Yu-geon got to the point.

[YOU] Boys Be Ambitious has a fixed schedule for filming, right? When is the filming day? 10:02 AM

As we went through the promotion period, the external variety show filming took priority, so the schedule changed temporarily.

It was easier to fix the appearance schedule during the non-promotion period, so we decided to film on Wednesdays and air on Saturdays.

[Me] We’re in a non-promotion period right now, so it’s irregular, but it will be every Wednesday from now on. 10:03 AM

[YOU] OK, I’ll make time for Wednesday. 10:03 AM

[Me] Okay. 10:04 AM

[Me] Let me know when the schedule is confirmed. We’ll try to accommodate as much as possible. 10:05 AM

There was nothing more to say after that, so the silence naturally came.

Well, we said what we had to say, so we’ll contact each other if we need more.

I finished the conversation and felt hungry.

I decided to have brunch for a change. I had some milk and pancake mix that were close to their expiration date.

Of course, my worries were also about food.

Not long after, I had a chance to meet Hwijin in person.

‘I didn’t expect to meet him like this...’

The production company of ‘Boys Be Ambitious’ decided to make a pre-promotion video to attract the viewers’ interest before the official filming.

They filmed video interviews with each group, and also...

“Hello, I’m P2CK’s leader, Hayoung! Nice to meet you!”

They made a place for the leaders to mingle with each other.

“Hello, long time no see.”

Since I decided to appeal that we had some friendship, I waved my hand and greeted Hwijin first.

“Ah. Hello, Ise.”

Hwijin greeted me with a skillful smile, showing no sign of hesitation or embarrassment on his face. He was indeed a former actor.

“Is this the first time we meet on the same program? How have you been?”

I casually pretended that we had met before, and Hwijin played along.

“Thanks to your concern, I’ve been doing well. I’m really enjoying watching Boys in Crisis.”

I also reached out my hand for a handshake without hesitation.

“I’m also having fun watching your drama these days. You have an amazing sync rate with the original work, don’t you?”

Hee-jin is currently starring in a web drama based on a webtoon. Of course... The quality was... well... something that the kids loved these days, I guess.

It wasn’t made for adults to watch anyway. It was aimed at middle and high school students who liked that kind of sentiment. There was no way it would be fun for an old man like me.

“Oh, no, not at all.”

Hwijin waved his hand with a laugh, and the PD came over to us right away.

“Do you two know each other?”

Exactly. That’s how you do it.

I opened my mouth naturally.