Chapter 206:

Name:Save a Failed Idol's Life Author:
Chapter 206:

Translator: MarcTempest

Editor: NicoleTempest

Chapter 206 Picked Up on the Way

“Wow, it’s cold.”

Yu-geon, who had covered 98% of his body with a hat, sunglasses, scarf, gloves, and so on, muttered as soon as he got off the platform.

“We’re screwed.”

It was at least an hour’s drive from here to the hotel. He didn’t want to scream and die in a car accident on the icy road that had started to snow without chains.

He wanted to avoid headlines like “Floss K, leader of a rival group, and C, in an accident while traveling together.”

“What do we do now?”

As I sighed a long, white sigh and messed up my hair, Yu-geon asked me as if he was taking medicine in the dark.

“We’re asking for trouble if we drive badly in this weather.”

And I didn’t want to go to the underworld with this guy.

“Then what do we do?”

It was 3 a.m. now. There was no subway service, and even if there was, if someone recognized us while we were riding with this guy... I was already fed up.

I thought about calling the manager, but... it wasn’t enough to ask him to put on snow chains and come to the airport at this time, and he was also accompanied by other team members... I wasn’t too keen on that either.

The only option left was... to wait for the limousine bus, which had fewer users, to start running.

The limousine bus managed by the transportation company was safer than my chainless car... Maybe? Maybe not. There was no other way.

“Let’s wait until the limousine runs.”

As soon as he checked the time, Yu-geon turned around and went back into the terminal.

“Where are you going?”

As I followed Yu-geon inside and asked, he pointed to the inside with his eyes.

“I think I’ll freeze to death if I stay outside.”

Say something and move. I snickered at Yu-geon, who lay down and curled up as if he was going to sleep in a warm place.

Who would think that he was a top idol who was worth a lot of money in Korea? I kicked Yu-geon’s long legs slightly to make room, and then sat down with my hips slightly hooked.

“Wake me up when the limousine runs.”

Yu-geon nodded his head without answering and then lay his head on the floor of the chair and curled up again.

The heater was on, but the inside of the airport was so chilly that I had to tighten my sleeves more, and I still had to endure two hours.

I stared blankly at the ceiling with lights hanging down for a moment, and then I thought of the members who were worried.

‘Ah, I have to contact them.’

As I rummaged through my pocket, my phone was barely holding on with a battery that seemed to die soon.

[Me] I arrived at the airport again 3:42 a.m.

[Me] I’ll be back in the morning 3:43 a.m.

Contrary to what I thought they would be sleeping, the read confirmation marks popped up in an instant.

‘Heck, what’s this?’

You should be sleeping, why are you still awake at this time. As I panicked, Kyunghwa sent me the first reply.

[Kyunghwa] You came back early 3:43 a.m.

I replied hastily.

[Me] Why aren’t you sleeping yet 3:44 a.m.

Then Yi-jun answered instead with a cheerful emoticon.

[YJ] I’m worried, that’s why 3:45 AM

[YJ] It’s snowing outside too 3:46 AM

[YJ] Except for Seon-woo, none of us slept 3:47 AM

I wondered why one person didn’t read it. The youngest was probably snoring in dreamland by himself.

I felt more cute than sad.

[Me] Okay, I’m sorry for making you worry 3:48 AM

[Me] I’ll be careful and go home quickly 3:48 AM

“I’ll get the tickets.”

Yu-geon nodded and sat up straight. It was time to jump into the chaotic controversy again after barely getting any sleep.

“Ugh, I’m tired.”

I finally arrived at the hotel lobby and checked the time. It was exactly 9 a.m. It was either early or late than I expected.

I took Yu-geon to the empty studio and spent a lot of time discussing what to do next.

‘Don’t think of using your father’s matter, just focus on overcoming the crisis for now.’

To solve Yu-geon’s problem, I had to explain why I had to act irresponsibly for the time being, apart from the current corruption scandal of Floss.

It was not enough to reveal how murderous Floss’ schedule was.

The public, including the fans who turned their backs, would mostly react, ‘Don’t you have to put up with that much if you make a lot of money that others can’t make easily?’

If he didn’t get paid, the public opinion would have been completely on Yu-geon’s side, but there was a high chance that there would be a disdainful view as he earned a lot of money.

‘To be honest, I don’t think it’s too... unreasonable to think that.’

It was also true that he made a lot of money that young people in their 20s couldn’t touch even if they worked for a lifetime.

So he had to have more reasons than overwork to convince the public and gain sympathy.

Yu-geon didn’t want to reveal his father’s matter, and I had to persuade him harshly and then comfort him again.

‘I don’t think it will affect your activities anyway.’

Yu-geon’s reaction was reasonable. But if he quietly returned and resumed his activities, there was a high possibility of repeating the previous situation.

For Yu-geon’s better future, I had to clear it up now. I couldn’t go back to the same or worse situation than before because of the reaction of ‘Wow, that guy ran away and came back again.’

At least the mental health of the former was much more stable than the latter.

After a long argument, Yu-geon decided to reveal his father’s matter and that he couldn’t handle the schedule due to the panic caused by the assault of Cha, a member who was unstable due to the schedule problem.

He knew that what I suggested was ultimately beneficial to him. But he was resentful of having to act against his will.

‘Why are you talking informally?’

I wondered if he remembered that time on the way, but in this world, there was no trace of the 100th participant, let alone anyone who remembered him.

I felt the same irritation at his informal speech, even though I had no memory of him. It was natural. After all, we were the same person.

I didn’t answer and turned my head away with a snort.

After dropping off Yu-geon at his studio apartment in a hurry, I returned to the dorm.


...My stomach started to sound the alarm.

Yeah. This was more like me. No matter how busy and tired I was, I had to eat and move.

I opened the door lock quickly and entered. The first thing that greeted me was Pposilii, the dorm’s dog.


“Aw, yeah.”

I didn’t mind his face licking mine and hugged him tightly, placing him on the sofa.

As he sniffed my winter and unfamiliar smells with his wet nose, Seon-woo came out of his room and into the living room.

“Hey, Ise hyung, you came back so soon? Are the other hyungs asleep?”

Seon-woo, unlike the other members, slept soundly at bedtime and woke up on time. He looked confused as he got up when everyone else was asleep.

“Leave them alone. Let them sleep a little more while I cook. I’ll wake them up when the food is ready.”

I hung my coat and bag on the hanger and went to the kitchen to wash my hands.

Let’s eat and think. Ever since I shivered at the airport, I craved a soup dish. It was a bit heavy for breakfast, but... it was cold, so it would be fine.

I decided on shabu-shabu, a dish where I could eat meat, vegetables, and a dessert for Koreans. I washed and cut the vegetables diligently.

“Do you need any help?”

I gladly assigned Seon-woo the task of washing and drying the cabbage, lettuce, and bean sprouts. I put the frozen broth pack in warm water and boiled it.

Outside, the record-breaking cold snap continued and the windows were fogged up.

The sun was fully up outside, reflecting on the snow and dazzling my eyes. A faint drowsiness came over me and my eyes became half-closed.

‘I have to do what I can for now.’

I seasoned the broth lightly and moved the pot to the burner, stretching.

There were more troubles ahead, piled up like a mountain.