Chapter 119:

Name:Save a Failed Idol's Life Author:
Chapter 119:

I looked in the direction that Yu-geon pointed and saw Seon-woo and Seong-won sitting next to me. To be more precise, they were clinging to my sides with me in the middle.

Before I could answer, Yi-jun exclaimed, “Oh, a flower in each hand?”

“What are you talking about?”

It was no surprise that he said that. The two guys who were famous for being pretty even in Climax had each wrapped a blanket around themselves and held one of my arms.

“I feel a bit uncomfortable...”

As I tried to wriggle out of their grip, Seon-woo grabbed my arm with a cold sweat and a panicked expression.

Seong-won was the same. He didn’t look as openly freaked out as Seon-woo, but his face was paler than usual.

“Why don’t you just go to the next room if you’re both scared?”

I sighed and looked at the distant mountain, and Seon-woo quickly replied.

“I’m not scared at all!”

Seong-won chimed in without backing down.

“Who do you think is scared?”

“No, I’m just hot.”

I couldn’t understand why they had to endure it if they were scared. Why not just go to the next room with each other?

“Me, me too, I’m really not scared at all?”

They both didn’t want to be cowards, and they didn’t care that I was hot.

“Leader... You look so reliable.”

Hwijin turned his head quietly and swallowed his laughter. He barely opened his mouth. Was this reliable? I was just a human heater.

“Are we filming this right now? Oh, then me too!”

Shim Naru, who had been watching from the side, seemed to get some stimulation and quickly stuck to Hwijin’s side.

“If a real ghost comes out, our leader hyung will protect us, so I’m relieved.”

He casually hooked his arm around Hwijin’s and stuck to him. It was quite a sight.

He had changed into a nightgown with small lace on the sleeves that covered his hands. And now that I looked at him, he was even wearing a bunny-shaped sleeping headband.


I lost my words at his unexpected outfit and rubbed my eyes. Yu-geon opened his mouth instead of me.

“You might have a lot to say, but just bear with it. We’re enduring it too.”

“Why! Why do you always tease me!”

Naru, who had been different from us until now, suddenly raised his voice with aegyo and pouted. He tried to show that he was upset.

“Just let it go. There are other groups here too.”

Yu-geon patted Naru’s shoulder with a reluctant expression. Then Naru turned his head with a snort, as if he was a little better.

‘Why did we bring him here.’

I had a lot to say, but I waited for someone to summarize the story.

“Then let’s decide the order first. Shall we start with Hwijin and go around the Floss members and then to us?”

Kyunghwa volunteered to be the host and prevent the conversation from dying.

The one sitting closest to the door was Hwijin, and next to him was Naru, and next to him was Yu-geon.

To be exact... Naru, who was sitting between Hwijin and Yu-geon, had firmly grasped one arm of each of them.

Should I be glad that Naru wasn’t clinging to me too?

But no matter how I tried to think positively, his outfit was a bit of an eyesore.

“Okay. So the order is Hwijin, Naru, me, Seong-won, Ise, Seon-woo, Yi-jun, and Kyunghwa. Is that right?”

Yu-geon confirmed with Kyunghwa and everyone nodded in agreement.

“Okay, then we’ll go around once and then vote on who had the scariest story and decide if we want to go another round.”

If there were only five or so people, we would have to go twice to have enough content.

But with eight people, one round seemed enough.

“Okay, then I’ll start.”

And so, the ghost story session went on in a completely unexpected direction, and the night grew deeper.


Maybe it was because there were more people in the room than usual. Or maybe it was because I slept on the floor heating for the first time. The floor was so hot that my throat was dry and I woke up from my sleep.

The ghost story session, which I thought would be thrilling, ended in a chilly atmosphere.

The only time a scary story came up was during Kyunghwa’s turn, but the timing was bad.


A deer’s cry echoed from the mountain, and Hwijin broke out in a cold sweat and retired.

“Did someone get killed on the mountain?”

Hwijin was at a loss for what to do, and Kyunghwa calmly reassured him.

“That’s not a human scream, it’s a deer.”

Even then, the deer kept running around the mountain and screaming, and Hwijin shook his head and refused to believe it.

This kid, he said he was a veteran. Where did he do his military service?

“No, the sound is too suspicious! How is that a deer’s cry!”

It’s really a deer, I’ll go and check. vs What if it’s a crime scene when I go out?

After a long argument, they opened the door and saw a deer that had come down to the field, chewing on the leftover cabbage that had been picked.

“The Floss leader is a coward.”

Everyone had the same sentence in their minds.

That’s how the awkward ghost story session ended and everyone got ready for bed. As soon as it was quiet, I fell asleep.

Yu-geon and Hwijin didn’t want to sleep with Naru, but when I looked at where they lay...

“Naru must have slept very happily.”

Naru was in the middle, and Yu-geon and Hwijin were side by side.

The sentence ended with a guess because one side of the bed was empty.

“Where did he go again, saying he was scared?”

I got up from my bed with a worried feeling and opened the door. Ugh, a cold wind blew in from the wooden floor.

I couldn’t go out bare-bodied, so I crawled back to the bedroom and put on a coat that was hanging on the wall.

Creak, I opened the sliding door and stepped outside. There was white smoke rising from the yard.


Hwijin heard me behind him and turned around. He quickly put out the cigarette he was holding in his hand.

“You can keep smoking.”

“No, I was just about to get rid of the smell and go in.”

Actors tend to not care about this side of things. They even brag about it on TV like a medal.

As I looked at the cigarette that still had a faint ember, Hwijin asked me.

“Are you guys really that close?”

What kind of question is that? I remembered Yu-geon asking me something similar.

“Is there such a thing as fake closeness?”

It wasn’t on air anyway, so I switched back to a more casual tone. He laughed as if he thought it was a joke.

“So you’re fake close with me, and real close with the members?”

To be honest, it wasn’t a wrong statement. I couldn’t help but get close to them after spending half a year with them.

Right now, I wasn’t just a toothless tiger, I was trying to be a father figure to them.

“No, I didn’t mean that.”

“It’s okay. I’m honestly jealous that it’s not business.”

It wasn’t a good expression to think about what business meant in the idol industry.

“Are you not close with the other members?”

At my blunt question, he hesitated for a moment and opened his mouth.