Chapter 157:

Name:Save a Failed Idol's Life Author:
Chapter 157:

Everyone’s eyes widened at the unexpected result. How did they do it? Everyone was shocked as the score table appeared on the large panel.

[Vocal Winner Group]

[Rap Winner Group]

[Dance Winner Group]

There was only one group that won in all fields: Climax.

Floss, the strong contender for the win, lost in the dance category. AtoX, the next favorite, lost in the rap category. Vesper also lost in the vocal category, so they were eliminated. Playground and P2CK only managed to get one win each.

Everyone looked incredulous at Climax’s unforeseen performance.


Seon-woo, the first to snap out of it, smiled brightly and hugged me and Kyunghwa, who were close by.

“We won the second mission!”

Of course, we were happy, but we never expected to get such a good result, so we all looked nervous.

“We all worked hard for this!”

Yi-jun, who had prepared for the mission more calmly than anyone else among the five, grinned. You didn’t really suffer physically, but you didn’t suffer mentally at all, did you? I felt a bit annoyed, but anyway, I was glad the result was good.

“I’m glad it worked out.”

Seong-won sighed deeply, then watched the four of us hugging each other awkwardly from two steps away.

“Come here, too.”

The camera was filming everything, and if he was alone, there would be rumors of discord or something. I gestured hastily, and Seong-won reluctantly came over and hugged me.

“Okay, the celebration is over, let’s get away from each other!”

Let’s stop now, it’s embarrassing. I shouted awkwardly, and then the whole set burst into laughter.

It could be seen as just luck, but it was the result of hard work that couldn’t be done with luck alone. The priority was to toast rather than worry about the next mission.

“I still can’t believe it.”

I had to get some sleep right away, as I had a shooting scheduled for tomorrow for the third mission reveal, but my heart kept pounding.

“I need to sleep soon...”

Seon-woo seemed to have trouble sleeping, too, as I heard him rustling in the dark.

An unfamiliar room, a strange ceiling, and a faint smell of a new house.

There were too many reasons why I couldn’t sleep.

“I have to sleep anyway.”

All that was left was to wait for the perfectly planned show to air.

A week later. Around the time I started preparing for the third mission, the second mission aired.

There was a gap of a month at most, and two weeks at least, between shooting and airing, so I had no way to express how much I had waited for this day.

Unlike the second mission, which was twisted and complicated in many ways, and the preparation and shooting were troublesome, the third mission was relatively simple.

An external collaboration mission. The basic framework was to prepare a stage by hiring another artist (regardless of type) outside of the group.

From dancers to singers, other idols, actors, musical actors, etc., anyone who was active as a professional artist was OK. Some possible ways to continue the conversation are:

Is it really impossible to rule out that possibility? As I hesitated for various reasons, Seon-woo spoke up first.

“Hey, you know... you’re not going to say something like a curse word, right?”

Seon-woo asked nervously, and Kyunghwa patted his back as if to reassure him.

“Don’t worry too much. Nothing that bad will come out of your mouth.”

As Kyunghwa calmly predicted, the commercial ended and the intro video started.

“Oh, it’s starting.”

Before we knew it, Yi-jun had brought some popcorn and made a crunchy, delicious sound, drawing everyone’s attention to him.

“Where do you get that stuff every day?”

Kyunghwa glared at Yi-jun with a hint of contempt, but Yi-jun calmly scooped some popcorn into a bowl and offered it to Kyunghwa.

“Do you want some, hyung?”


Kyunghwa might have wanted to refuse, but I didn’t.

I didn’t care much, but the sweet caramel smell was irresistible. Sometimes people have to eat junk food to live, right?

Kyunghwa asked, sitting on the sofa with his phone in his hand.

“Oh, I’m subscribed, why?”

Yi-jun tilted his head as if wondering what was going on, and Kyunghwa continued his words as if he was glad.

“There’s something that lets you see the live chat of the viewers in real time, right? Let’s watch it on the smart TV.”

“Oh... Wait a minute.”

Yi-jun fiddled with the app on his phone for a while, then turned his phone to the TV and pressed a button.

Pop, the screen was connected to the phone in an instant, and the TV was linked to the app screen.


It was still commercial time, so only the reactions of the viewers waiting for the program were coming up.

[- It hasn’t started yet, right?]

[- Yes]

[- Yes, not yet]

[- I want to skip the ads]

[- It’s a broadcast ad, so you can’t skip it]

“Wow, this is amazing... I didn’t know there was something like this.”

Seon-woo was amazed as if he was seeing a new thing for the first time, and Kyunghwa explained.

“They said you can only see it during the broadcast. It doesn’t save and when the broadcast ends, it changes from real-time to uploaded, so this is the end of the chat.”

In other words, it was a volatile medium. Maybe because it didn’t leave a record, some people might say something harsh... It might be better not to see it.

I wondered if it would be better to leave now, but we had nothing to be ashamed of.

We didn’t do anything biased or troublesome, and we did our best sincerely. Unless the production team suddenly turned around and made us villains...

I think they used [/Sarcasm Off Mode] as a mockery or a joke when they typed commands like low-speed mode or chat off mode.

‘I’m not going to get away with this without getting cursed at...’

At that anxious moment, the dance group A was the first to start the show, as they were the first group to have their first meeting.

[“Dance group A, you are Ise, right? This is your first day at work. Please wait inside, the others will be here soon.”]

[Guys... when are you coming... (sobbing)]

[“Do you all usually come on time?”]

[No response]

[A crow flies away effect]

Of course, I... asked for a bit of a blunt editing. But they fast-forwarded the waiting time and made it quite comical, but I felt sorry for myself being alone.

[- ?]

[- What the hell?]

[- Where are the rest?]

[- Didn’t you share the schedule?]

[- Where did you go?]

[- Is the leader being bullied?]

Soon enough, the AtoX members joined and they showed the part where they argued over the schedule issue.

[“Oh, but I have a personal thing tomorrow that I can’t cancel, so I can’t come.”]

[“But I can come.”]

The dance group A’s segment, which lasted about five minutes, ended with nothing but schedule trouble.

[- Crazy lolololololol]

[- Wow, I’m seriously going to have a stroke watching this, I’m going to drink some cold water and come back]

[- Are you the only one who’s busy lolololololol]

[- I hate those bastards the most when I do group projects]

[- Their time is precious and mine is not???]

The live chat, as well as the SNS I subscribed to, and the fan community’s flame war, all started to burn in real time.